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doctorsinister: man....if only France stopped bombing and attacking the Muslims in Libya and Iraq then Muslims would feel no need to take revenge on France like this.

But I guess France likes those Libyan and Iraqi oil resources too much to let it go.
dudalb: Here come the Hipster apologists for the terrorists....
64% of the french people were against militant intervention in Syria afaik.
Between the terms SJW and Hipster I think I'm just going to go ahead and pray for the whole world to explode. :P
MMLN: Well, do you know through how many hands could this passport gone?

Do you know how many refugees were killed, robbed out of everything during their travel from Greece to Hungary/Slovenia/Austria/Croatia by Mafia?

Do you know how many of them were killed and robbed on their way through Turkey? Because of some Europeans politicians saying, that Syrian people will automatically get the status of immigrants, Syrian passports have become very hot commodity in crime underground...
catpower1980: Fingerprints matched between the dead body and the ones registered when he arrived in Greece (saved by the coast guards BTW) and registered as refugee in Serbia. French-only article(source is the official French TV channel):

The passport was fake.

The reporter was able to purchase fake Syrian passport for 2000USD. In just few days. The blank passport used for the forgery was genuine and was stolen by Syrian opposition which raided government offices and sold on black market.

The guy came through Greece, it's true, but I doubt it was Syrian.

EDIT: Two other guys who blew themselves up, had false Turkish passports.
The forger told MailOnline: 'Everyone wants to be Syrian now – because everyone welcomes Syrians.'
Post edited November 16, 2015 by MMLN
tinyE: Between the terms SJW and Hipster I think I'm just going to go ahead and pray for the whole world to explode. :P
catpower1980: Fingerprints matched between the dead body and the ones registered when he arrived in Greece (saved by the coast guards BTW) and registered as refugee in Serbia. French-only article(source is the official French TV channel):

The passport was fake.

The reporter was able to purchase fake Syrian passport for 2000USD. In just few days. The blank passport used for the forgery was genuine and was stolen by Syrian opposition which raided government offices and sold on black market.

The guy came through Greece, it's true, but I doubt it was Syrian.

EDIT: Two other guys who blew themselves up, had false Turkish passports.

The forger told MailOnline: 'Everyone wants to be Syrian now – because everyone welcomes Syrians.'
YEP, and I don't know why you try to reply to it as the article you linked said the same thing which you quoted:
"Fingerprints matched between the dead body and the ones registered when he arrived in Greece (saved by the coast guards BTW) and registered as refugee in Serbia."

I don't give a damn if his passport is fake or not, it's to point out the lack of control in the current migrant crisis (like the stories about afghans claiming they're syrians so they get better chances to get the refugee status).
catpower1980: I don't give a damn if his passport is fake or not, it's to point out the lack of control in the current migrant crisis (like the stories about afghans claiming they're syrians so they get better chances to get the refugee status).
I've got some regular contact to Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Israelis, etc.... through work and today I've heard about posters made by Germany posted in Afghanistan saying (in Arabic) that they shouldn't come here, we wouldn't take anyone.
So Syrians are worth more than Afghans now? How come? Isn't this considered to be racist in some way?
If you're open to refugees, you may set a limit to what you can handle, but up to this point you should take people from anywhere since everything else seems unfair, doesn't it?

Makes me think of article three of the German basic law:

(1) Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich.

(2) Männer und Frauen sind gleichberechtigt. Der Staat fördert die tatsächliche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern und wirkt auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hin.

(3) Niemand darf wegen seines Geschlechtes, seiner Abstammung, seiner Rasse, seiner Sprache, seiner Heimat und Herkunft, seines Glaubens, seiner religiösen oder politischen Anschauungen benachteiligt oder bevorzugt werden. Niemand darf wegen seiner Behinderung benachteiligt werden.
Not saying that it ever wasn't hypocritical.

BTW: Isn't stuff like this supposed to be in here:
Post edited November 16, 2015 by Klumpen0815
catpower1980: I don't give a damn if his passport is fake or not, it's to point out the lack of control in the current migrant crisis (like the stories about afghans claiming they're syrians so they get better chances to get the refugee status).
Klumpen0815: I've got some regular contact to Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, Pakistanis, Israelis, etc.... through work and today I've heard about posters made by Germany posted in Afghanistan saying (in Arabic) that they shouldn't come here, we wouldn't take anyone.
So Syrians are worth more than Afghans now? How come? Isn't this considered to be racist in some way?
If you're open to refugees, you may set a limit to what you can handle, but up to this point you should take people from anywhere since everything else seems unfair, doesn't it?
I don't know how the refugee status is given in Germany but in Belgium, to be recognized as a refugee, you must prove that you're life is in danger in your homeland or region (I write "region" as some countries can be quite big and have multiple areas of peace or conflicts). Actually, it reminds me that Germany declared "recently" (in September or so) that some Balkanic countries were considered as safe and thus, people from there wouldn't be accepted anymore as refugee by German authorities(you could find that back easily I think).

That reminds me too of the story of an Afghan guy who had his refugee status denied and sent back to Afghanistan because his home area was considered as secure. People who work at the immigration office collect a ton of data about every part of the world but naturally, their data can't always be "up to date".

Oh yeah, about the "posters", one our Minister also did a little campaign towards Irakis to prevent them to come in Belgium.
mmmmmmmmm........ Actually, if you dig back articles from early 2015, you can find back some ISIS statements that they will send refugees to swarm Europe with some "undercover" terrorists. Their goal is to apply "divide to reign" as to bring muslims and non-muslims to clash together. The remaining muslims pushed to their limits will have to choose between abandoning their beliefs or embracing the jihad......

The somehow "benefit" (humhum...) of internet is that you can hear both sides of the story so if you've paid attention to ISIS official publications, they're doing their job pretty well..... (alas for us....)

A good example is on Saturday, when in the Britain region of France, the "not-so-white" got beaten up in the streets following some protests. As a German, you know pretty well how the Kristallnacht started so get ready because the following months will be worse....

EDIT: well that was just to say that the two topic are interconnected, sorry if I derailed too much ;)
Post edited November 16, 2015 by catpower1980
catpower1980: mmmmmmmmm........ Actually, if you dig back articles from early 2015, you can find back some ISIS statements that they will send refugees to swarm Europe with some "undercover" terrorists. Their goal is to apply "divide to reign" as to bring muslims and non-muslims to clash together. The remaining muslims pushed to their limits will have to choose between abandoning their beliefs or embracing the jihad......

The somehow "benefit" (humhum...) of internet is that you can hear both sides of the story so if you've paid attention to ISIS official publications, they're doing their job pretty well..... (alas for us....)

A good example is on Saturday, when in the Britain region of France, the "not-so-white" got beaten up in the streets following some protests. As a German, you know pretty well how the Kristallnacht started so get ready because the following months will be worse....

EDIT: well that was just to say that the two topic are interconnected, sorry if I derailed too much ;)
Maybe we should all play some "Papers, Please"
catpower1980: mmmmmmmmm........ Actually, if you dig back articles from early 2015, you can find back some ISIS statements that they will send refugees to swarm Europe with some "undercover" terrorists. Their goal is to apply "divide to reign" as to bring muslims and non-muslims to clash together. The remaining muslims pushed to their limits will have to choose between abandoning their beliefs or embracing the jihad......

The somehow "benefit" (humhum...) of internet is that you can hear both sides of the story so if you've paid attention to ISIS official publications, they're doing their job pretty well..... (alas for us....)

A good example is on Saturday, when in the Britain region of France, the "not-so-white" got beaten up in the streets following some protests. As a German, you know pretty well how the Kristallnacht started so get ready because the following months will be worse....

EDIT: well that was just to say that the two topic are interconnected, sorry if I derailed too much ;)
First, donning my tin foil hat. Of course they were going to send people through, everyone knew that. If you want to move undetected move en mass and with nothing. Contacts were already here and awaiting them.

Pushing the muslims that remain is what lead to our earliest problems with them. Although it was probably only tolerance through the aid of tax. When Spain was muslim it had Christians, Jews and others living in it, and to some extent it appeared that learning and education at the time was rather good for the time.
Then the muslims began fighting amongst themselves, so the Christian leaders waged war through Spain and pushed the muslims out aas best they could.
This lead to the Berbers and Almoravids being called in from Africa and European muslims went from co-existing to utter slaughter of non-believers.

So this really is nothing new. Ideology is just another word for a lobotomy of peace.

011284mm: ...
Sockerkaka: ...
Right. Right. I hear you.
So for our thought experiment. You will be the migration co-ordinator for your country and I will be for mine, yeah.
I will do all the hard work for you too.

I will take people who are waiting at their first safe country. Have all the correct paper work, and fill out all of our forms in full and duplicate. People who neither they nor any of their family to come flag on a criminal records check.
To come in they and all members of their family arriving will have to agree to be finger-printed, photographed and spend three months in a specialist holding facility, maybe even tagged while we do our final checks and teach them to speak English and the laws of the UK. Yes buddy only the one wife now.
If all goes well we will place them and their immediate family in sheltered accommodation and help them to get a job, even if that is stacking shelves in a shop.

I will also enforce the navy to patrol along the coasts of Europe and push all vessels illegally at sea towards the ocean blue. Any sinking ships will have life jackets thrown at them and then their people toed within 5 miles of coast line where we believed they originated.
Anyone disobeying simple orders would be shot. Soon we will see who is really desperate to come to the shit hole UK.

You can have all the others through your open doors policy.
Where you can cook, clean and shelter them. Heck you could even get boats made up to help ferry them over and also make them little maps and mobile apps (I have actually seen all that being done).
You can help them to integrate with the local populace by changing your laws and teaching people to be accepting of others.

And before you say "think of all those you will be leaving to die". Not my problem. The job of migration co-ordinators and governments is to look after their citizens first and foremost. Screw everyone else.

The other part to our problem. Those with discontent within a country, especially those in police "no go areas" (eg. Boroughs in London, Birmingham, Paris and other high "minority" areas around the world), where we tend to see these "poor uneducated and uninformed" being given a hope for a better life, sorry, "radaclised". Well they need to be dealt with. Having small break-away communities within your country is never good. Just ask Italy about the Vatican. Needs to stop. Either by enlightening these individuals into the way of the land they live in, or...
(I will let your imagination run wild ;) )
Post edited November 17, 2015 by 011284mm
it's called eminent domain in the US

All those beautiful people...
Nothing is going the change. Things will go on as usual.

People have very low attention span.

They will be distracted by other things like the newest boob job of Kim Kardashian or celebrity sextape....

...ohhhh look the star wars movie is coming out....
Dear France, welcome to the new 21st century version of fascism. I'm sure your politicians will use this attack exactly like ours used 9/11 to turn the country into a fascist police state. It's bad enough you/we had to suffer these horrible attacks, but then the pols use them to make things even worse. I seem to recall a quote from the Revolutionary War period (US) that goes something like this "Give me liberty, or give me death!" That guy would be considered a radical (maybe even terrorist) today.

Happening all over the world though, so you'll be in good company. Funny thing is the people seem to be okay with fascism this time around, unlike the 1940's when most of the world united to fight against it.

Wish you all the best either way. So sorry to hear about all of this completely unnecessary carnage. I feel so bad for the families involved. Everything about this sucks.
catpower1980: I don't know how the refugee status is given in Germany but in Belgium, to be recognized as a refugee, you must prove that you're life is in danger in your homeland or region (I write "region" as some countries can be quite big and have multiple areas of peace or conflicts). Actually, it reminds me that Germany declared "recently" (in September or so) that some Balkanic countries were considered as safe and thus, people from there wouldn't be accepted anymore as refugee by German authorities(you could find that back easily I think).

That reminds me too of the story of an Afghan guy who had his refugee status denied and sent back to Afghanistan because his home area was considered as secure. People who work at the immigration office collect a ton of data about every part of the world but naturally, their data can't always be "up to date". ...
It's similar here. The devil is in the details though. You can gauge the overall acceptance rate quite a lot (see Japan for example where it is nearly impossible to ever prove you are in danger just because they don't like foreigners a lot there) by how much proof you require, when you accept it, what regions you regard as "safe". After all safety can only be relative, so the decision what is safe and what not is quite arbitrary.

For example what to do if you are not sure? You could say: Better safe than to be sorry. So we do not send refugees back if there is a chance the regions are actually not safe. Or you could say - they failed to 100%, watertight convince us that they are in extremely high danger - so send them back. What do you do? No law can decide this. It will always be public officers who decide after the guidelines defined by their bosses.

You see, it's less the overall-rules which are kind of similar everywhere but more the details, the every-day implementations and practices of the rules that decide the outcome. Don't expect justice but hope for the goodwill of the people where you arrive.

And these things come ultimately from the attitudes of the governing political party. You got hardliners in charge - you'll get deportations at night at gunpoint and all that stuff, maybe a fence or a wall so that you do not even have to start checking the papers.

I think one specialty is in Germany that you do not have to prove that your personal life is in danger if you come from a region where is a war going on. They will automatically assume that every person's life is in danger there. If you ask me a very reasonable approach. But maybe that changes now.

If you build enough soft deterrents you might be able regulate the number of incoming refugee without rejecting those who actually really should get it. I guess this is the general idea at the moment.
Post edited November 17, 2015 by Trilarion