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Darvond: I wouldn't say adventure games are dead again, but rather that this revival helped reevolve them.
PixelBoy: But who is going to make them?

Telltale and Daedalic have been the big names for the last decade or so.
Now Telltale is fighting (possibly a losing battle) for its survival, and Daedalic is cancelling their game projects too.

There will always be some people putting out some indie games, but I don't really see any bigger games coming out anytime soon. After all, what was the last major release that wasn't either Telltale or Daedalic? Broken Sword 5?
Wadjet Eye makes good games.
MarkoH01: I bet it was possible to turn them off for all games even back then. So no need for any hate :)
Not even close, There were 0% ways of turning them off in shteam.

They were just there!
PixelBoy: But who is going to make them?

Telltale and Daedalic have been the big names for the last decade or so.
Now Telltale is fighting (possibly a losing battle) for its survival, and Daedalic is cancelling their game projects too.

There will always be some people putting out some indie games, but I don't really see any bigger games coming out anytime soon. After all, what was the last major release that wasn't either Telltale or Daedalic? Broken Sword 5?
paladin181: Wadjet Eye makes good games.
Meh, I was not overly impressed with Wadjet's recent efforts, and while they've never done particularly difficult or challenging puzzles, they seem to be shimmying away from them too.
paladin181: Wadjet Eye makes good games.
Gonchi: Meh, I was not overly impressed with Wadjet's recent efforts, and while they've never done particularly difficult or challenging puzzles, they seem to be shimmying away from them too.
Oh NooOooOooOooOoo... not more games stripped to the bone, With little giblets of horror elements, The dilemna /Sarcasm

I have the flu at the moment so I've been pretty annoyed the last couple of days.
Post edited September 28, 2018 by fr33kSh0w2012
supplementscene: So is it a case of the genre dying circa 2000 and dying again now? I don't know
MarkoH01: No, it is not. Yes, Telltale started in the adventure game genre but as an adventure player yourself you probably are aware that the games they made since TWD (including this one) could hardly be called adventure games anymore. I dont want to say that these games were bad but imo Telltale created a different genre (which you may like or dislike). However - luckily since we have so many independent devs now and with those new possibilities for them like crowdfunding ect. I would not say the genre died the second time. Many indies have focused on point and click adventures. Big AAA studios are mostly not willing to do them but we have people developing them - so I am not scared to not get enough point and click stuff which still is and probably always will be my favorite genre.
It's an offshoot of the same genre looking to bring in more mainstream audience and very narative focussed. There's talk that Daedlic (sp) maybe walking away from adventure games, which is also concerning. It seems time and again adventure games are moved away from as they aren't commercially viable for larger developers.

We all like bundle bargains but maybe it's a bad thing Telltale and Deadlic games have been bundled beyond belief and anyone can pick up their games for pennies on reseller sites.

The shovelware and indie developers on tiny budgets are now a source of many of our adventure games.

Also imagine what could be done with a good adventure game on a AAA budget. Graphics aside I'm thinking multiple logical puzzle solutions and multiple pathways to achieve goals within the gameplay. IE they could have taken some frustration from the game while adding an open world. The genre could have evolved quite a bit by now but all we really have is alternate endings
PixelBoy: There will always be some people putting out some indie games, but I don't really see any bigger games coming out anytime soon. After all, what was the last major release that wasn't either Telltale or Daedalic? Broken Sword 5?
It's a good point. Supposedly Revolution have an 'announcement' about a new game btw but they've been saying that for ages without making it so it's obviously slow progress and they're probably a bit past it now.

I'm looking forward to this as I enjoyed Kathy Rain and The Samaritan Paradox (again 2 games bundled so how much they made who knows):
PixelBoy: After all, what was the last major release that wasn't either Telltale or Daedalic? Broken Sword 5?
Book of Unwritten Tales 2 from KING Art.

But unfortunately KING Art seems to have turned their back on developing adventure games in favor of some other, more lucrative genres. They developed The Dwarves and are now making the strategy game Iron Harvest.

It feels like the adventure genre is dying again.

I just hope that the "Last Crown: Blackenrock" will be out soon, it's about ten years in the making. And hopefully we'll see it available here together with the mini projects "The Last Crown: Midnight Horror" and "The Last Night".
GOG should contact the developer Jonathan Boakes and make it happen. i would also like to see "The Lost Crown" here, because it's one of the best adventures I've ever played.
Post edited September 28, 2018 by seppelfred
MarkoH01: I bet it was possible to turn them off for all games even back then. So no need for any hate :)
fr33kSh0w2012: Not even close, There were 0% ways of turning them off in shteam.

They were just there!
O.K. - then I can understand the hate. But afaik achievements are switchable now for at least nearly every game.
MarkoH01: O.K. - then I can understand the hate. But afaik achievements are switchable now for at least nearly every game.
How? I've not seen any way to turn them off, I still get little popups for every game I play.
MarkoH01: O.K. - then I can understand the hate. But afaik achievements are switchable now for at least nearly every game.
paladin181: How? I've not seen any way to turn them off, I still get little popups for every game I play.
Same here.

Somebody told me that there is something called Steam overlay which apparently keeps popping up even more stuff it it's turned on.

But for instance, I played GOG version of Broken Sword 5, no Steam, no Galaxy, and annoying messages kept appearing.
MarkoH01: O.K. - then I can understand the hate. But afaik achievements are switchable now for at least nearly every game.
paladin181: How? I've not seen any way to turn them off, I still get little popups for every game I play.
paladin181: How? I've not seen any way to turn them off, I still get little popups for every game I play.
PixelBoy: Same here.

Somebody told me that there is something called Steam overlay which apparently keeps popping up even more stuff it it's turned on.

But for instance, I played GOG version of Broken Sword 5, no Steam, no Galaxy, and annoying messages kept appearing.
No, you need to turn the overlay OFF to disable achievements since without overlay nothing should be diplayed but the game itself.
Post edited September 28, 2018 by MarkoH01
FrodoBaggins: There should be more to a game than just dumb achievements (oooh, I walked 200 steps, yay me, I should get an achievement).
mcnichoj: I'm not sure why you're so hostile over some jpg files.
He just attempted to make a correlation of missing features to a rush job so they can get as much money before their number on the dance floor ended.
Yeah, was just an hypothesis given by the fact that all their other recent titles had achievements, no need to go off-topic.

But if, as Marko said, they are added on GOG only when the season is complete, then the hypothesis does not stand up. Perhaps someone who followed Telltale with more constancy than me can confirm or not if the achievements were added immediately, or only at the end of the seasons.
PixelBoy: Same here.

Somebody told me that there is something called Steam overlay which apparently keeps popping up even more stuff it it's turned on.

But for instance, I played GOG version of Broken Sword 5, no Steam, no Galaxy, and annoying messages kept appearing.
MarkoH01: No, you need to turn the overlay OFF to disable achievements since without overlay nothing should be diplayed but the game itself.
The point was that there are achievement messages within the game itself that can't be turned off.
Sadly this is more and more common these days. They keep appearing even in games that are downloaded from Humble Bundle which doesn't have any achievement system even in theory.
MarkoH01: No, you need to turn the overlay OFF to disable achievements since without overlay nothing should be diplayed but the game itself.
PixelBoy: The point was that there are achievement messages within the game itself that can't be turned off.
Sadly this is more and more common these days. They keep appearing even in games that are downloaded from Humble Bundle which doesn't have any achievement system even in theory.
Yes, in SOME games only the achievements are integrated and you won't be able to turn them off. However that's only true for selected few. Most achievements (including their messages) rely on the Steam overlay / GOG Galaxy overlay. So I can understand when people hate achievements the moment they aren't unable to turn them off - but as said in most cases you can turn them off.

But as I said: We should discuss this in a seperate thread. This one is about Telltale games shutting down and "achievements good or bad" is really a bit OT.
Post edited September 28, 2018 by MarkoH01
It doesn't really bother me at all that Telltale is shutting down. After they stopped making adventure games, I lost interest in them. I'm not a fan of TWD so that didn't draw me in either. I tried out the Minecraft movie, but I prefer more game in my games.

I haven't kept up with them for a while, but it sound like they were very badly mismanaged.