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I'm posting a reminder that if you have the time and you are on Social Media or watching a game play video please post info about GoG to show support. Many people still don't know about this gem of a site. The prices, customer service etc are second to none. Have a great game playing day!

P.S I do not work for GoG lol.
musicman213: I'm posting a reminder that if you have the time and you are on Social Media or watching a game play video please post info about GoG to show support. Many people still don't know about this gem of a site. The prices, customer service etc are second to none. Have a great game playing day!

P.S I do not work for GoG lol.
Gem? My good parson, GOG doesn't even have all the features of FreeGem/OpenGem!

Also, who's paying me to play at marketing/PR for GOG?
Way ahead of you. I push GOG on all my friends. Because Steam needs competition, and GOG is the best other choice out there by miles (or kilometers?)
musicman213: The prices, customer service etc are second to none.
That is a really fun joke, thanks for the laughs ;)

GOG will get my support when they stop pushing for DRM adoption, not before that.
The problem with the OP's idea, even though he is probably well-meaning with it, is that actually to do that will come across as shilling (even if the people doing it are not intending to shill) to the readers of those comments.

And that perception will repel people from GOG, not bring in new customers to GOG.
Post edited February 28, 2024 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
musicman213: The prices, customer service etc are second to none.
I beg to differ.
musicman213: Have a great game playing day!
Thank you, you too.
musicman213: I'm posting a reminder that if you have the time and you are on Social Media or watching a game play video please post info about GoG to show support.
I agree as long as you ("you" as in anyone who ends up doing this) are not constantly spamming a single account, being rude or annoying, stuff like that.
musicman213: I'm posting a reminder... please post info about GoG to show support.
I tried to... I went from door to door in my neighborhood.
"Hello. I want to talk about GOG with you."
But in many cases, I got only hostile responses...

Support all DRM-free stores that have offline installers; not just GOG.
I mention GOG from time to time on other gaming forums, but everyone there is already aware, so my mentions need to drop into the conversation naturally.

In fact I would think that most PC gamers are already well-aware of GOG. It's just that most of them are so solidly entrenched in Steam's ecosystem that Steam has become their entire life, and they can't/won't look at anything beyond.

Oddly, they will buy games from Ubi and Epic, but rarely from GOG. I think a lot of that comes from playing nothing but newer triple-A games. Flashy graphics seem to be a must to these folks.

Which depresses me. I adore old games and Indie games primarily, and multiplayer and lootbox games have zero appeal for me, and I can't understand why more people don't appreciate gaming heritage and games that don't cost 500 million to make. The world has apparently been successfully trained to lust after the Next Big Thing.

Apologies for my wall of text.
musicman213: The prices, customer service etc are second to none.
Prices are often more expensive sale vs sale than its competitors
customer service
Staff may be friendly, but are horribly overtaxed and thus tend to be slow to respond
Well it depends which of "the other things" you are referencing

I know you love this place, and so do I, but you have to be honest about GOG's weaknesses as well as its strengths.