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high rated


So underrated... Hope it'll get enough entries ;p
high rated
New ga!
No level required, ends in 3 days.
Good luck!
Post edited November 29, 2015 by ciccia22
Winner of my Goodbye Deponia giveaway is adambiser.


Please check your won page at steamgifts to get the key.

First, don't worry, it's not bad news. Actually, this should benefit all members. It's about Rule #9 and its chart. So far, it has done its job really well, it helped the group when it was necessary and now the group is more active and balanced between all members. But is not perfect, the possibility that it may limit the number of entries in some giveaways is real and we have seen that in some comments from giveaway creators. Sure, it may also be the matter of the same games in many bundles for a long time (joking :P), but the group is now better than ever, more organized and sharing, and all thanks to its wonderful members from GOG. So it was time to introduce a change to improve it that it should be more useful and fair for everybody, and that is, we're changing the way the chart works.

Until now, we have used the number of "Gifts Received" from SteamGifts and set that with an allowed gift difference, but this is not considering the number of gifts sent in full. Sure, a higher number of gifts sent means a better gift difference, but in some way, is punishing for winning more instead of rewarding for making more giveaways, which should be more important. So, we're changing the chart and use the number of "Gifts Sent" from SteamGifts instead, and setting that with a better allowed gift difference, and also taking in consideration the rules in the group but with a twist, a higher number of gifts sent means you can win more (a higher allowed gift difference). Here, take a look:

0 to 2 ——> –5
3 to 5 ——> –7
6 to 10 ——> –10
11 to 20 ——> –13
21 to 30 ——> –17
31 to 40 ——> –20
41 to 50 ——> –23
51 to 60 ——> –26
61 and more ——> –30

As you can see, this chart is rewarding with a fair gift difference that's easier to improve than the last chart. The first entry in the chart may look harsh, but it's actually using Rule #10 and also, trying to avoid a flaw in our rules that allowed in the past that some members could make 1 or 2 giveaways for the group and stay that way up for years, before they had to leave the group for overleeching.

This new chart is replacing the old one from now on.

As a reminder, "Gifts Sent" is the value of gifts sent after a giveaway has ended with at least a winner, and this winner has received their gift. Also, is only considering the gifts sent in giveaways for this group only. Gifts sent in multigroup giveaways are not considered for this chart (as always has been).

As usual, any comments and feedback are always welcome.
Cheers ^_^

Post edited December 06, 2015 by Azrael360
Azrael360: *** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE ***
That makes a lot of sense, and it will certainly encourage me to enter more group giveaways. Thanks for thinking that through!
high rated
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition
Level 3+ run till Wednesday

Game is in my Steam inventory so if win just accept my friend request and I'll send you the game.

Good luck!
Azrael360: *** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE ***
Azrael, fwiw I like this change. I am almost exclusively a bundle gamer, and am often hesitant to enter the gog giveaways because I want to keep over a 1:1 ratio in the group and it's fairly uncertain whether I can gift bundle games in the group. The positive of that is if it's a bundle game I want to win I might be one of the only entrants so my odds are good, but as we discussed, I'm apprehensive because I'm unsure if there's a taker for my giveaways. I've had several go unclaimed and relisted them in another group due to no takers. I'm just trying to give away games, and it shouldn't be hard. ;-)

In aggregate it's mathematically impossible for everyone to be at greater than 1:1 ratio, so more leeway on ratio is appropriate imho. I do wish there was a way to recognize those who gift the higher demand games with extra consideration - (maybe based on # of entrants for their giveaways or something like that?) they should really be able to win a whole lot of the lower-demand games without having to worry about their ratio so much.

Anyhow, +1 on the change. I agree w/ previous poster - it'll make me more likely to enter for games I have interest in.
Post edited November 30, 2015 by fartheststar
This is a nice change, and hopefully will encourage people to enter for games that they're wanting instead of worrying so much about the ratio :)
Thank marner for both BloodRayne 1 and 2!
high rated
Woke up to a nice change to the rules. This rewards contribution much more than the previous system and will definitely encourage me to enter giveaways for less glamorous stuff, since my allowed gift difference is now much more generous than before.

So, what's the better way to celebrate this? GIVEAWAY! (give before taking...)

Fahrenheit-Indigo Prophecy Remastered.

Key will appear on steamgifts after giveaway ends. Good luck!
high rated
<span class="bold">Spellsworn</span> Open for four days.
Good luck!
Post edited November 30, 2015 by Garrett24601
high rated
One more giveaway...normally I wouldn't offer bundled stuff to the notoriously picky GOG group, but let's see if the change of rules stirrs up more interest. :)
Hospital Tycoon.

Humble link will appear on steamgifts after giveaway ends. Good luck!
high rated
Great new rule, well done!

1 week:
Shadow Warrior Special Edition