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xa_chan: Which shows that you know nothing about Japan. Yay, "three months there and I'm an expert!". I live here since 2008 and have been visiting Japan for much longer and I must say that there are more things done for disabled people here than in my native country, which puts it to shame...

Yeah, because come on, this kind of strange things happen only in Japan. There have never been any sect in Waco or Temple of the sun in Guyana. Cultural stereotyping at its best.
richlind33: Aussie stereotypes are remarkably valid. lol
No we just find it amusing that people think we all wear hats with croc teeth made out of kanga ass, age like a ladies purse and are constantly beset by a plethora of natural beastlies like if our lives are some chuck norris version of man vs wild.
In reality most of us you'll chat to on forums would be concrete unit dwelling lower middle class suburbanites you'd find in just about any multicultural western country.

How i wish we had gameshows like japan does like Vs Arashi and Takeshi's Castle. Australia you suck, you could at least have more survival gameshows.
Post edited August 02, 2016 by MaceyNeil