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UPDATE: We're highlighting some of the most interesting questions and answers from the Q&A! Read up.

Scott Tykoski (AKA ScottTykoski, Mad Scientist) and Patrick Shaw (AKA pshaw01, Stardock Dev) joined us in the forums for a chat about game development, the life on the "set" of Sorcerer King, and everything gaming. Not only did they answer many interesting questions, but even shared [url=]art!

rodzajowo: What inspired you to make the game, and what were the inspirations during production?

Scott: So when we put out 'Fallen Enchantress', one of the systems we introduced were random 'Wildlands' - parts of the world with their own backstory, enemy loadout, and possible boss creature. What we saw in several reviews were that some players were enjoying this part of the game more than the core 4x diplomacy systems. This planted the seed of an idea that eventually became SK - a 4x where it's 100% you vs. the world (more exploration and extermination, less expansion and exploitation). We also really liked the idea of a 4x that built to a crescendo, and a final boss battle against your main antagonist works with the lore, gameplay, and prevents the traditional 'slog' that many 4x matches devolve into.

Lodium: What did you guys used to play back in the day before you went and became game devs?

Patrick: I started working 17 years ago so my list is pretty old. :) I played a lot of Mario, Zelda, and Phantasy Star on the consoles. For the PC, I owned an Atari ST during the 80's and a Mac in the 90's My favorites from back then were Dungeon Master, Alternate Reality, Sim City, and Arena (the first elder scrolls game).

Scott: I grew up a console kid, so my top games were probably Final Fantasy II (4), Super Mario 3, and the original Legend of Zelda. Oh, and I loved Civ1, but mostly to explore and build up my empire. I always lost. At some point I'd be looking for new continents in my canoes when Abe Lincoln would take me out with his bombers. Always had fun though...which is actually one of my favorite parts of SK. From my experience, it's a game where you enjoy even you lose.

justMaku: What has kept you guys in the industry for so long?

Scott: The coolest part about making games is that there's always something new to master. I've worked at Stardock since I was 20, and in that time I've probably done 30 different jobs at various times (AI coding, UI code, gameplay code, animation, concept art, modeling, texture, gameplay design, booth babe, etc.). Never a dull moment :)

Lodium: What do you think about the indie scene and where do you think the industry migth be heading the next few years?

Scott: I'm a HUGE fan of the indie scene, but I worry it's not reaching it's potential. When that fire was lit with Braid, Super Meat Boy, the Behemoth games, etc., it felt like we'd finally see all these new untapped ideas brought into fruition. If the AAA guys couldn't do something, here were devs that COULD do it. Unfortunately a lot of the games coming out from the small teams are still playing it safe (rehashes of gameplay we've all experienced). Of course for every 100 re-skinned SHUMPs, you have something fresh, so I guess that's a pretty good ratio :) I just wish those diamonds had more room to breathe.

DevildogFF: What can we expect next for Sorcerer King?

Scott: We have a binder filled with feedback and future design ideas for the game, and I've been promised I'd get to work on it this year, but that's about all I can say ;)

Read the full thread below to get all the Sorcerer King content or even pop in with your own question and stay on the lookout for future Q&As!

ORIGINAL POST: Have questions that only game developers can answer? Join the team behind Sorcerer King™ for a special Q&A session!

Two guys from Stardock who worked hard on Sorcerer King™ and other brilliant titles from the development studio, are ready to answer all your questions today at 6-8pm GMT.

Before we go on, here’s a few words about our two guests and their involvement with Stardock games to give you a head-start on questions:

Patrick Shaw -- Producer -- Pshaw01

-- 17 years in the gaming industry
-- Has worked on The Sims, the Star Wars series, and military simulations
-- Now producing Stardock’s Galactic Civilizations, Elemental, and The Political Machine series.

Scott Tykoski -- Mad Scientist -- ScottTykoski

-- 15 years with Stardock
-- Worked on design, gameplay code, spell effects and 2D art for Sorcerer King
-- Has worked on just about everything - from Lightweight Ninja (back in his intern days)
-- Now working on Ashes of the Singularity and The Political Machine 2016

Here are some ground rules to help us get the most out of the 2 hours we have with these awesome gentlemen:

-- Not all questions might get answered during the Q&A.
-- Be nice! No abuse, harassment, name-calling and the like.
-- Don’t spam or take over the thread to go off-topic.
-- Try to not repeat questions. Look through the last few before asking your own.

Comment in the thread below to ask all about their life in game development, their work on Sorcerer King, and whatever else strikes your fancy. Let’s get this show on the road!
ScottTykoski: Indies have to work SMART, so it's always cool to see how they do more with less. Instead of hyper realistic mudboxed models with 20k polys, you find visual styles that distilled down to shape and color. That simplicity lets the gameplay shine through, and when it's gameplay that hasn't been explored before, there's nothing more satisfying!
Hm, I got a very strong Arcen games vibe when you wrote this. Its very hard to distinguish nowadays what makes a company an indie.
pshaw01: Unfortunately, we are not offering codes for folks who have bought the game on other platforms.
I was talking about the old Stardock games : GalCiv I and GalCiv II Ultimate Editions .
Post edited January 15, 2016 by Painted_Doll
high rated

Some stuff for the core Kingdom units.

You guys will have to tell me when to stop :) Like I said, I love concept art a lot...perhaps too much. :S
Well, don't wanna be selfish in here, since my question was dearly answered already, but I have to say that Stardock had, to me, three pillars: GalCiv, Sins and WindowBlinds (I'm dead serious).

And all of a sudden I can see that you folks have Ashes of the Singularity - gosh that's how you name a game-, FE, other Sins, Galciv up and running, Sorcerer King, SERVO (this came outta nowhere and it looks amazing!), Offworld and many, many more.
I'm amazed by this superb catalog and you should be proud of it!
Thanks a lot for bringing it here!

edit: and thanks for working with GOG/Galaxy. Achievements mean a lot in this case! :D
Post edited January 15, 2016 by vicklemos
pshaw01: Unfortunately, we are not offering codes for folks who have bought the game on other platforms.
Painted_Doll: I was talking about the old Stardock games : GalCiv I and GalCiv II Ultimate Editions .
I believe you can still download those games directly from Stardock. They just updated all my old GC2 games (base + expansions) that were through Impulse/Gamestop to a GC2 Ultimate keycode that is available to download directly from the Stardock website.
Hello, I would like to ask the Devs if there will be a potential Linux or Mac version or is their primary platform the Windows OS? Do they test their games with Wine?
justMaku: What has kept you guys in the industry for so long? It's fine if the answer is "the pay", I mean, we all do a job for a reason - few people stick around for the cool factor and it must get tiring doing essentially the same thing for 10+ years...

The coolest part about making games is that there's always something new to master. I've worked at Stardock since I was 20, and in that time I've probably done 30 different jobs at various times (AI coding, UI code, gameplay code, animation, concept art, modeling, texture, gameplay design, booth babe, etc.).

Never a dull moment :)
justMaku: What has kept you guys in the industry for so long? It's fine if the answer is "the pay", I mean, we all do a job for a reason - few people stick around for the cool factor and it must get tiring doing essentially the same thing for 10+ years...
The coolest part about making games is that there's always something new to master. I've worked at Stardock since I was 20, and in that time I've probably done 30 different jobs at various times (AI coding, UI code, gameplay code, animation, concept art, modeling, texture, gameplay design, booth babe, etc.).

Never a dull moment :)
It's awesome to work at a place that lets you develop and grow, that's for sure.

Have you ever considered going indie and working on your own thing, maybe with a buddy or two? I mean, it must be awesome working on huge titles, but I'm sure each person has tons of their own ideas as well that just get put in a drawer for "maybe later"s.
justMaku: Have you ever considered going indie and working on your own thing...

Not really - becoming a father has completely killed my drive for risk taking :)

What's cool about Stardock is that, as long as I'm hitting my milestones, they actually encourage employees to go out and work on their own projects.

A few years back I was learning XNA and made a Christmas game for the XBox360 ( Brad liked it enough that he put Stardock marketing behind it and helped release it!

I'll wrap up my self promotion with a link to my twitter account:

OK, back to talking about SK ;)
op2016: Hello, I would like to ask the Devs if there will be a potential Linux or Mac version or is their primary platform the Windows OS? Do they test their games with Wine?
At the moment, Windows is our primary platform.

We don't specifically test our games in Wine.
Post edited January 15, 2016 by pshaw01
justMaku: Have you ever considered going indie and working on your own thing...
Not really - becoming a father has completely killed my drive for risk taking :)

What's cool about Stardock is that, as long as I'm hitting my milestones, they actually encourage employees to go out and work on their own projects.

A few years back I was learning XNA and made a Christmas game for the XBox360 ( Brad liked it enough that he put Stardock marketing behind it and helped release it!

I'll wrap up my self promotion with a link to my twitter account:

OK, back to talking about SK ;)
Will definitely have to take a look at that one, then! Thanks for the thorough answer :)
What's YOUR favorite part of Sorcerer King? A certain character, a stage of the game, a location? And of course, why?
rodzaj: What's YOUR favorite part of Sorcerer King? A certain character, a stage of the game, a location? And of course, why?

I love the rougelike meta-gameplay loop of { Play > Learn > Lose > Repeat }

Its all about building up an arsenal of units, items, and magic then using them in clever ways. Terraforming to block off shards you want to protect. Farming monster lairs to craft powerful items. Teaming up with allies (all with tons of character thanks to our writer Chris Bucholz) to get a new hero. When everything looks lost and you can eek out a victory because you made the best use of all the above...SO MUCH FUN.
Hey folks,
Thanks everyone for the enjoyable chat! Scott and I are off but if you have more questions about Sorcerer King or Stardock we'll get back to them at a later time. Have a great weekend.

Post edited January 15, 2016 by pshaw01
Indeed - thanks everyone! :D