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echo -e "\vNot \vin \vbut \vthank \vyou!"
Sadly, I still can't install Arch complete with a full desktop environment and graphical login without using the excellent wiki - despite having done it several times on a half a dozen different machines. There is not a single currently-working Windows box at my home (and there haven't been any for about 19-20 months), though I have a few Macs and Macintoshes (it seems the official name is now "Mac" while it was always "Macintosh" before 2000 or thereabouts) - among others, my mail server running OS X Server 10.5 on a PowerPC G4-based Mac Mini (which I'm slowly working to replace with more powerful hardware, FreeBSD, a few virtual machines, and give that bundle more diverse roles) - and a couple 3/486 machines running MS DOS.

Not in though, regardless of whether I would be eligible. I already have the games, and have finished them.
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Maighstir
I'll close this one in an hour or so...
ET3D: You want proof? You can't handle the proof!
Did you order the Code Redmond?
Not in, but you rock! :)
Not in, but thank you for doiing this giveaway, +1.
* * * * *

vv221: Oh, and did I tell you that I have a beard too?
Best give it a shampoo and blow dry before you head down the Street Countdown club to gloat as you have WON THE PRIZE!!!

Check your chat shortly, and shout me here if something dematerializes the prize!!!

* * * * *

...and let this be a lesson to all of you - never annoy a drunken ape! O_____o~
Sachys: (…)
Got it, thank you!

Sachys: ...and let this be a lesson to all of you - never annoy a drunken ape! O_____o~
Actually if annoying the drunken ape turns out to pop free games…
Sachys: ...and let this be a lesson to all of you - never annoy a drunken ape! O_____o~
Effective. Now everybody's gonna yank your tail.

As long as you're so sweet, may I jump in for a fellow penguin (still no match for a horny ape):

mchack: [( because of that one drop I did upon joining the forums and reading the hot topics first ;/
I wish there was some period of prescription to the tbbbbob rules. A year of good behaviour makes it ok again or something like that.
Is there any room left in that massive heart of yours to bear forgiveness toward atoned dropper?

Come on chimp, you know how it is. You've been dropping poo on people's porches for years.

Can't a reformed GOGlodyte be excused for that one moment of uneducated weakness?

Do I hear an ice melting?
Congrats vv221. Enjoy the game (I dare you, I double dare you).
This game is like Jack Keane's superhero cousin.
amrit9037: Congrats vv221. Enjoy the game (I dare you, I double dare you).
Thanks ;)
amrit9037: This game is like Jack Keane's superhero cousin.
I never tried (or even thought about) playing Jack Keane, so I’m not afraid (yet).
LoboBlanco: Umm..............that´s not Linux................that´s Tux.
Crewdroog: lol

*throws pie and runs*
You can run but you can´t hide :D

*Hops slowly behind while whistling*
LoboBlanco: Mmmmmhh..............creampie!!!
You can run but you can´t hide :D

*Hops slowly behind while whistling*
That reads like an excerpt from a script for either a really scary or a really hilarious porno.
Congratulations vv221! Good giveaway Sachys! +1.