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actually i was very happy to see that there will be a shenmue 3! but after a small research, together with my knowledle, it seems that this kickstarter project will be a closure to the shenmue story (probably not a good one) but not a real shenmue game, as they just don't have the money for such a project!

first of all there was a statement from sega that a shenmue game development did cost them about 60 million dollars, lets lower this to 30 millions by removing pr and other stupid stuff which no one needs. kickstarter has so far just 3,5 millions. how are they supposed to bring us a 30 million dollar game on 2 plattforms with just 3,5 million?? this won't never ever be a real shenmue game.

there is some talk about sony & sega supporting this project, BUT after reading some discussions on another website, the support consists only of allowing to use the rights. there is no confirmation that sony or sega are going to support the project financially!!!

correct me if i'm wrong.

EDIT: Yu Suzuki On Shenmue 3 KS
Post edited June 21, 2015 by apehater
GOG convinced the Yooka-Laylie folks to back down on their pro-DRM stance. We've sent quite a few messages to the Shenmue people, at this point it's GOG's court to do whatever statistics magic they do that convinces people that DRM is futile.

Whatever they choose, the game will be pirated within the first few hours or days of its release, and squeezing us into some dumb cubbyhole is pointless.
ShadowWulfe: GOG convinced the Yooka-Laylie folks to back down on their pro-DRM stance. We've sent quite a few messages to the Shenmue people, at this point it's GOG's court to do whatever statistics magic they do that convinces people that DRM is futile.
That really shouldn't be necessary for Kickstarters of any kind. :(

It's obvious that the Shenmue people have no decision to make here. Sony makes those decisions for them.
apehater: first of all there was a statement from sega that a shenmue game development did cost them about 60 million dollars, lets lower this to 30 millions by removing pr and other stupid stuff which no one needs. kickstarter has so far just 3,5 millions. how are they supposed to bring us a 30 million dollar game on 2 plattforms with just 3,5 million?? this won't never ever be a real shenmue game.
At the time it was being made, the first Shenmue game was breaking quite a bit of ground when it came to technology and implementing it as an actual game. Developers now have much better tools, education, and examples to draw upon. What was bleeding edge, is now commonplace.
ShadowWulfe: GOG convinced the Yooka-Laylie folks to back down on their pro-DRM stance. We've sent quite a few messages to the Shenmue people, at this point it's GOG's court to do whatever statistics magic they do that convinces people that DRM is futile.

Whatever they choose, the game will be pirated within the first few hours or days of its release, and squeezing us into some dumb cubbyhole is pointless.
My view: it's at least worth a try.

I wouldn't exactly call Yooka Laylee folks "pro-DRM" though, more like "as far as we know Steam == PC gaming so why bother with anything else.

But I do believe we people who talked to them about GOG were the main force behind bringing the game here, and encourage people to contact devs and pubs on a regular basis. :)
MAYBE if more people contacted the Shenmue people it would do some good. They already replied in the negative to me so I doubt it would do much good if I were to push the subject myself.

Just so frustrating.
ShadowWulfe: MAYBE if more people contacted the Shenmue people it would do some good. They already replied in the negative to me so I doubt it would do much good if I were to push the subject myself.

Just so frustrating.
How did you contact them to get a response? I messaged them on Kickstarter and email but never got a response.
tfishell: MAYBE if more people contacted the Shenmue people it would do some good. They already replied in the negative to me
I messaged them on Kickstarter the first day and they responded 3 days later. It might be that they've gotten enough anti DRM letters and responded in the pro DRM stance that they can't be bothered to respond to you, or it just takes them forever to reply due to whatever volume they have.

Maybe a bit of both.
tfishell: MAYBE if more people contacted the Shenmue people it would do some good. They already replied in the negative to me
ShadowWulfe: I messaged them on Kickstarter the first day and they responded 3 days later. It might be that they've gotten enough anti DRM letters and responded in the pro DRM stance that they can't be bothered to respond to you, or it just takes them forever to reply due to whatever volume they have.

Maybe a bit of both.
Mmm, okay.
apehater: first of all there was a statement from sega that a shenmue game development did cost them about 60 million dollars, lets lower this to 30 millions by removing pr and other stupid stuff which no one needs. kickstarter has so far just 3,5 millions. how are they supposed to bring us a 30 million dollar game on 2 plattforms with just 3,5 million?? this won't never ever be a real shenmue game.
Sabin_Stargem: At the time it was being made, the first Shenmue game was breaking quite a bit of ground when it came to technology and implementing it as an actual game. Developers now have much better tools, education, and examples to draw upon. What was bleeding edge, is now commonplace.
isn't the difference between 3,5 and 30 way too high
Vainamoinen: Kickstarter funds indie devs,
Kickstarter funds devs without capital,
Kickstarter funds freedom from publishers,
Kickstarter is a way out of industry monopolies,
Kickstarter funds DRM free games...

...Sony is perverting what Kickstarter is about, all of it. :(
I agree. It seems that Sony is just using the pre-order pre-make system in order to minimize risk. Which, admittedly, is smart for them. Sony's not doing so hot right now.
koima57: Kickstarting!!
The money used in the kickstarter wasn't labeled neither in E3 conference for it's development nor for it's publishing....directly

The first shenmue needed 45 million to get made and it sold badly on the dreamcast (put those two together, it sold BADLY on the DREAMCAST), it needs more than 5 fucking million to make this game, specially since it was made on a powerhouse kind of console with one of the most cinematic visual design you could have ever experienced through your eye holes. (BROKEN AGE TOOK TWO MILLION, of course Tim would have stolen more for development but you get the point, with that visual design you need TWO, with Shenmue.....well, it's over that stimate)

The money was actually stated by the team as it was so that their game could gather interest AROUND PUBLISHERS so they could support their development and SELL THIS. (LOOK AT MIGHTY NUMBER 9 AND DEEP SILVER)

Can we please leave the SUBJECTIVE or HYPE googles and actually critique or analise why is it they did it in the first place through the trailer presented in E3? the game had grittery textures and the character models even though worked with the lighting, the visual facets looked flat on them and they still gived us only a cinematic trailer of all things which of course works with in-game engine but then it's worse, THEY NEED this money so that they can get companies interested in them and afford for further development on this SO THAT WE ACTUALLY GET IT, because if Shenmue 3 was actually published in SONY's platform, they would have afforded the project instead of making them plead the fans through KICKSTARTER OF ALL THINGS to afford the project, unless they might pick it up as people have before said due to what I have said, as they have gathered enough interest through the money of us "the clients" in kickstartes. let's just not hope it's only so that MAYBE SONY can see this game as if it were profitable for their platform as well andfinally sell it, they did had a date for 2016.
Post edited June 23, 2015 by GioVio123