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Vainamoinen: Well, I'll readily believe that the PS4 is the lead platform, and I'll readily believe that the PC version will just accidentally be a little later than PS4.

But of course Sony will take their share from the PC distribution, and are thus interested in a reasonable PC port!
Ha you are an optimist!
the'll be more interested in more people buying ps4 version, possibly make a few people buy their console...
-all as usual.

pc sales share goesto sony? well this is tstrange.
The TL;DR version of Suzuki-san's post is this: Sony's funding is just enough to cover our campaign costs and reward fulfillment expenses. This allows for 100% of the money we raise on Kickstarter to go solely to development of the game.

So, there you have it.
There will be no PC "port". PC is THE version which then get`s ported to PS4 from what I read.
They would probably be released more or less at the same time.
Post edited June 25, 2015 by Xscape2041
vemin: Sony involvement is a bad sign. They obviously care only about their platform and make everithing they can do to gimp the game on other platforms. look at the batman arkhan knight crappy pc port we got - main reason here is that publisher just didnt give money for a proper one. they simply wanted to reduce costs...
Here is the different story - this guys will have money from kickstarter and unknown amount of money from sony (that can be spent onlyon ps4 version) - do you guys see where this is going?

in the worst case scenario they'll simply run out of money so only ps4 version will make it to release. others get pre-alfa builds..

in the best case scenario... well. ps4 vesrion will have best effects/grafix.

the main benefit from kickstarter is to be independent from will of big compnies and it is clearly not this case.

p.s. -seriously? no drm-free version? glad i didnt give them a penny.

I noticed this link when I got up this morning. I've never thought of it this way but it makes sense. Sony is helping and in exchange the game cannot be on other consoles. Kinda makes sense.

I truly hope they don't mess up that PC port because Arkham Knight is a mess. Then again as I understand the PS4 version is mostly DLC so a lot of people were boycotting it from the jump. Speaking of DLC I wonder if Suzuki ever considered it? He's going for the Full Monte right now but maybe it'd help to release some more as DLC later on down the road depending on sales?

The DRM and it not being on Mac is what's keeping my money in my pocket right now. The remasters are still an issue but I may be willing to overlook that in the long run. Did ya'll know that a Shenmue Undub was released a year ago? Finally we can be free of those horrible English voices which I hope will change with Shenmue III.

" Yu Suzuki on Twitch this Friday

Hello Shenmue Fans and soon to be Shenmue Fans!

Yu Suzuki will be doing a Twitch stream on Friday, June 26 at 7:00PM PDT (Saturday, June 27 2:00AM GMT).

There is lots of Shenmue to talk about, so look for the Twitch Channel link to be posted with the Update tomorrow.

Until then!"

According to the latest Kickstarter update he'll be on Twitch tomorrow but I'm seriously doubting we'll get any new information or anything out of him. At this point the only thing I want to hear is "other consoles and remasters".
Post edited June 25, 2015 by NVash
apehater: if i got it right, this basically means no money from sony for shenmue 3!
Vainamoinen: Sorry, but no, the text is explicitly an acknowledgement of Sony's financial support.
sorry to be the pesimistic one, but this statement

"Sony and Shibuya Productions have been wonderful partners because they believe in Shenmue and want to see the best for the fans and the game. Their investment in (and support of) Shenmue have helped to realize a sequel that will stand proud with its predecessors. While it is not business practice to discuss the specific details of such arrangements, their assistance on the production and marketing end, and in Sony’s case with some publishing support, Ys Net is able to use more of the money collected through Kickstarter purely for Shenmue 3’s development. It is also important to note that your funds are going strictly to Ys Net for development of Shenmue 3 – Sony and Shibuya Productions are not seeing a cent of your Kickstarter dollars."

is enough for me to conclude that they don't have significant funds outside of kickstarter. i just hope that they'll get at leat 15 millions together!
lets go!!!!
New stretch goals revealed!!!!!!
And dont forget Yu Suzukis twitch
Post edited June 26, 2015 by pagio12000
pagio12000: lets go!!!!
New stretch goals revealed!!!!!!
and dont forget yu suzukis twitch
Those stretch goals are crazy. Even the backers know that even considering $10mill at this point is ridiculous but somehow he found the need to unveil stretch goals up to $11mill. And guess what folks, they aren't anything people really want! More villages! More villages expanded! More mini-games! What? Physical PS4 disc? What is that? Those backers willing to double what they've put if only we'd offer it? That's nice. We don't need their money. Remasters? Shenmue I and II in HD? Sorry that's impossible no matter how much we raise. Other consoles? We're going to be mum on that subject but probably not going to happen. However please throw us money to further the villages and mini-games!

This has to be a joke.

As a Shenmue fan I can only shake my head in disgust. This isn't a matter of getting Shenmue III anymore. This is a matter of wasting money for silly stretch goals when the money could be going towards stuff that people actually want. Backers are literally talking about doubling their money put in if only physical PS4 discs were an option. Why aren't they a stretch goal? Why is he so insistent upon all these mini-games and whatnot? Does he not care what the fans want?
Post edited June 26, 2015 by NVash
Well physical ps4 maybe not be an option sony probably funding all the ps4 related things.
As for the stretch goals yes they are way up but these will make our shenmue expirience more unique
i hope the game will reach 6 mill
GoGers how can we convince them to make a DRM free version? Should many of us write the same comment that we want it on at the same time in the comments section?

I am sure there are many out that havent pledged yet because it is either not released on Mac, Linux, without DRM or on other consoles. Because of Sony's involvment I think other consoled wont be possible but Mac, Linux and DRM free should be at least stretch goas.
kassj0peja: GoGers how can we convince them to make a DRM free version? Should many of us write the same comment that we want it on at the same time in the comments section?

I am sure there are many out that havent pledged yet because it is either not released on Mac, Linux, without DRM or on other consoles. Because of Sony's involvment I think other consoled wont be possible but Mac, Linux and DRM free should be at least stretch goas.
I am one of those holding my cash for that very reason. I have no idea what we can do. It seems like those on the Kickstarter are more interested in PS4 physical discs. Reddit is just plain trying to raise money to get it no matter what stipulations. I've no idea who we could talk to nor what we can do.
Why dont we have the originals here? Also why no Life is Strange on here too?
ericmachado70: Why dont we have the originals here? Also why no Life is Strange on here too?
As far as I'm aware the PC versions were never released. That's another thing some people are asking for but apparently Sega owns them and won't release them for one reason or another. At this point it's sheer stupidity because at this point they're losing guaranteed money. The only ones that will see a profit from this are people on EBay and Gamestop who will no doubt jack up the prices on the originals.
NVash: snip
i thought the originals were only for the dreamcast? and that went bust years ago so i agree with you on that , that they are losing on potential money
kassj0peja: GoGers how can we convince them to make a DRM free version? Should many of us write the same comment that we want it on at the same time in the comments section?

I am sure there are many out that havent pledged yet because it is either not released on Mac, Linux, without DRM or on other consoles. Because of Sony's involvment I think other consoled wont be possible but Mac, Linux and DRM free should be at least stretch goas.
NVash: I am one of those holding my cash for that very reason. I have no idea what we can do. It seems like those on the Kickstarter are more interested in PS4 physical discs. Reddit is just plain trying to raise money to get it no matter what stipulations. I've no idea who we could talk to nor what we can do.
My advice would be to comment and message the developers as much as you can and get others to do the same. Something more organized would be ideal, but I'm not sure that's realistic, especially since you have to pledge to comment. Pledges can always be cancelled before the Kickstarter ends.
NVash: snip
ericmachado70: i thought the originals were only for the dreamcast? and that went bust years ago so i agree with you on that , that they are losing on potential money
Yes and No. Shenmue I was on Dreamcast and Shenmue II was on XBox. Those I know about and own. There was also a PAL version of Shenmue II released on Dreamcast. I believe the XBox version was a remake. I do not own that but I have played it. The sub voices are awesome. But reading into this I've found out about other versions such as a rumored PC version. I'm not sure if it was a remaster or not but supposedly there's a PC version of both games ready to be released but Sega never released them for some reason. I don't know much more than that.

NVash: I am one of those holding my cash for that very reason. I have no idea what we can do. It seems like those on the Kickstarter are more interested in PS4 physical discs. Reddit is just plain trying to raise money to get it no matter what stipulations. I've no idea who we could talk to nor what we can do.
MrFortyFive: My advice would be to comment and message the developers as much as you can and get others to do the same. Something more organized would be ideal, but I'm not sure that's realistic, especially since you have to pledge to comment. Pledges can always be cancelled before the Kickstarter ends.
I thought about it and it's a good idea but man they aren't even listening to those who already pledged who are begging for a PS4 physical release. I figure common sense says to have the physical release as a stretch goal but what do we get? More islands and mini-games. It makes a man want to throw his arms up and scream.
Post edited June 26, 2015 by NVash