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Threaten me all you like poor devs because i will still not buy your game from Epic Store that care nothing for user friendliness and now i'm actually losing more and more interest because of your pathetic responses, fuck you ! i would end your business had i the power.

Shame because i loved the franchise and liked 4A Games up to this point despite some rocky desicions by Deep Silver in the past regarding selling Ranger Hardcore mode as DLC, still i will not pirate your game just ignoring.
Post edited February 03, 2019 by ChrisGamer300
low rated
lumengloriosum: Some games on Steam don't need Steam to Launch.
So ?

The move to make Metro Exodus an exclusive was done by Koch Media (THQ Nordic AB). THQ Nordic Ghd and 4A games didn't know about the decision until it was finalized.

CraigGen_1970: Off all the 3 games I own from Epic's store, none of them require the Epic Client to be loaded, or even the internet to be available. You simply create a short-cut to executable and add "-EpicPortal" to the end of the shortcut. Sure, you need a account, and to purchase them, but thats it. Can you do this with Steam games ? None of mine can, they all require the client to be loaded.

Subnautica, runs and looks fantastic. Didn't need the client running, or a internet connection. I have put over 50 hours into this, and it's been great, stable, and no problems whatsoever. If this continues, I can't see a problem with Epic's Store.
I've heard that the developers recently added DRM into the game making it unable to play without an internet connection. The Epic Game's Store policy is similar to Steam whereby a game can or doesn't contain DRM, on behalf of the developers.
Post edited February 03, 2019 by OmegaInfinityX
low rated

The move to make Metro Exodus an exclusive was done by Koch Media (THQ Nordic AB). THQ Nordic Ghd and 4A games didn't know about the decision until it was finalized.

CraigGen_1970: Off all the 3 games I own from Epic's store, none of them require the Epic Client to be loaded, or even the internet to be available. You simply create a short-cut to executable and add "-EpicPortal" to the end of the shortcut. Sure, you need a account, and to purchase them, but thats it. Can you do this with Steam games ? None of mine can, they all require the client to be loaded.

Subnautica, runs and looks fantastic. Didn't need the client running, or a internet connection. I have put over 50 hours into this, and it's been great, stable, and no problems whatsoever. If this continues, I can't see a problem with Epic's Store.
OmegaInfinityX: I've heard that the developers recently added DRM into the game making it unable to play without an internet connection. The Epic Game's Store policy is similar to Steam whereby a game can or doesn't contain DRM, on behalf of the developers.
I downloaded it yesterday, after wiping my HD and moving most of my games to a new bigger HD. There was no DRM in the game. It was exactly how it first was when I first downloaded it last year. Do you have a link to say where the devs added DRM ?

The move to make Metro Exodus an exclusive was done by Koch Media (THQ Nordic AB). THQ Nordic Ghd and 4A games didn't know about the decision until it was finalized.

I've heard that the developers recently added DRM into the game making it unable to play without an internet connection. The Epic Game's Store policy is similar to Steam whereby a game can or doesn't contain DRM, on behalf of the developers.
CraigGen_1970: I downloaded it yesterday, after wiping my HD and moving most of my games to a new bigger HD. There was no DRM in the game. It was exactly how it first was when I first downloaded it last year. Do you have a link to say where the devs added DRM ?
I've heard it from someone in the ResetEra forums today. I have yet to test whether that statement was correct.
Post edited February 06, 2019 by OmegaInfinityX
OmegaInfinityX: The move to make Metro Exodus an exclusive was done by Koch Media (THQ Nordic AB). THQ Nordic Ghd and 4A games didn't know about the decision until it was finalized.
How did they not know? Surly the parent company has to be asked permission for move like this?
lumengloriosum: Some games on Steam don't need Steam to Launch.
CraigGen_1970: So ?
So it's hardly an argument to make when Steam can and does allow the same thing.
firstpastthepost: While I'm not a fan of exclusive releases in general, I have less of an issue with a time limited exclusive release. Waiting a year for a game to be released elsewhere isn't onerous. There isn't a single game that's been released in years that I've even considered buying on release day. Why would I when I know if I wait I'll be able to get it for 5 to 10 bucks in a few years? Hell, I won't buy Witcher 3 cause I know eventually I'll get a free copy here if I just wait.

I do view platform exclusive releases and DRM as being anti-consumer, but I also don't take it personally or get upset about it. I just don't buy those products. It's not like there isn't a glut of gaming content on the market already.
blotunga: Come on, don't be such a cheapo. The Witcher 3 is worth at least at 75%off if you can't afford full price. And I don't think they'll give it away for free that soon. They can give away stuff like the Adventure Game and Thronebreaker before giving away their crown jewel.
It has nothing to do with being cheap. It has to do with a logical conclusion to me. If I know that eventually I will get something for free then why would I spend money on it? I really don’t see why anyone would, it simply becomes wasting money for lack of patience. That’s not to say I think the game isn’t worth spending money on, just that I won’t spend money if I don’t have to. I can wait.
low rated
CraigGen_1970: So ?
lumengloriosum: So it's hardly an argument to make when Steam can and does allow the same thing.
For a handful of games, compared to the thousands that don't allow you.
CharlesGrey: To be fair, while I agree that forced exclusives are generally crap from a customer's point of view, most of GOG's exclusives are games which wouldn't even be officially available for sale, if GOG hadn't put in the effort to bring em back.
amok: and then they FORCE your to buy them from here. clearly this is anti-consumerist practice?

(but other games as well, some had timed exclusivity and such, which are not old or "made available by gOg". that Warlock game, or what it was called, for example).

Bottom line, complaining about exclusivity on other stores, but ignoring the same on gOg is having double standards.
I agree in general but if GoG put in proprietary work to get a game to play on modern systems that other distributors have not then it makes sense for the game to be sold exclusively. The option then becomes giving the fixed version to the publisher with GoG proprietary work to be sold on other store fronts or the publisher selling broken versions elsewhere. Neither of those options is good for GoG and selling broken games isn’t good for consumers.
blotunga: Come on, don't be such a cheapo. The Witcher 3 is worth at least at 75%off if you can't afford full price. And I don't think they'll give it away for free that soon. They can give away stuff like the Adventure Game and Thronebreaker before giving away their crown jewel.
firstpastthepost: It has nothing to do with being cheap. It has to do with a logical conclusion to me. If I know that eventually I will get something for free then why would I spend money on it? I really don’t see why anyone would, it simply becomes wasting money for lack of patience. That’s not to say I think the game isn’t worth spending money on, just that I won’t spend money if I don’t have to. I can wait.
Let me put it this way: I have waited for some Telltale games to be 80% off at least as they usually get after a while. Now it's likely that they either will disappear or I will cough up full price. If everyone would think like you, CDPR would close down and then there would be no more games like The Witcher 3. I bought both the 1st and 2nd exactly because of this. I want them to keep on making great games.
To make the things "funnier", some guy claiming himself as developer from 4A Games said if the playersboycott the game, then the next one won't be at the PC.
amok: so what you are saying that this a concern that applies to only certain types of games but not to others?

"monopoly is fine, unless it is something I want"
Johnathanamz: No person here is saying a monopoly is fine.

We or at least what I am reading on the forums is that most of us PC gamers want all PC versions of video games to be released for sale on,,, Origin, Steam, uPlay, and any other 3rd party website selling PC versions of video games on the internet like or whatever, etc and as well as the video game developers selling the video games on their own websites.

I am not sure where you see a person here saying they want a video game sold exclusively one one digital distribution retailer service or the other on the internet.

We are asking for FREEDOM OF CHOICE WHERE WE WANT TO PURCHASE THE PC VERSIONS OF VIDEO GAMES FROM. Not to be forced to have them be sold in one place only.
So where where you when Project Warlock was released exclusively on gOg? Where is my freedom of choice to buy Forgotten Realms games? Why did you not make a thread about any of these or other games?
v1989: To make the things "funnier", some guy claiming himself as developer from 4A Games said if the playersboycott the game, then the next one won't be at the PC.
dev can't decide shit there or this sauce would not need to have a shitload of publishers attached to it.
better self-publish then come back to do the big talk. until then, get back to the grindstone, little cog.
in other words:
geez trollers are so stupid nowadays.

* grabs popcorn *
deja65: These guys at Koch Media must be really confident about Epic when they think that they will have a higher profit margin from a small store that still is in its infancy and pulling d*** moves like this,compared to the huge Steam population.I wonder how much money Epic dumped on those guys... Chers
small store? i'm guessing it has more customers than gog right now
Post edited February 03, 2019 by AlienMind
StingingVelvet: No one cared when Steamworks had exclusives out the ying-yang. This all boils down to people wanting all games to be centralized on one service
This guys' dead on the money. People are big fat phonies.
Post edited February 03, 2019 by AlienMind