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low rated
richlind33: Something wrong with nuking Israel and Saudi Arabia?
pimpmonkey2382.313: Would there have been something wrong if your mother had aborted you?
tinyE: *checks watch*

Man, I knew this thread was gonna turn into a Klan rally but I didn't think this quickly!

Impressive! :D
pimpmonkey2382.313: GOG's new tagline: "Come for the games, stay for the book burnings."
Well, I'm outta this one. :P It's not even the subject that bothers me, it's the fucking predictability of it. Did anyone honestly think for a second this thread wouldn't turn into this bullshit hate monger fest within a few hours of being started? :P
low rated
pimpmonkey2382.313: Would there have been something wrong if your mother had aborted you?

GOG's new tagline: "Come for the games, stay for the book burnings."
tinyE: Well, I'm outta this one. :P It's not even the subject that bothers me, it's the fucking predictability of it. Did anyone honestly think for a second this thread wouldn't turn into this bullshit hate monger fest within a few hours of being started? :P
yeah I tried to turn it into an off topic thread, but the blazing racists can't resist the topic.
richlind33: Something wrong with nuking Israel and Saudi Arabia?
pimpmonkey2382.313: Would there have been something wrong if your mother had aborted you?
tinyE: *checks watch*

Man, I knew this thread was gonna turn into a Klan rally but I didn't think this quickly!

Impressive! :D
pimpmonkey2382.313: GOG's new tagline: "Come for the games, stay for the book burnings."
In all of human history, none have been more racist than the Zionists. Do you think it was coincidence that there closest ally was South Africa under Apartheid?

As for klan rallies, I don't believe that there's more than one human race.
low rated
pimpmonkey2382.313: Would there have been something wrong if your mother had aborted you?

GOG's new tagline: "Come for the games, stay for the book burnings."
richlind33: In all of human history, none have been more racist than the Zionists. Do you think it was coincidence that there closest ally was South Africa under Apartheid?

As for klan rallies, I don't believe that there's more than one human race.
Such Einstenian genius. Learn that in Nuremburg?


"No one more racist than zionists"

"There's no such thing as races."
Post edited July 22, 2016 by pimpmonkey2382.313
pimpmonkey2382.313: Would there have been something wrong if your mother had aborted you?

GOG's new tagline: "Come for the games, stay for the book burnings."
tinyE: Well, I'm outta this one. :P It's not even the subject that bothers me, it's the fucking predictability of it. Did anyone honestly think for a second this thread wouldn't turn into this bullshit hate monger fest within a few hours of being started? :P
Do you have to be such a whiny, ignorant bitch, tiny?

And yes, that is a rhetorical question. Good day.
Doesn't Russia have oil reserves of its own? Obviously not as much as Saudi Arabia, but more than the average amount of zero?

As to other stuff, I don't think Putin's that afraid of Iran to support Saudi Arabia and risk ISIS expanding. Its also strange to see SA desperate to stop Russia from supporting Assad at the risk of some friction with the US.
nightcraw1er.488: But if Putin stops supporting Assad, he will become Sosad?

(well it was either that or an olympic pun!)
I noticed your semantic jest.
Post edited July 22, 2016 by Shadowstalker16
richlind33: In all of human history, none have been more racist than the Zionists. Do you think it was coincidence that there closest ally was South Africa under Apartheid?

As for klan rallies, I don't believe that there's more than one human race.
pimpmonkey2382.313: Such Einstenian genius. Learn that in Nuremburg?


"No one more racist than zionists"

"There's no such thing as races."
So why do you think David Ben-Gurion and the Labor Zionists were propping up the Nazi government at the same time that millions of Jews around the world were boycotting it in an effort to kill it?
Lin545: ...
given the experience that russia did get in the 90s from collaborating with the western european countries, the usa and the fact that saudi arabia is just a satellite state of usa, i'd say that russia will only lose if it accepts the "huge benefits".
Putin has no reason to accept this. Throughout 2016, petrol oil production alone in Russia was almost double the quantity from that in Saudi Arabia. Main bargaining tool and gambling asset of Saudi Arabia is petrol oil, so this is so very "meh"...

Suddenly, i started to like Assad even more, out of the blue. Maybe, indeed the garments make the man, at the end of the day.
Post edited July 22, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Putin has no reason to accept this. Throughout 2016, petrol oil production alone in Russia was almost double the quantity from that in Saudi Arabia. Main bargaining tool and gambling asset of Saudi Arabia is petrol oil, so this is so very "meh"...

Suddenly, i started to like Assad even more, out of the blue. Maybe, indeed the garments make the man, at the end of the day.
Saudi Arabia is a paper tiger, nothing but desert, take away the oil and they're economy is practically nothing. Also oil wealth has made them into a soft nation, no one pays taxes, everyone gets cushy government jobs (in which they turn up to work and leave whenever they like). When the oil starts to run out (or a newer energy source is found) they're basically screwed.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Putin has no reason to accept this. Throughout 2016, petrol oil production alone in Russia was almost double the quantity from that in Saudi Arabia. Main bargaining tool and gambling asset of Saudi Arabia is petrol oil, so this is so very "meh"...

Suddenly, i started to like Assad even more, out of the blue. Maybe, indeed the garments make the man, at the end of the day.
Why do the US a favor when it's sticking it to you every way that it can?
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Putin has no reason to accept this. Throughout 2016, petrol oil production alone in Russia was almost double the quantity from that in Saudi Arabia. Main bargaining tool and gambling asset of Saudi Arabia is petrol oil, so this is so very "meh"...

Suddenly, i started to like Assad even more, out of the blue. Maybe, indeed the garments make the man, at the end of the day.
Crosmando: Saudi Arabia is a paper tiger, nothing but desert, take away the oil and they're economy is practically nothing. Also oil wealth has made them into a soft nation, no one pays taxes, everyone gets cushy government jobs (in which they turn up to work and leave whenever they like). When the oil starts to run out (or a newer energy source is found) they're basically screwed.
Ghawar is a very old field, and they've stopped playing swing producer. I'd say that probably means they're starting to run out, or very close to it.
Honestly Russia only supports Assad because Russia has a economically and militarily strategic port in Syria.
I doubt Putin supports him because he honestly likes the guy.

If the FSA or any other group can offer Russia a better deal about that port, Putin would dump Assad's ass so quickly.
Lord_Kane: Honestly Russia only supports Assad because Russia has a economically and militarily strategic port in Syria.
I doubt Putin supports him because he honestly likes the guy.

If the FSA or any other group can offer Russia a better deal about that port, Putin would dump Assad's ass so quickly.
What good is a deal when the people you're dealing with can't be trusted?
Lord_Kane: Honestly Russia only supports Assad because Russia has a economically and militarily strategic port in Syria.
I doubt Putin supports him because he honestly likes the guy.

If the FSA or any other group can offer Russia a better deal about that port, Putin would dump Assad's ass so quickly.
richlind33: What good is a deal when the people you're dealing with can't be trusted?
I dont think Russia trusts assad that much either