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Black Book is another Russian game. Based on Permian folklore.
stateperson: In my view this should be GOG's task in the 1st place, not mine, every developer/publisher should be tagged and re-tagged on changes by someone independent. What if somebody wants to support local developers in, I don't know, Argentina? People should have choice. Isn't it??? A good idea to use my list as a clue, not the ultimate resolution; The way how one uses is their own, I won't judge, nor I can really.
I don't really have these nationalist ideas about game purchasing and I'm not sure GOG do either. From my perspective the Russia boycott is more about not adding money via taxes to Putin's war machine.
Rating-attacking the OP is not alright. Is itacting on pure emotions, seeing word Russia and attack without second thought? Everyone has the right to know the origin, have more options, not less. Are you going offrage on knowing your juice made in Mexico as well? The OP did not said to boycott any country, on the contrary they care a lot about people being able to know more, and wants to simply freeze updates to oneself for conservation reasons. To rate-attack a person for this makes no logical sense. Be above this, stay objective.

StingingVelvet: I don't really have these nationalist ideas about game purchasing
Let's be real: Every product in a real store has "Made in." Do you come to your real store and lowering people down for being honest on where the products are made? The OP provides an option, nothing else. We the customers have the right to know, it's not up to debate and it is totally OK to exist.

New records:
King's Bounty II
Post edited August 26, 2022 by Fulqrumoff
Orkhepaj: whats the point of this?

This idiot probably goes around claiming equality and blabs about skin color privilege yet discriminates against a group of people simply because they were born in a country by chance OP doesn't like.

This is what happens when you allow communists to overtake institutions that were supposed to be for education instead of "Group Think" indoctrination.

If Russians were of darker skin tone you wouldn't hear a peep from this guy, but since he's been radicalized by a Intelligence Agency Media and "education".....

Well, the OP's lack of common sense is the result.
Post edited August 26, 2022 by Flesh420.613
Pandora's Box
Flesh420.613: Radicalization.

This idiot probably goes around claiming equality and blabs about skin color privilege yet discriminates against a group of people simply because they were born in a country by chance OP doesn't like.

This is what happens when you allow communists to overtake institutions that were supposed to be for education instead of "Group Think" indoctrination.

If Russians were of darker skin tone you wouldn't hear a peep from this guy, but since he's been radicalized by a Intelligence Agency Media and "education".....

Well, the OP's lack of common sense is the result.
I dislike Putin and the Russian state (especially the military) as a direct extension of his will enforcing it and this informs my purchasing decisions.

I have nothing against the Russian people.

StingingVelvet: I don't really have these nationalist ideas about game purchasing and I'm not sure GOG do either. From my perspective the Russia boycott is more about not adding money via taxes to Putin's war machine.
Post edited August 27, 2022 by Magnitus
Flesh420.613: Radicalization.

This idiot probably goes around claiming equality and blabs about skin color privilege yet discriminates against a group of people simply because they were born in a country by chance OP doesn't like.

This is what happens when you allow communists to overtake institutions that were supposed to be for education instead of "Group Think" indoctrination.

If Russians were of darker skin tone you wouldn't hear a peep from this guy, but since he's been radicalized by a Intelligence Agency Media and "education".....

Well, the OP's lack of common sense is the result.
Magnitus: I dislike Putin and the Russian state (especially the military) as a direct extension of his will enforcing it and this informs my purchasing decisions.

I have nothing against the Russian people.

StingingVelvet: I don't really have these nationalist ideas about game purchasing and I'm not sure GOG do either. From my perspective the Russia boycott is more about not adding money via taxes to Putin's war machine.
Magnitus: This.
You're aware that the Economic Forum with major help of three letter agencies enacted a coup d'état in the Ukraine on behalf of the west right?
You know Avozl? All Western funded. Those Nazis people rally against are a creation of our own government.

Most don't know this because of the H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which made all this propaganda legal in the USA.

Yuri tried to warn us:
Post edited August 27, 2022 by Flesh420.613
Week-end at gog's.
The list says - both Russians and Ukrainians are great gamers and devs. No matter what their shitty governments are, say, do.
toxicTom: The list says - both Russians and Ukrainians are great gamers and devs. No matter what their shitty governments are, say, do.
Agree, but everything flourishes best when borders are respected. jmo.
Flesh420.613: You're aware that the Economic Forum with major help of three letter agencies enacted a coup d'état in the Ukraine on behalf of the west right?
You know Avozl? All Western funded. Those Nazis people rally against are a creation of our own government.

Most don't know this because of the H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which made all this propaganda legal in the USA.

Yuri tried to warn us:
However much I'd love to engage you more on these topics, it would go against the code of conduct.

I'll leave you with a vague generality instead that illustrates my line of thought without going into the details: It's pretty uncommon that in a conflict, one side is 100% right and the other side is 100% wrong. Usually, there is at least some blame to go around. That doesn't mean that both sides are exactly 50% right, 50% wrong and that one side is not to blame more than the other.
Post edited August 27, 2022 by Magnitus
Ueber: The Men of War series is actually a Ukrainian/German co-development and not of Russian origin, as far as I know.
Three games from the Men of War series are developed by Russian developers. German developers, together with Ukrainian ones, made only one game in the series, the rest were made without the participation of Ukrainian developers.
Post edited August 27, 2022 by Aleksandr.Mgn
Dischord: Agree, but everything flourishes best when borders are respected. jmo.
I don't think game devs have much of a say over this.
Please bring back this game! Stalin vs Martians
We will laugh again! I promise! or I will die trying...
Wouldn't it be easier for people who want to know to check on Google? GOG already provides the developer and publisher names and links to other games by the same companies. Checking on Google or Wikipedia is also more comprehensive. Some companies might be located in one country but is wholly or partly owned by a company from another. That might be something a buyer wants to consider too. Not to mention some games are made by developers in one country and published by a company in another. GOG is not the right platform for a thorough discussion on the geopolitics of game development.
Now for my personal prejudiced view, going beyond what this thread explicitly says and attacking what it might lead to. Inserting any kind of geopolitical filter or, heaven forbid, bias into GOG is very dangerous. Every nationality in the world, including yours or mine (American), is disliked by someone, likely by many more people than you or I might expect. Gaming is one of the few places today that people from all over the world can come together to meet and interact without (ok, with less) fear of prejudice. When I buy prepackaged food, one of the first things I check is where it is made. Let's not make games like food, where at least health is a concern. If you have some legitimate point to make about why it is important to know which games are made/published by Ukraine or Russia, then make that point. Otherwise, just a list like this is no different to me than a home seller in the US being outed as white or black.