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Investigate the murder of Sherlock Holmes in an incredible Virtual Reality adventure – The Murder of Sherlock Holmes is here!

Interact with everything in an authentic voxel reconstruction of 221B Baker Street. Search for clues, play the violin, read books and become a oneiric detective. If you like solving puzzles and VR, this game is going to be right up your alley.

Now on GOG!
amok: timpuu did not ask for a standard. he just compared VR headsets to novelty controllers.

And emracing your biases just means you will not learn, but just stay narrow minded. embracing your biases only means you will only confirm your biases. if you want to grow as a human being, you need to step outside your biases. If you are a person that embraces and work with your biases, it laso just mean that I was right in the way I interacted with you, as you will not change.

Just to confirm Godwin's la - embracing your bias a as a racists... just means you stay a racist. Having a bias is a bad thing, somtehing to overcome, not something to be embraced
You must really hate yourself then, because you are full of biases too, starting with the way you are interacting with us right now.

We're positing about whether or not to purchase a piece of entertainment hardware and that will only affect us in a pretty minor way and here you are thinking you have us all figured out.

My bias wasn't harmful to anyone. What about yours?

Make peace with your flaws and make peace with the flaws of others.

Now, here's a kicker: To interact with others from a place of love is a bias. Is that wrong?

We were never designed to be impartial arbiters of reality to begin with.
Post edited May 12, 2024 by Magnitus
Somewhere Frogwares developers are crying...
amok: timpuu did not ask for a standard. he just compared VR headsets to novelty controllers.

And emracing your biases just means you will not learn, but just stay narrow minded. embracing your biases only means you will only confirm your biases. if you want to grow as a human being, you need to step outside your biases. If you are a person that embraces and work with your biases, it laso just mean that I was right in the way I interacted with you, as you will not change.

Just to confirm Godwin's la - embracing your bias a as a racists... just means you stay a racist. Having a bias is a bad thing, somtehing to overcome, not something to be embraced
Magnitus: You must really hate yourself then, because you are full of biases too, starting with the way you are interacting with us right now.

We're positing about whether or not to purchase a piece of entertainment hardware and that will only affect us in a pretty minor way and here you are thinking you have us all figured out.

My bias wasn't harmful to anyone. What about yours?

Make peace with your flaws and make peace with the flaws of others.

Now, here's a kicker: To interact with others from a place of love is a bias. Is that wrong?

We were never designed to be impartial arbiters of reality to begin with.
So now this boils down to "NO U". yeah, think this has run its course
amok: So now this boils down to "NO U". yeah, think this has run its course
Just outlining how you are not living up to your own standard. Thought it might make you think.

You kind of came off as rather rude and arrogant in this thread, being more interested in showing off than being helpful. Its not a good look.

You did provide me some useful info in the end so I thought I'd help you a little in return. Somebody more diplomatic than me might have done a better job at outlining this to you and I do apologize for that. I'm very direct.

Thanks for the help and take care.
Post edited May 12, 2024 by Magnitus
high rated
There's just nothing to the game. Charging $9.99 USD for this low effort voxel-based game that looks like it should have been released on the Oculus Go in 2018 or the Samsung Gear back in 2016. Back then it would have been alright for VR given that we didn't have many good games. Now in 2024, this game is completely out-dated. It's teleport only. It has snap turning only. It's one room that one can beat in about 20 minutes. There's nothing to the puzzles. It's mostly just find an object and then read a book that tells you what to do. There's just nothing to these puzzles. 3/10