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Losing is fun.

<span class="bold">Prison Architect</span>, the only prison you'll never want to leave, is available now for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, DRM-free on featuring GOG Galaxy achievements with a 33% launch discount.

After two years of alpha - Prison Architect, the premiere prison sim, is finally complete. Since its alpha premiere, it has been played by millions and became something of a household name in the indie scene, and for good reason: Prison Architect is a deep web of interlocking systems that interact with each other in complex, sometimes hilarious ways. Combined with a Dwarf Fortress-like approach, even the most insignificant problem can snowball into total chaos - but no matter what happens, losing is fun.
Playing Prison Architect is like watching the inner workings of a clock - one that you made all by yourself - and the term "like clockwork" will take on a new, particularly satisfying meaning. You'll also tackle moral dilemmas (should you find yourself anything but indifferent). Are you about precision & efficiency, do you believe criminals should be put to work, or would you prefer to do everything in your power to reintegrate them into society? Prison Architect will not be judgmental.
The Prison Architect release introduces two major features: Story Chapters, and Escape Mode.
Story Chapters are a way for new players to get acquainted with the many facets of Prison Architect. In what resembles a condensed alpha experience, the Story Chapters will increase in complexity and introduce more and more features to the game as you go on. You'll be running a full-blown, fully-simulated prison before you know it.
So you've built your prison. You've optimised your fortress of righteousness. Now, are you up to the challenge of escaping your very own creation? In an entertaining gameplay reversal, Escape mode puts you in the shoes of just another prisoner and tasks you with two goals: 1) Get by. 2) Get out. Build up your character from zero to anti hero with a multitude of perks, smuggle a teaspoon and dig your way out, or build up a reputation and start an all-out revolution.

Alongside your game, you can pick up the <span class="bold">Aficionado</span> DLC, and score access to the official Artbook as well as OST.

Losing is fun in <span class="bold">Prison Architect</span>, available now, DRM-free on The discount will last for one week, until Tuesday, October 13, 2:59 PM GMT.
Trilarion: Surgeon Simulator, Prison Architect...

now there are quite some games in the world I would not want to play even if I would get paid for it.
tinyE: Don't knock this one until you've tried it.
I once made a prison that looked like breasts with a couple of electric chairs where the nipples would be.

Sometimes I am very immature. I know.
Sachys: Why is it I feel the impotent rage of being highly offended by the idea of you being rational!? ;P
BTW, all you do is wander around the holding cell!

Make a license plate or something!
zgrillo2004: That was harassment. I would suggest you stop
tinyE: No, that was a sense of humor.

I would suggest you get one. :P

And BTW, those PMs you are sending me are harassment, not that it matters, because I'm blocking you, like a rational human being who doesn't dedicate their life to being offended.
Im not offended by anything. im just stating concerns. I dont care if you block me though. maybe in the future you will get to know me.
Sachys: Why is it I feel the impotent rage of being highly offended by the idea of you being rational!? ;P
tinyE: BTW, all you do is wander around the holding cell!

Make a license plate or something!
Usually I'm the first one to go ape and get upgraded to supermax! O_____o
tonite i ,couldnt help a small laugh that people in my family around me couldnt even understand:

for first time in my now decently long life, i could see on tv an advertising for recruitment in prison guard job... only a few days after PA released here :)