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If you enjoy immersive sport simulators, this game is going to be just perfect for you – Goalgetter, now available with a -30% launch discount until June 6th, 1 PM UTC!

In this first-person football career simulator, you can make your dream of becoming a top striker in one of the major European leagues come true. You're a young, talented striker. Now, you have the opportunity to play professional football.

Now on GOG!
I don't like sport games in general, but at least this one seems to have a different approach.
Imagine if we had Pigskin 621 in a 3D fashion. With training sessions similar to a Monty Python episode.

As much as I hate sports, I would be interested in that game.

Hell, even that robot arcade one too. So many options and people keep making stuff, that nobody will ever care about.

edit: typo
Post edited May 23, 2024 by Shmacky-McNuts
I was going to make a joke about a Football Announcer simulator game....... but realistically one probably exists already.

It is interesting to see different takes on these types of games though, good to think outside the box.
Well, that's one edgy penalty arc...

This is exactly the type of team sport game that I've always wanted -- sim game where you manage the life/career of one person only. I could never get into sports games where you have to try to control the actions of an entire sports team during a game. Also even though I'm in the US, football to me is that sport played with feet so extra win.

The only criticism that I have based on the video is that the casino section makes the player character look like a total loser because you don't see anyone else in the room, so you're gambling by yourself.... but maybe that's the point.
Specialty: "English" ... Hmmm.
P-E-S: Specialty: "English" ... Hmmm.
Is there anything wrong - I don't understand your post?
BreOl72: Well, that's one edgy penalty arc...
I read "edgy" and assumed it had a dead body or something in it XD