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kohlrak: *snip*
Yep thats all true in one way or the other :)!

However I wouldn't pin this on any type of demographic. Progressive credentialism is a bit deeper and more systemic to pin this on "the boomers" alone. Goes far enough that we're seeing this world wide and during similar time, as well. I'd say it was known and bound to happen ever since the 50's, perhaps even earlier.

To simplify the issue, its more about who is in power and how to sustain it. Remember who are the ones who will profit from this the most. Think of it as a sort of red line where you can dictate what will happen next based on what has already happened based on using basic epistemology.

Its like concluding that most get fat if one eats much. Doesn't mean that this happens with everyone, but there really is not a suprise if that happens with most who do this, if you get what I mean.
kohlrak: See, i thought about this problem before, and i figured it wouldn't be a problem, aside from banks and stuff. Then i remembered that the android auto-focus bug was somehow tied to the date (it only happened every other day on either even days or odd days), and I worry for airplanes and self-driving cars.
dtgreene: Don't forget DRM schemes! "This game won't be released until December 30, 2037. It is currently January 1st, 1970, so I can't let you play it." (There actually was a time when PlayStation 3's internal clock gave the date as February 29th of a non-leap year, causing the PS3's DRM-enforcement software to panic and stop letting you play most games for a day.)
There are nifty little fixes for that, though. Sure, games are important, but i'm a bit more worried about people dying. If companies won't be pulling things, anyway, i could see them fixing the DRM quickly, just because by then companies will be pulling products that they don't support anymore from your computer, anyway.
kohlrak: *snip*
Dray2k: Yep thats all true in one way or the other :)!

However I wouldn't pin this on any type of demographic. Progressive credentialism is a bit deeper and more systemic to pin this on "the boomers" alone. Goes far enough that we're seeing this world wide and during similar time, as well. I'd say it was known and bound to happen ever since the 50's, perhaps even earlier.

To simplify the issue, its more about who is in power and how to sustain it. Remember who are the ones who will profit from this the most. Think of it as a sort of red line where you can dictate what will happen next based on what has already happened based on using basic epistemology.

Its like concluding that most get fat if one eats much. Doesn't mean that this happens with everyone, but there really is not a suprise if that happens with most who do this, if you get what I mean.
Companies profit alot from this (right leaning, supposedly), universities profit (left leaning for sure), as well as politicians and "the educated." What bothers me is that they try to use this to create the illusion that there "are no skilled workers," which politicians try to use to "open the border" and companies in turn use as an excuse for being short staffed, so they can offload training costs to staff who are willing to work overtime when the scheduler just doesn't have anyone else to do it.
Post edited August 21, 2018 by kohlrak
muntdefems: There goes another meatball... :_(
WinterSnowfall: And to explain what muntdefems means to say by "meatball", it is the very act of over-explaining witty humor :P.

muntdefems: Every time someone explains their own joke, the FSM kills a meatball. :(
No meatball for you.
Post edited August 21, 2018 by ZFR
muntdefems: Every time someone explains their own joke, the FSM kills a meatball. :(
Except that meatballs are already dead.

Also, there are some who say that eating meat isn't good for the environment, and that pasta with a meatless tomato sauce would be better.

(Off course (off what course?), those same people say the same thing about cheese, but I can't have pasta without cheese, soirry!)
muntdefems: Every time someone explains their own joke, the FSM kills a meatball. :(
dtgreene: Except that meatballs are already dead.

Also, there are some who say that eating meat isn't good for the environment, and that pasta with a meatless tomato sauce would be better.

(Off course (off what course?), those same people say the same thing about cheese, but I can't have pasta without cheese, soirry!)
What i find Ironic is that the people that say eating meat is bad for the environment are actually more supported by science than people who blame CO2, and I saw new information regarding this on a site advertising the "occupy" movements.
Post edited August 22, 2018 by kohlrak