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low rated
It would be very convienient
Please don't type your entire fu**ing message in the subject line, it gets cut off.

That said, I've made purchases though my phone. Worked well enough using a web browser.

Also, there are more than a few wishes for Android and iOS in the wishlist, where they belong. Go vote for one that's applicable.
Post edited February 19, 2019 by Maighstir

What Maighstir said. You can visit the website just fine, what difference would an app make?
the website in its current form work better on mobile than desktop currently. but yes, an app to view goodies
I'm pretty sure the whole point of the terrible website update was specifically to cater to mobile browsers. Why go through all the trouble of downgrading your website to work better on mobile devices and then create an app?
Will not happen (and why should it) on Apple devices. Because for any In-App purchase, Apple takes a cut of 30%.
That's the reason why, as far as i remember, the Steam app was changed to remove the ability of purchasing.
I expect that there is a similar rule for the Google Play Store.

As the previous posters said, the Gog Store works well enough on mobile devices to make purchases. I personally cannot understand the "App-Hype", where every effing website wants you to install their app, instead of just building a proper, resonsive design website.
I wouldn't mind an app for aesthetics and navigation, but I'd rather them do what other websites have done and make the site adjust for mobile devices. I don't understand why anyone here would care if they did, however. Just don't download it if you don't want to use it.
apps are massive in terms of reaching out to customers. they shouldn't be under-estimated. i have no doubt they will boost gog's presence also. they could give users recommendations to games by swiping left/right on their favourite games etc. as a company this potential is huge, as a customer base of gog, i don't think anyone really cares. the only thing is i dread to think how poorly experienced gog team is. i wouldn't be surprised if they screw up an app launch.