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HunchBluntley: 14(a). But 6 really is the most important.
14(b). If you read 14(a) and didn't mentally pronounce it as "Butt sex really is the most important", I think less of you.
Fun fact: In Swedish, as well as in Latin, the number 6 is pronounced as "sex". My Latin teacher -a Brit- was quite unwilling to pronounce it.
Post edited November 08, 2017 by Maighstir
But Breja's thread DOES contain a problem: the fact that a problem thread doesn't have a problem IS the problem. Problem with that problem thread is that if you provide a solution then it's no longer a problem, and thus it wasn't a problem in the first place, or something like that which opens a rift in the space-time continuum. Kinda like going back in time to kill your grandfather.

Though why you'd want to kill your grandfather is beyond me. He seemed like a nice enough guy, minus the yelling about kids on his lawn. But hey, don't they all do that at least once?

Grandma, tho - she was a piece of work, let me tell ya! Complete nag, and I'd understand you wanting to kill her. And it wouldn't cause the time paradox since your grandpa was cheating on her anyway, what with the affair he was having with schoolmarm O'Leary. Ms. O'Leary was quite the beauty, too! She put the "ass" in "Fine Irish Lass".

So fine she was, Ms. O'Leary insprired the pickup line: you must be from Ireland, because my penis is Dublin.
It's all in the Hands of Fate!
Moonbeam: It's all in the Hands of Fate!

"Ummmm, you aren't gonna film 'Manos Hands of Fate' in our town!"
amok: a problem with people creating new topics copy-pasting from one's own old thread OP?
(For bonus context, see post #22.)
Oddeus: First we should find out why this is a problem for you and not a solution. Tell me something about your childhood.
Sometimes my captors let me play outside.
Post edited November 09, 2017 by HunchBluntley
amok: a problem with people creating new topics copy-pasting from one's own old thread OP?
(For bonus context, see post #22.)
Oddeus: First we should find out why this is a problem for you and not a solution. Tell me something about your childhood.
HunchBluntley: Sometimes my captors let me play outside.
[...] I suppose I should actually put [...] this [...] as a "problem" because [...] I also have a problem with [...] how could someone be [...] hidden [...] before they even know if they [...] might [...] be [...] creating new topics [...] ?! [...] How could someone be so . [...] derisive [...] ?! [...] I also have a problem with people [...] copy-pasting from [...] OPs. [...] Butt sex [...] for real this time.
Moonbeam: It's all in the Hands of Fate!
tinyE: MANOS!

"Ummmm, you aren't gonna film 'Manos Hands of Fate' in our town!"
Sounds too creepy:)
(For bonus context, see post #22.)

Sometimes my captors let me play outside.
amok: [...] I suppose I should actually put [...] this [...] as a "problem" because [...] I also have a problem with [...] how could someone be [...] hidden [...] before they even know if they [...] might [...] be [...] creating new topics [...] ?! [...] How could someone be so . [...] derisive [...] ?! [...] I also have a problem with people [...] copy-pasting from [...] OPs. [...] Butt sex [...] for real this time.
If that's supposed to be the hidden message: not even close!
HunchBluntley: 11. There is a hidden message in this list. Anyone who can find and decipher it WINS**!
zeogold: Found it. Really, I don't get how it's hidden. You listed it quite obviously under rule #4. [...]
Nothing is obvious; everything is suspect.
zeogold: [...] All you have to do is combine it with rule #3 and it's easy. [...]
...Or is it???
Post edited November 11, 2017 by HunchBluntley