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RoloTony: Why GOG would want to be associated with these two and their behavior, I don't know.
Pheace: I'm all for an all inclusive approach to the store and let customers decide what game to buy on their own, so in that sense I agree with GOG doing this. That said though, given GOG's self proclaimed "boutique" approach it baffles me that they let this moron (and co) publish their game here, particularly in lieu of, from what I can tell, other more deserving titles who are apparently being rejected by GOG. From what I hear the game is average at best.

That said, I personally think one of the likely reasons it's coming here is exactly because it is *not* on Steam, which makes this a particularly appealing title to pick up for GOG. Most of all because it *did* get the publicity from almost getting on Steam and ultimately getting rejected, but they don't have to share sales with Steam over it.

Because it's likely to sell well compared to other games.
Or get this, and this is a shocking revelation, the game is actually fun to play regardless of the politics/drama/situation/you-name-it surrounding the game :) I say this as someone who played the game long before any of those events occurred :)
JudasIscariot: Or get this, and this is a shocking revelation, the game is actually fun to play regardless of the politics/drama/situation/you-name-it surrounding the game :) I say this as someone who played the game long before any of those events occurred :)
Pheace: I

If you're snarkily arguing that this is a good game I'd certainly keep having issues with that, I doubt the majority will agree. If you're arguing some people have fun with it. Sure, of course, no arguments there. Still not something I ever see becoming a 'Good old Game' as we used to call them though.
I was actually addressing liking the game and wanting it here based on its own merits and not on some crass "oh let's grab money while we can because this game had some controversy!" viewpoint :) Sorry if it did come off a bit snarky but, seriously speaking, we do like games for being games and not just trying to cynically make money off them due to controversy.

As for how someone else perceives the quality of the game, that depends on the person playing as I cannot speak whether you or anyone else will enjoy it as much as I have. So my stance on the game is basically that I think it's a good game but that's just my opinion on the matter :)
JudasIscariot: Or get this, and this is a shocking revelation, the game is actually fun to play regardless of the politics/drama/situation/you-name-it surrounding the game :) I say this as someone who played the game long before any of those events occurred :)
amok: I like the genre, and I followed PA since the first betas, but I must admit I found it the one I liked the least within this very small genre... I don't know.... I found it a bit soul-less and boring. It would be better if you got Heavy Bullets, Ziggurat, Fancy Skulls or even 4089 here, I found them more enjoyable to play. The only thing I liked about PA was the style.
I can vouch for Ziggurat being good as I've played that one a bit although I can see the Painkiller influences with a dash of procedural generation :)

Heavy Bullets I haven't played enough to really get a feel for the game as of right now :)
Post edited February 03, 2015 by JudasIscariot