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low rated
Arundir: You go girl!
amok: ... my thughts exactly.... you do you
I did not expect less from you in this thread, knowing your comments from other threads. Be yourself...
Post edited March 04, 2022 by Arundir
low rated
cirious_november: Instead of banning them from buying games and to stop the tax money fueling Putin's war machine, they should give all their games free to the Russians. Also, isn't the tax from the games sold in the USA also fueling their war machine?
LynetteC: Let's not get into 'whataboutism' now. Nobody was calling for US sanctions until Russia rolled into Ukraine and triggered an international outcry, now suddenly it's "but America..."

And why should they give games away to anyone, Russian or otherwise? Besides, that would be a decision for the developers/publishers anyway, not GOG/CDPR.
Yes this. I don't remember russia itself initiating worldwide sanctions over any USA wars. They were silent every time.
low rated
DooMSickle: Not discussing the war itself, just going to leave my thoughts on the GOG Russian ban, if such thing is still allowed before this wave of hate towards EVERYTHING Russian in the west, reaching levels of xenophobia honestly.

Disclaimer: I am not Russian, yes my avatar said so, did it for the memes back then (reason is "Sickle" in my nickname), believe what you will, ok? good.

I believed CDPR always put the costumer above anything else, so it came in as a shock to me how this same company could do such a childish and short-sided move. We all know this will achieve absolutely nothing to change the war, this will not hit the figures responsible for the war.
What this will achieve is a good argument for piracy and the alienation of the Russian consumer who has nothing to do with this, perhaps even reinforce the idea to a few Russians that everyone here in the west is out against them, which is something counterproductive to what CPDR claims trying to achieve with this ban.

The romantic idea that this ban is somehow going to "inspire" peace or warever come out as pitiful and laughable, you are just jumping on a bandwagon CDPR, don't kid yourselves.

This was my favorite platform thanks to the no-drm and consumer friendly policy, but this just leaves me with a bad taste.
I will no longer buy games here, like the Russian players who also enjoyed this platform.
Thank you. What if American civilians were punished when Dubya invaded Iraq, or when Obama drone struck Libya into destabilization? Would that have been promoted? And what will these companies do when the CCP eventually invades Taiwan?
low rated
Bloov: Hi, I'm from Belarus. More than ten years ago I've decided that I will not pirate games and other content. Now I've decided that I won't spend a penny for games/content anymore. Fuck lohoshenko, fuck putin, fuck all of you.
Is all a PR move to gain some good company points from the masses, at the expense from their own costumers. Hope you are safe and fuck you to.
low rated
cirious_november: Hope you are safe and fuck you to.
Thanks. Now safe, half a year ago not so safe thanks to fuckers from KGB
low rated
cirious_november: The Russian/Belarus ban is only going to hurt the russian/belarus gamers and it doesn't help the people of Ukraine in any way shape or form.
This ban is a knee-jerk reaction on banning Russians from everything. What are you going to do when the USA invades a country? Are you going to ban them to?
Just focus on gaming, GOG.
This ban is pointless virtue signaling. Putin and his military aren't going to care about video games. Punishing civilians who have no say in the matter screams "Stalin" or "Mao", neither of which were good guys. Did these same people ban Americans when Barack Obama destabilized Libya thru drone strikes, bringing slavery to that country? So while gog claim to "not be political" they certainly take political sides.
low rated
Cancel-culture at its finest.

Not sure the russian customers will come back to GOG after such a low blow.

Get woke, go broke.
low rated
tag+: But we elect our own governments and all of us are supposed to be social responsible of the actions of them as our representants as nations, aren't we?

Listen, I am not here to controvert. Just asking to give some thinking about how all of us are responsible about what happens in the world. Sure, in less or more degree.
If we acknowledge that, then we can act in a more careful way, otherwise we will keep the loop of blaming -the others- whoever non-existant ,,they,, are and never improve at all...
kai2: The problem arises if voting is subverted and your leadership is no longer representative. How can a population be responsible for events they cannot shape through the vote? Dictators are dictators... whether they have a "fake vote" or not.
Come on, the f*cking ,,fake democracy,, is everywhere... I highly doubt someone will disagree on that.
That is the cohesive all of us ordinary common people in the world have. That is the very basic reason why politics censorship exists: silence the huge majority.

Anyway, back to the unfair election systems / governments we have:
Who is supposed to change the status quo then? God? The destiny? A lighting striking the dictator converting him to a saint?...
We must accept our own responsibility (in less or more degree) about the shitty goverments we have. They exist as long as we allow them. Granted, change is not easy and requires time, effort and sacrifize... a LOTS of them.
Otherwise, if we keep blaming a non-existant ,,the others,, (call it the ethereus entitiy named government, the enemy, or you choose the prefered name/term) nobody is going to change anything but complaining for the eternity... and leave the pack ,,to the next generation,,...
DooMSickle: Not discussing the war itself, just going to leave my thoughts on the GOG Russian ban, if such thing is still allowed before this wave of hate towards EVERYTHING Russian in the west, reaching levels of xenophobia honestly.

Disclaimer: I am not Russian, yes my avatar said so, did it for the memes back then (reason is "Sickle" in my nickname), believe what you will, ok? good.

I believed CDPR always put the costumer above anything else, so it came in as a shock to me how this same company could do such a childish and short-sided move. We all know this will achieve absolutely nothing to change the war, this will not hit the figures responsible for the war.
What this will achieve is a good argument for piracy and the alienation of the Russian consumer who has nothing to do with this, perhaps even reinforce the idea to a few Russians that everyone here in the west is out against them, which is something counterproductive to what CPDR claims trying to achieve with this ban.

The romantic idea that this ban is somehow going to "inspire" peace or warever come out as pitiful and laughable, you are just jumping on a bandwagon CDPR, don't kid yourselves.

This was my favorite platform thanks to the no-drm and consumer friendly policy, but this just leaves me with a bad taste.
I will no longer buy games here, like the Russian players who also enjoyed this platform.
All their decision will achieve is to make normal everyday people in them countries feel even more hated, alienated and discriminated against for something they have no control over and can do nothing about. Discriminating against people based on their nationality alone only further divides people, the opposite of showing solidarity and is frankly disgusting xenophobic. This would be a fair and balanced decision if any country who participates in a illegal war was given the same treatment but they are clearly not and never will be. Everyone hopes for the day when hatred and wars end but decisions like this only breeds more hate and divides people. Donate to charities that help war torn countries or raise awareness about the war but never discriminate. I'm in the UK but I have friends across various countries and in Russia. No one wants this war and people feel hated. Final word on it since all the other threads were deleted or locked without a reply. Sad world where it seems we haven't learned from the past.
Pouyou-pouyou: Cancel-culture at its finest.

Not sure the russian customers will come back to GOG after such a low blow.

Get woke, go broke.
Don't mostly pirate anyway. Your average Russian's Steam account has two games; CSGO and TF2.