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high rated
Post edited July 05, 2017 by Fairfox
Surely writing like this has to be more difficult than writing normally?
My word is moist.
I don't understand why you're writing like that... it hurts my eyes and since English isn't my native language, it is actually quite annoying and sometimes hard to read.

Anyway, this is a very generous giveaway, thank you for that. Not in.
Urnoev: I don't understand why you're writing like that... it hurts my eyes and since English isn't my native language, it is actually quite annoying and sometimes hard to read.
But 20$ is 20$. ;)

I am in.
My favorite word is fortune
I'm in! Thank you & +1!

My favorite word is...... supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus

Bon Voyage on your European Vaction, Fairfox. Word of warning, beware of the roundabouts. ;)

I'm in for Homeworld: Emergence

Favorite word -- Awesome. Because everything is awesome.
Least favorite word -- Bipartisan. I keep hearing politicians say this word but they never ever really mean it.
Post edited July 05, 2017 by BenKii
Roundabouts > Traffic Lights

Not in but have a nice holiday.
Happy birthday, Foxie. And you know what? I'm in.

Favorite word is sesquipedalian. It perfectly describes itself: unnecessarily long and pretentious.

Least favorite is [insert racial/religious/ethnic epithet here]. Because we all deserve more respect than that.

Have a safe trip across the pond. Try the Marmite.
high rated
Fairfox: ...pluses if somebody wants to un-Fairfox this nao for others then taht's KKz too.
I have Un-Fairfoxed it:

"So I'm going to the UK mid-July for summer Vacation(holiday). It will be my birthday over there at the start of August! Cheers. I will be an older & wiser Fairfox, I mean maybe, right? Because of this, I will adapt my speech patterns when I get back home and it will be less crazy but still Fairfoxian. Too many people are acting woefull and dramatic which is a little boring. Heads up in case you're like "What the heck is going on?" when I'm back.

Anyhow, thought I'd hold a giveaway and then when I'm here mid-August (Since there won't be internet before) I'll wrap it up not long after and then I'll be older & wiser - a little bit.


Most people can enter but I'll just deny any suspectable people. Even if you don't like me you can enter, keep your pride in check. You cannot enter for others because it's all clustery then. You can pick one game up to $20 (so it can be $0.99, $1.99, etc up to $19.99, I guess). That's US$ only and obviously it can't be region restricted. No idea how that works.

So yeah, sit. Feel free to tell me your favourite word, why when you enter as well.

When I leave (I'll let you know when), please could someone bump this thread periodically, plus if someone wants to un-fairfox this now for others then thats ok to. When I get home I'll give the final draw date.

So yah yah."

(Thanks to TwoHandedSword for filling in the gaps)
BenKii: ...beware of the roundabouts.
Roundabouts are the best invention since the electric toothbrush.
TwoHandedSword: Try the Marmite.
Marmite is the best!

I'm in!
Post edited July 09, 2017 by T.Hodd
Thank you, I am IN. May you continue to grow older for a long time!

My favorite word is: Rhabarberbarbarabarbarenbartbarbierbier. Which is the beer that the barber drinks, who shaves the barbarians who keep visiting the bar of Barbara, who is good at making rhubarb cake. (there's a story behind that. And yes, in German you can pack all of this into one word!)

Least favourite word: Nachhaltigkeit (Sustainability), because it has been abused by so many politicians.
Smannesman: My word is moist.
... von Lipwig?
Post edited July 05, 2017 by Lifthrasil
I would say my favourite word is "hope"
There is a movie about it, "The Shawshank Redemption" which is my favourite movie, and
the color green, which is also associated with hope, is my favourite color.
So hope.

Thanks for the giveaway Fairfox, have a nice birthday!
I'm in.
Not in but thanks for the giveaway.

Enjoy your vacation! ^^
low rated
Thanks for the generosity. I hope you get Fairer as well when you level up. ;)

I'm in for Grandia II.

My favorite word right now in my life is employment, just because it seems to keep evading me. T_T

EDIT: Somehow I mistook Trails in the Sky SC's price for 19,99, but magog is telling me it's actually 29,99. I'm in Brazil, so I can't just convert it directly. So I changed the game for something else from my wishlist.

Also, for the Supreme God of Heavy Metal's sake: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May your level up be awesome and the rewards neverending!
Post edited July 06, 2017 by Falci
T.Hodd: I have Un-Fairfoxed it:
Thanks a lot! Without a translation I always need to read it aloud and try to understand what I hear (with uncertain result;).

I'm in.

My word number one is thankfulness (wdzięczność in Polish, but I suppose English word is much closer to what I mean). I believe it's the only thing missing in most people's lives.

Happy birthday and have a great vacation, Fairfox!
Post edited July 05, 2017 by ciemnogrodzianin
No, please don't change that. I actually like it.
It is like some light form of crypto, you actually have to think while reading to get all of it :)

// EDIT: favorite word is "disconcerting". And NOT IN, cause I pretty much have all I need.
Post edited July 05, 2017 by loki1985