Posted December 27, 2021

• ## - 5♺☒5↓
• @@@@ - 43♺Bℹ︎☒
• %%%% - H↓1↑0↟1↑↓
• **** - Xℹ︎↓↟☒3ℹ︎☒G↓↡2↟
The Extras
↑ ↓ ♺ ℹ︎ ☒ ↟ ↡
An Extra will target "anything" directly before it.
Uncover each of the Extras' effect by using these patterns:
5↑Z13↑L = 9Z17L
K♺791↑ = KK795
V2↟10♺ = V4100
6↓7J3↟D = 27J6D
Tℹ︎7↓RYQ = F3RYQ
W16↡5ℹ︎1 = W13F1
2↑☒BAC4↡ = 2BAC2
8G♺☒Mℹ︎4ℹ︎B = 8GFFB
6↡9↓Qℹ︎☒2↟3↑ = 35Q47
A♺4♺S♺☒ = AA44S
Eℹ︎☒Nℹ︎0ℹ︎6ℹ︎8 = EFFF8