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low rated
BeatriceElysia: Guess why we don't have this shit in Europe...
nightcraw1er.488: Because we have laws against evil corporations like EA?
TBH, we have very strict weapon regulations...
nightcraw1er.488: Because we have laws against evil corporations like EA?
BeatriceElysia: TBH, we have very strict weapon regulations...
Yes I know you were. The shooting and stabbing wave in London, or the terrorism attacks in Europe however disagrees with you. If it's not one weapon it will be others. The way to get a peaceful world is to remove the people.
BeatriceElysia: TBH, we have very strict weapon regulations...
nightcraw1er.488: Yes I know you were. The shooting and stabbing wave in London, or the terrorism attacks in Europe however disagrees with you. If it's not one weapon it will be others. The way to get a peaceful world is to remove the people.
It's a lot more difficult to go on a mass killing spree with a knife than a gun/rifle though and the threshold to do it is a lot higher because of that.

Will nutcases and people really out to do harm find weapons? Most likely. Is some disgruntled employee or unbalanced individual having a bad day less likely to go on a spree if they don't have easy access to a highly effective weapon? Yes.

I find the argument that people will just go to another weapon quite lacking. That's good, there's different thresholds for different weapons. It's a lot easier to pick up a gun and go on a shooting spree and finish yourself off afterwards, you don't as easily do that with a knife. Neither the spree nor offing yourself with it.
Post edited August 27, 2018 by Pheace
nightcraw1er.488: Yes I know you were. The shooting and stabbing wave in London, or the terrorism attacks in Europe however disagrees with you. If it's not one weapon it will be others. The way to get a peaceful world is to remove the people.
Pheace: It's a lot more difficult to go on a mass killing spree with a knife than a gun/rifle though and the threshold to do it is a lot higher because of that.

Will nutcases and people really out to do harm find weapons? Most likely. Is some disgruntled employee or unbalanced individual having a bad day less likely to go on a spree if they don't have easy access to a highly effective weapon? Yes.

I find the argument that people will just go to another weapon quite lacking. That's good, there's different thresholds for different weapons. It's a lot easier to pick up a gun and go on a shooting spree and finish yourself off afterwards, you don't as easily do that with a knife. Neither the spree nor offing yourself with it.
Vehicles are very effective weapons, so perhaps what is lacking here is your insight.
low rated
BeatriceElysia: TBH, we have very strict weapon regulations...
nightcraw1er.488: Yes I know you were. The shooting and stabbing wave in London, or the terrorism attacks in Europe however disagrees with you. If it's not one weapon it will be others. The way to get a peaceful world is to remove the people.
We were talking about the strange tradition for killing sprees they have in the US, which seemed to be somehow grounded in their "weapon culture". Terror attacks are an entirely different thing.
Few things -

Please do not share Twitch stream link that includes the shooting audio and screams of the victim. Anyone who does so will be banned for a chunk of time.

Try to keep things on topic and civil. I know it's a hot topic, but stay cool-headed.
One part of me finds it so tragic and horrifying and another part of me wants to crack jokes at the expense of EA but that'd be of very poor taste. Still it baffles me why there was no check on guns. I mean for god's sake you're hosting the event in America where every baby owns two hand guns. Well I exagerate but you get the point.
Senteria: ...I mean for god's sake you're hosting the event in America where every baby owns two hand guns. Well I exagerate but you get the point.
Let's see by how much you've exaggerated?

Googling around I found:
1. A baby is considered any infant between birth and 4 years old.

2. The human distribution across the age groups is pretty even, in a politically and economically stable country, such as America:
ages 1: around 1%
ages 2: around 1%
ages 3: around 1%
ages 99: around 1%
ages 100: around 1%

3. So, that means that there are around 4% babies.
4. There are around 326 million Americans.
5. So that means that there are around 13 million babies.
6. There are around 393 million privately owned guns by the citizens of America.

TL/DR: So in America, there must be around 30 guns for every baby.
Post edited August 27, 2018 by MadalinStroe
richlind33: Vehicles are very effective weapons, so perhaps what is lacking here is your insight.
Absolutely, so let's not do anything.
low rated
Linko90: Few things -

Please do not share Twitch stream link that includes the shooting audio and screams of the victim. Anyone who does so will be banned for a chunk of time.

Try to keep things on topic and civil. I know it's a hot topic, but stay cool-headed.
Just one question about this rule:

Does this rule apply to links to videos or audios of other shootings or similar events? (For example, would this rule apply to videos of the incident of Charlottesville where someone intentionally drives a car into a crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring others?)

Anyway, back on topic:

Competition can really bring out the worst in people; this is one reason why I avoid competitive games of all sorts., in fact this may be the primary reason I avoid such activities. This is the main reason I generally only play single player games, though sometimes even they can be rage-inducing (like dying in a way that doesn't feel fair and losing a lot of progress because of the way the save system works).
Linko90: Few things -

Please do not share Twitch stream link that includes the shooting audio and screams of the victim. Anyone who does so will be banned for a chunk of time.

Try to keep things on topic and civil. I know it's a hot topic, but stay cool-headed.
dtgreene: Just one question about this rule:

Does this rule apply to links to videos or audios of other shootings or similar events? (For example, would this rule apply to videos of the incident of Charlottesville where someone intentionally drives a car into a crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring others?)
Yes. If people wish to see that kind of thing they can hop to Google. It's not wanted or welcome here.
low rated
dtgreene: Just one question about this rule:

Does this rule apply to links to videos or audios of other shootings or similar events? (For example, would this rule apply to videos of the incident of Charlottesville where someone intentionally drives a car into a crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring others?)
Linko90: Yes. If people wish to see that kind of thing they can hop to Google. It's not wanted or welcome here.
I would probably add, if you're thinking of looking for that sort of thing, be aware that such content could easily be triggering, so consider it to have a trigger warning (which is probably the reason for the rule here).

Edit: Forum bug: After making this post, which is on the third page of the topic (with my settings), I was taken to the second page.

Edit 2: I misspelled "Forum" (as "Forun") in my previous edit. Oops! (Though I assume everyone who read the incorrect post knows what I meant.)
Post edited August 27, 2018 by dtgreene
high rated
Linko90: Yes. If people wish to see that kind of thing they can hop to Google. It's not wanted or welcome here.
dtgreene: I would probably add, if you're thinking of looking for that sort of thing, be aware that such content could easily be triggering, so consider it to have a trigger warning (which is probably the reason for the rule here).

Edit: Forun bug: After making this post, which is on the third page of the topic (with my settings), I was taken to the second page.
It's more a lack of value in seeing/hearing such disturbing things. I understand there's a morbid curiosity there, but that can be satisfied with a google search, and not a link on a video game forum.
low rated
Hostage situation.

The media here in the US writes the screenplay for our live and direction. We wouldn't have to live in this "massacre culture", and the evil idea of "Gun-Control" would not even be on anyone's mind if not for them. But they and their masters (the politicians) have decided they want to control everyone and everything.