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Why is there no longer a 'sort reviews' option? All you get now is the most popular ones on top, and everything else needs be cycled through page by page. Not exactly practical. Seems like a pretty big step backwards to me.
TulipWaltz: Why is there no longer a 'sort reviews' option? All you get now is the most popular ones on top, and everything else needs be cycled through page by page. Not exactly practical. Seems like a pretty big step backwards to me.
It disappeared during the site overhaul
TulipWaltz: Why is there no longer a 'sort reviews' option? All you get now is the most popular ones on top, and everything else needs be cycled through page by page. Not exactly practical. Seems like a pretty big step backwards to me.
ZFR: It disappeared during the site overhaul
Yeah, but why? Why would they remove such a useful feature, with games recieving patches and updates over time?
Yes, this is a downgrade to the site in terms of options when viewing reviews of games offered on this site.
TulipWaltz: Why is there no longer a 'sort reviews' option? All you get now is the most popular ones on top, and everything else needs be cycled through page by page. Not exactly practical. Seems like a pretty big step backwards to me.
In case you haven't noticed it, adaliabooks has recently written a script (works on Firefox and Chrome) that restores this and much more. You can read about it and download it here.

I attach a picture of the review section of a specific game (no points for guessing which) with the script installed for reference.
reviews.jpg (30 Kb)
Post edited September 10, 2015 by mrkgnao