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I caved in and bought the Saber bundle. Dam you GOG my backlog will never end this way.
I had to make a choice budget-wise. As I already owned XWING, TIE and Alliance and as the deal proposed by the saber bundle was sweeter, I went for that one.
Saber Bunde + Rebel Assault 1+2.
Blaster Bundle is tempting but I already have Rebellion and Galactic Battlegrounds on GOG, Rogue Squadron on a retail disc and I totally suck at space sims :)
Dark Forces II

I did a drunken playthrough (I highly recommend doing drunken gaming. Incredibly fun when you have a spare Friday night) of the first one back February or March or so, and I really loved it. I actually have a key for the second game from the humble bundle, but after reading what people have written about the steam version, I decided that it would be a good idea to buy the GOG version (which also comes with the expansion :)) rather than buying just the expansion on steam. Plus, I'm still haven't used Steam since the whole paid mods thing.

Chances are, tomorrow night, I'll hit up the liquor store, pour myself a brew, and start on Dark Forces II.
I refuse to buy any more Star Wars from GOG until I see Full Throttle! But I'll probably buy the saber bundle before the sale ends....
Nothing, I'm holding out for TFU 1 and 2
Bought both bundles. I had purchased X-wing and Tie Fighter in the most recent Insomnia Sale so I ended up with 15 new games. The kid in me is so excited. I played most of these games in my youth but only completed KOTOR 1&2 so I'm thrilled to jump into most of these again.
Picked up what I was missing from the Saber bundle: DF, DF2, JK, JK2, EaW and Starfighter. I wanted a couple from the Baster bundle (Battlegrounds and Rebellion) but I won't pick up the whole bundle for it (I only own Rogue Squadron).

Other than that, I've been making quite a few trades thanks to having all of the Saber bundle.
Post edited May 02, 2015 by Tannath
Wish RA 1&2 were discounted. We'll see what happens on the 4th. :D I hope I can wait until then, I only have 50 other Star Wars games to play (and replay) until then. :P
The Saber bundle appears to be very popular :D
May 4th bump
Steam just lost their first sale from me since the mods fiasco. I was fortunate enough to be able to pick up the "Blaster Bundle" from GOG. May the fourth be with y'all.
DieGans: Steam just lost their first sale from me since the mods fiasco. I was fortunate enough to be able to pick up the "Blaster Bundle" from GOG. May the fourth be with y'all.
Well done, sir.
The Force is strong in you.
Well since the StarWars saber bundle is over 75% I ended up grabbing that... And police quest 1-4 and swat 1-3.

All in all not a bad haul... now for the slow task of downloading it all...
I thought about the "Saber Bundle" but I just love the X-wing/TIE fighter series too much!