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Geralt has had enough of Triss (or Yennefer) and tries to get out of that complicated relationship. Not so easy, when your significant other is a mage.
Pie Hard

Terrorists invade a beloved bakery. If you wanna win, you better pie hard.
The Witcher 3: Wild Cunt: Geralt faces of against his worst nightmare, an useless, obnoxious cunt to which he's now married after getting way too drunk last night.

Skank: A game about an ugly postitute who takes revenge on former customers with a rusty knife

Gone Homo: After coming back from a trip to Thailand, you realize you can never get excited about women ever again unless they have a (more or less) little extra. From here your new quest begins.

Edit: Spelling
Post edited January 04, 2016 by Habanerose
Horderlands 2: Explore the lands of the horders and either get rid of them or become one with them
Sin, Lose or Draw

It's a high stakes game where one slip of the pen could cost you your eternal soul.
Bad Rads: The new Fallout 4 / Cooking Mama crossover game. Feed your delicious(?) dishes to the people but don't kill them with your irraditated ingredients.
Post edited January 04, 2016 by Habanerose
Bass Effect -- A rock n' roll RPG adventure where you star as a rising bass player in a new band. Created by Bioware. Future DLC are individual songs that will cost 100 Bioware points each.
Street Mop

So much grime, very little time.
Saints Cow: Travel to India to reveal the secret behind the the holy cows
Post edited January 05, 2016 by Habanerose
Saints Bow

After Ubisoft had announced Far Cry Primal, Volition and Deep Silver decided to develop Saints Bow, where the origins of the Saints are shown: a prehistoric gang fights rivals and the tribe's guards with archery.
Painkiller: Block Edition - Lucifer has invaded Minecaft, and it is your job to send him back to Hell.
Post edited January 05, 2016 by Habanerose
Bad Racer 2: It's a bad racing game, even says so in the title. Even worse, it's the sequel to a similarly bad racing game. (Why did they even bother making a sequel to such a bad game.)

Bag Rigs: It seems we need to put things in a bag. One problem: The developers forgot to implement collision detection, so anything placed in the bag clips through it, making it impossible to accomplish the task.

Lid Rigs: How are you supposed to put a lid on something when, due to the lack of collision, the lid doesn't actually do anything (other than blocking sight)?

Bid Rigs: Time to bid on trucks. Fortunately, collision detection isn't necessary here, but the game is known to crash when a certain truck is randomly chosen as the prize.

Big Rids: Time to get rid of that incomplete, buggy game.

Zeno Wing: All your paradox are belong to us. Someone set us up halfway. Someone set us up half remainder. You have no chance to finish make your time. (The bad grammar here is intentional.)
Case Wars

It's all out war in the battle for storage supremacy as you choose to fight either on the side of suitcases or briefcases!
Baldur's Mate: Play as the deckhand of the famous explorer Balduran as he sails for Maztica. Fight clamps, seaweed and dirty footsteps on the deck with your broom and bucket full of seawater while Balduran gets to do all the fun stuff fighting sea monsters and exploring a new continent - what, you think that's a boring game? Go play Shadows of Arm instead:

Baldur's Gate - Shadows of Arm: it's a mighty hot day in Athkathla, play as an ant who tries to stay in the shadow of the arm of the Hero of the Swordcoast to avoid the searing hot sun - while he slays monsters with his sword, just keep in the shadows of his arm on the ground - bonus points if you stay in the shadow of his fingers.
Post edited January 05, 2016 by DubConqueror
Spec Ops: The Fine: Barely home from your mission, you've once again been arrested for speeding. Now you have to find a new job to pay for your fine.
Post edited January 06, 2016 by Habanerose