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I believe the new CDPR teams are outsourced to the USA. They are not the same as before.
Post edited May 23, 2024 by EverNightX
Is setting up in Poland just a taxation and wages thing, cheaper than in Belgium?
Crosmando: Is setting up in Poland just a taxation and wages thing, cheaper than in Belgium?
Can't think of any other reason, besides the mentioned above average concentration of talent in Poland specifically.

Last week, Activision announced setting up shop in Warsaw via a new studio as well, most probably and foremost to take advantage of the lower wages in Poland/Europe in general, especially when compared to California/US of A.
Crosmando: Is setting up in Poland just a taxation and wages thing, cheaper than in Belgium?
Yes, Poland has one of the lowest cost of living in Eurpoe, which means low saleries. They also have several tax schemes to entice creative idustries, such as game developers. This is not unique, it is why Irland today have a large animation industry, or Canada have attracted game companies before. They had similar tax schemes before for those industies.
amok: What do you mean? All games Larian has made so far is TPP. Larian have never made a FPP game (as far as I know). SPP games dont really exists
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean't like in Witcher 3 and Dragon Age etc.
amok: What do you mean? All games Larian has made so far is TPP. Larian have never made a FPP game (as far as I know). SPP games dont really exists
moonbeam: Sorry, I should have been more specific. I mean't like in Witcher 3 and Dragon Age etc.
that is still very unclear. Witcher 3 and Dragon Age are very different games. The only thing they have in commone is that they are RPG's. and they are in TPP. But so is all of Larian games as well. Witcher 3 is action RPG, while Dragon Age is team based more tactical . Again - Larian have made both these types of games

edikt - which of Larian's games have you played?
Post edited May 23, 2024 by amok
I tried playing BG3 but the camera was so bad gave up on it. I only play with a keyboard and mouse.

It is not the type of game that put me off just the camera style.
moonbeam: I tried playing BG3 but the camera was so bad gave up on it. I only play with a keyboard and mouse.

It is not the type of game that put me off just the camera style.
Ah, that expains it. You should try some of the other games. Like the Divinity saga, specially Ego Draconis
moonbeam: I tried playing BG3 but the camera was so bad gave up on it. I only play with a keyboard and mouse.

It is not the type of game that put me off just the camera style.
There is a mod that changes the camera.

"Native Camera Tweak" + "WASD Character Movement" are pretty popular.
Post edited May 23, 2024 by EverNightX
Thanks, both of you.
Post edited May 24, 2024 by moonbeam:)
Even with the massive success of BG3, I'm surprised to see this expansion... at this time. One would think Larian would hold onto their money until the world economy rebounds, but seems Sven is a risk taker.
kai2: Even with the massive success of BG3, I'm surprised to see this expansion... at this time. One would think Larian would hold onto their money until the world economy rebounds, but seems Sven is a risk taker.
I don't know what the current economic situation of the world is. But I do know the best time to buy things is when times are bad, not when they are good. Plus in Sven's case he has huge games to make. BG3 took like 7 years. And now he wants to make 2 even more ambitious ones. He can't be waiting around or no one will be alive to see them finished.
Plus it's going to be easier to attract talent after just having had GOTY then if you wait and something new gets people's attention.
Post edited May 24, 2024 by EverNightX