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mistermumbles: What's it like? I've never done it before even though this is my third summons. For my first I was out of country and in the military so for obvious reasons I couldn't do it, and for the second one I managed to get myself excused.

For the third I decided I'm comfortable where I'm at right now, and I'm actually quite curious about the whole process, so I decided I will be doing so this time. My reporting date is about a week-and-a-half away still yet I'm already a bit excited about it. Sure, I don't expect anything quite as dramatic or glamorous as seen on TV shows or movies, but I might get to know a few things I didn't know before.

I'm kind of undecided how I feel if they'd pick me for a grand jury. Regular jury duty lasts only a maximum of two days but a grand jury will take up to around a month. I'd have to use a bit of my savings - sure I'd get compensated enough to at least cover my rent, but it still ain't much - but it'd also get me a much needed and lawfully required break from work. That said, the kind of cases that require a grand jury are very likely to be a lot more interesting than the super short ones, not to mention being more important.

Anyway, got any thoughts? I'm all ears!
are you on drugs? while i known for a long time that romania, germany, netherlands, denmark, egypt are not countries that i want to live in, now i have to add even US to that list? only because they let you do judge duty?.. world's gone crazy.. and then you say you're in the military? do you have any sense of responsibility? do you know what being a soldier or a jury means? the power to affect other people's lives! so you come in here all excited thinking you gonna be in a grand jury or some crap.. it's unbelievable... :-/ seeing you here is like seeing mentally handicapped children who are given guns for free...
Randalator: You're supposed to get drunk AFTER you show up. Didn't you read the memo?
tinyE: I'm laughing now but it was really stupid and embarrassing. The really fucked up thing is that it was 15 years ago when I was a full blown drunk so I was always wasted and I had just gotten used to being able to cover it up. It never occurred to me when I walked into the Courts Building the security was going to be trained to pick up on stuff like that. One of them pulled me aside and gave me that 'shame on you' stare and told me to go home.

I can't emphasize enough how shitty I feel about it, and it's one of many reason I am devoutly sober now. :D
Was it a trial for public drunkenness ?
It's boring and stupid and the morons on the panel with you will let the guy go because you can't prooooooove he did it, even though the drugs were in his f****ing pocket at 3 AM in a stolen car.

Then you go home.
tinyE: I'm laughing now but it was really stupid and embarrassing. The really fucked up thing is that it was 15 years ago when I was a full blown drunk so I was always wasted and I had just gotten used to being able to cover it up. It never occurred to me when I walked into the Courts Building the security was going to be trained to pick up on stuff like that. One of them pulled me aside and gave me that 'shame on you' stare and told me to go home.

I can't emphasize enough how shitty I feel about it, and it's one of many reason I am devoutly sober now. :D
Telika: Was it a trial for public drunkenness ?
Good point. XD The prosecutor could have seen me coming a mile away and started screaming "NO!!!!"
mistermumbles: What's it like? I've never done it before even though this is my third summons. For my first I was out of country and in the military so for obvious reasons I couldn't do it, and for the second one I managed to get myself excused.

For the third I decided I'm comfortable where I'm at right now, and I'm actually quite curious about the whole process, so I decided I will be doing so this time. My reporting date is about a week-and-a-half away still yet I'm already a bit excited about it. Sure, I don't expect anything quite as dramatic or glamorous as seen on TV shows or movies, but I might get to know a few things I didn't know before.

I'm kind of undecided how I feel if they'd pick me for a grand jury. Regular jury duty lasts only a maximum of two days but a grand jury will take up to around a month. I'd have to use a bit of my savings - sure I'd get compensated enough to at least cover my rent, but it still ain't much - but it'd also get me a much needed and lawfully required break from work. That said, the kind of cases that require a grand jury are very likely to be a lot more interesting than the super short ones, not to mention being more important.

Anyway, got any thoughts? I'm all ears!
Sorry but.. the jury system seems terrible to me.
Random people that decide your fate, whilst the lawyers show off their rhetorical skills.
(ok.. not that the judicial system is perfect in my country lool)
Post edited May 18, 2015 by phaolo
is jury duty a must go ? if it is just go drunk like tinye, easiest way to avoid it or snap finger at the judge being guilty
Post edited May 18, 2015 by djranis
ciomalau: snip
o.O ... Okay then.
djranis: is jury duty a must go ? if it is just go drunk like tinye, easiest way to avoid it or snap finger at the judge being guilty
Oh, I know people can get excused for all sorts of things. Hell, as said I got excused last time even before showing up simply by writing them a letter. That said, this time I actually want to go no matter whether it amounts to much of anything.
Post edited May 18, 2015 by mistermumbles
djranis: is jury duty a must go ? if it is just go drunk like tinye, easiest way to avoid it or snap finger at the judge being guilty
I've gotten letters 3 times. The first one I ignored because I was really busy working and going to college full-time, and thought I could get away with it. Somehow I did. The next time I responded, but never heard anything back afterward. The third time I heard back and was told to call in on a certain evening to see if I was actually needed. When I called in, the message said that I wasn't. That's the extent of my jury experience.

I would love the experience, to be honest, but at the same time, it pays terribly. You literally hemorrhage money every minute you serve. That's the part I'm not sure I could stand...
mistermumbles: Anyway, got any thoughts? I'm all ears!
In the UK I can tell you from first hand experience that it is incredibly boring. Here we are selected for a minimum of 2 weeks, where we go into a pool, and as cases are heard we are selected at random from the pool. Thus it is possible to be in the pool for 2 weeks, but never on a case.

In my case I was on 2 trials, each lasting a week. I would estimate of the total 35hrs of each working week, I spent 10 in the actual court. There is so much waiting around because there's a lot in the trial that a jury is not allowed to hear. If you think about it, most of the representations that the lawyers are making is that certain evidence is not valid, or that it's in some way not presented correctly. The jury can't hear this until the judge has decided if they can, so most of the trial is hidden from the jury.

I hope it's different in the US, but if not, I'd advise taking a pack of cards, and a few good books.
djranis: is jury duty a must go ? if it is just go drunk like tinye, easiest way to avoid it or snap finger at the judge being guilty
mistermumbles: Anyway, got any thoughts? I'm all ears!
Grand Jury is evaluating evidence to see if there's enough to send a case on through to trial. It has a lower standard of proof since it's not the actual trial. Someone I knew at work who served on a Grand Jury said it was a bunch of drug cases and screwed up domestic cases that he heard.

I've been called to jury duty twice. The first was a murder trial, and the second (which I was dismissed from) was a serial killer case. So... lets just say I don't want to see that jury duty letter arrive in the mail. I'm pretty uncomfortable with the whole thing, although I realize it has to be done. The most frustrating thing in my instance (in the first case) was the conflict with other jurors (some who may be pretty closed minded and non-participatory), and trying to come to verdict while fairly interpreting law, and intent of law.
Post edited May 20, 2015 by fartheststar
Well, it is official! I'm Juror #2 for the next two weeks for a civil case. And that's all I can say for now. =P That jury selection process took its sweet time though.
wpegg: most of the trial is hidden from the jury.

I hope it's different in the US, but if not, I'd advise taking a pack of cards, and a few good books.
From the sounds of it's not all that dissimilar here. Hell, we got the whole jury thing from you guys, anyway. =P I got a pile of unread National Geographicssss to go through so that should be able to occupy my time for the first few days.
Post edited May 27, 2015 by mistermumbles
mistermumbles: I got a pile of unread National Geographicssss to go through so that should be able to occupy my time for the first few days.
I am pretty sure you have some (many) untouched drm-free things too, all you need is an offline portable device.