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IAmVeryFast: Is it possible to connect my gog account to steam and if so how?
tfishell: Just to be clear, GOG and Steam are competitors, so you will never ever get a Steam key here. Sometimes during a special event you can find games on Steam you can add to GOG via GOG Connect, but that is a rare opportunity and the purpose is to get people to "jumpstart" their GOG collection for free.

Some games on GOG do have cloud-saving via GOG Galaxy client -
You're correct in terms of buying a game here gets a GOG release of a game and not a Steam key, and that will probably never change.

Just want to note too though that there are a small number of games here in the GOG store that have come with Steam keys in the past because multiplayer was not functional, so Steam keys were provided by the publisher to allow people to have a way to play multiplayer. Anyone who owns ArmA, ArmA 2 for example should find Steam keys for these games on their game library page for them. There may be other games in the catalogue which do this also but I don't recall. It's rare and not to be expected by any measure, but there are some nonetheless. ;)

Update: Far Cry 2 also has Steam keys
Post edited October 06, 2018 by skeletonbow