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Trilarion: So the OP and his friends could use Raptr or Xfire and get more or less exactly what he/she wanted. Is it difficult to add GOG games to Raptr or Xfire?
Any social functionality requires actual people using it. A lot of people would use GOG client, ensuring friends list being actually useful. Just a small subset of that will install one of those programs - you know what the're more likely to use for the same functionality? Adding non-Steam games to Steam. You know what that means? More exposition to Steam offers and its store, less to GOG.
Trilarion: So the OP and his friends could use Raptr or Xfire and get more or less exactly what he/she wanted. Is it difficult to add GOG games to Raptr or Xfire?
I have messed around with it, and the answer is... depends on what you want to acheive.

Both applications directly support some GOGs, non-GOG versions of others, and yet others not at all.

For those games that are directly supported, there's nothing to it, have the application detect installed games, and you're good to go
For the ones where only non-GOG versions are supported, some editing of the detection file is required (Xfire's is the simpler one, I gave up trying to understand Raptr's), and everyone on your friends list will see what you're playing.
For those games not at all supported, both you and your friends will have to edit the detection file (if only you do, they will see your status as something akin to "now playing: unknown game").

And yes, I did for a short while maintain a modified ini file so that Xfire could detect GOGs, but the interest seemed low, and I eventually stopped bothering. The file would also have to be updated for every Xfire update (Xfire updates replace the ini with a new one that adds support for more games, which may or may not include another GOG or two, so all your edits are gone and will need to be replaced).

For the technically-enough minded, the thread is here. Be aware, though, that much of the ini file (and thread) is obsolete by now, and you should only use them as a guide as for what needs to be done to add support. If several of you decide to go the same route I did, please coordinate your efforts so that you all give the same game the same id number (say 9031 for realMyst, to take an example from my file), else A will see that B is playing realMyst while in reality B's playing Messiah, or whatever.
Post edited September 06, 2013 by Maighstir
Khadgar42: I find incredible that GOG doesn't have moar hookers. I mean we're in 2013, the era of sexual revolution is long past, the next gen consoles are even putting games like Catherine on their list or something, and what does GOG? Nothing. Incredible, Just Incredible.

I don't care if some people finds it tasteless. These are their problems. I want to have hookers and I want them here on GOG.
Dude I know you're trying hard to be witty and sarcastic but this is not as fun as you think. Quite embarassing actually, and honestly I wanted to laugh but I just couldn't. :/
monkeydelarge: If you want a friend's list so bad then convince GOG to make one for you by offering to pay these people for such work. What makes you entitled to a friend's list for free? Just because other services offer them doesn't make you entitled to one. Would you work for someone for free if you had a choice? It's not like GOG will lose customers if they don't offer people a friend's list. Where else can you go for so many good old DRM free games?
Hey are you an industrial engineering or something? What do you know about what customers do? Tell you what, I have several friends on Steam who refuse to join GOG just because they can't have the same features. Did GOG actually ever give us a choice about this? So how could you know I wanted it for free? Easy with the assumptions there.
Post edited September 09, 2013 by George32027
George32027: [...] Dude I know you're trying hard to be witty and sarcastic but this is not as fun as you think. Quite embarassing actually, and honestly I wanted to laugh but I just couldn't. :/
You're welcome, it was never meant to be funny, I just found your original post and the permeating feel of your entitlement therein quite embarassing as well.
George32027: [...] Dude I know you're trying hard to be witty and sarcastic but this is not as fun as you think. Quite embarassing actually, and honestly I wanted to laugh but I just couldn't. :/
Khadgar42: You're welcome, it was never meant to be funny, I just found your original post and the permeating feel of your entitlement therein quite embarassing as well.
Oh now you're lying. Pretty bad actually. Of course it was meant to be funny. I used to make jokes like that (repeating statements changing words here and there) in elementary school.

It was very funny. In elementary school.
Kunovski: I'm surprise by how many people actually *want* something like friend's list :-O

I mean, what's the point? if you like a user, talk to him via PMs, ask them about anything you want to know etc... or if you really can't live without knowing what they bought here, you can both create your accounts on GOGwiki...

but I find the idea of connecting to GOG and looking at what other people play or do and for how long (as steam friends do) quite disturbing...
You're so stupid I'm getting blind... How do you play multiplayer without friends? How do I play Co-op campaign of Saints Row?
nice nekro :)
Not right now :(
Nestii1227: Not right now :(