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I don't own consoles but a friend of mine who knew I love stealth games lent me his PS3 one time because I "had to play MGS4." He thought it was so amazing and since it was stealth he knew I'd love it. I thought it was trash and didn't finish it. Way too focused on a crappy story, with tons of gameplay side-notes that were all terrible. The one that really sticks out is some kind of motorcycle rail shooter.

So... despite all the praise for 5, and it being on PC, I've found it very hard to click install. I bought it for $8 or something in a sale because I heard it was so much better, but... eh. The motivation is hard to find.
i_hope_you_rot: So the game unfinished ?
Story-wise it feels like there was going to be a next chapter, but there isn't. That game doesn't just suddenly end or something, there's a ton to do, but the story, especially if you are familiar with the franchise, feels like it was cut short.
I have it on PS3 and was surprised how much I loved it because I dont typically dig most open world games. The gameplay rhythm of taking stealth missions, finding and kidnapping superior soldiers for your base, upgrading your base and gear, and exploring beautiful Afghanistan was very rewarding. There is plenty of story, just not ridiculous, Kojima level amounts of it. LOTS of cool toys, and by the end you can tackle a mission 100 different ways.
I can see purest not liking it, maybe thats why I liked it so much.
One of the games of the generation. Will never forget moments like escaping some mission on D-Horse with half an army chasing me, calling in the evac chopper and hearing the voice of Laura Branigan coming over the hills singing "Gloria" on the Helicopter PA system. Then jumping on the door gun and spraying the chasers as we make a getaway. Stealth? Screw that, I murdered everyone. Halfway through the game I was covered in blood that wouldn't wash and I was literally growing horns from my head because of my murderous ways. I have to play it again.
If you like stealth games, this is the best among the new ones out there IMO but only in terms of gameplay. The mechanics are solid and there are a lot of options and ways to approach a mission or enemy. Story wise, the game is about as ludicrous as you expect in a Kojima game but can be safely ignored as there aren't as many cutscenes as in previous MGS games.

The game is very obviously unfinished as the last missions you have to do to ''finish'' the game are just previous missions with more restrictions. I say ''finish'' because there isn't really much closure or anything that concludes the stuff that happens in the game, although they're kinda inconsequential so I guess we're supposed to link them up to Metal Gear (the next game in the story chronologically) and be happy.

The game can be modded (haven't done this yet myself) and from what it seems, it makes the game much more complex / realistic difficult. Considering you can tweak it to be near realistic like that, I'd say the game is worth it.

-Game is unfinished story wise
-The levels that do exist while good, are reused (three or four of them) in later missions
-The game still has enough content regardless
-Best third person stealth game out there right now, even better with mods
-Has Denuvo and not even mentioned on the store-page thanks to scum publisher Konami
-Optimization is good and runs great

I say if you want the best third person stealth experience out there right now, get it.
As this thread attests, opinions are going to vary wildly. I, for one, enjoyed MGS V immensely. In fact, I would include it among my favorite games of all time. The gameplay is definitely the star of the show, but I also enjoyed the plot and characters. Though it still has that Kojima craziness and some of the characters are a bit over the top, I found the game overall to be a bit more subdued and approachable compared to previous titles in the series. And though longtime fans of the series will probably crucify me for saying this, I thought Kiefer Sutherland did an amazing job as Snake, and even though he speaks surprisingly little throughout the game, what he little he does in the role carries much more emotional depth than anything David Hayder ever did.*

As for how it runs on PC, I don’t have much more to say that hasn’t been said already. It is incredibly well optimized; when I played it, I had an okay gaming rig, and I was able to run the game on good settings with little strain on my computer. I was unaware the game had Denuvo, though.

*And no, I’m not bashing David Hayder. I actually quite like his acting, and his portrayal of Snake is certainly iconic.
i_hope_you_rot: Is the PC version good ? Never played any game from this series before .
I got it for free as a refund for metal gear rising drm Mac version that did not work anymore.

It's not a bad game and I didn't played any game of the series too (only rising but it's very different and it's a spin off).
But there are too many fetch quest and the game use denuvo (I had too use it in a new pc and format after the ending to avoid any leftover of that shit).
I'm would not pay for it anything and I will not play that game ever again.

Alternative good games with the same kind of gameplay are Deus ex and Hitman. You can find those games on gog.
Only at a discount.

Mostly due to the game fizzling out and rushing what little major plot events it had to an unsatisfying non-conclusion.

The actual gameplay is great, but the missions themselves can get grating and old.

I'd suggest watching Chip Cheezum play a few missions and see how you like it, since he's basically an expert.
i_hope_you_rot: So the game unfinished ?
A lot of the plot threads look like they're leading up to things, only to suddenly sputter out and either get resolved in the offscreen dimension or never at all.
Post edited May 07, 2020 by Darvond
It depends on the money. Overall, I would say go get it.

As a big MGS fan, I played it on launch day. It is nice, but it doesn't 100% feel like a MGS game, so even if that was *my* main source of disappointment with the game, you will most likely care only about gameplay.

IMO, the gameplay is great, but has a great problem: the second half of the game feels rushed and a re-skin from the first part. That is where I lost my interest with the game. To be fair, 90% of my disappointment is related to "MGS fan stuff" (voice actor drama, plot, decisions, etc...), but it still points the issue that even if the gameplay is **great**, it stagnates halfways.

If you have never played a MGS game before, you won't have many of the issues above. If you like the idea, you will have lots of fun and I think they did a great job with the sandbox. You can try a lot of stuff and just enjoy yourself. But again, be wary that you might get tired of it halfways.

Nevertheless, as I said before, if you have seen some *gameplay* videos and want to try it, I would overall recommend getting it.
If in doubt, get it on sale, but I checked and it is right now 30 $ full price on Steam (+ with Ground Zeroes that, even if short, I loved it). I think it's not a bad price at all. As I said, even if it doesn't feel 100% MGS, has had a rough development and due to the rushes it makes a shitty "ending" for the saga, I still recommend getting it.
Amazing stealth gameplay - Fuck the story but I could say that about every single game out there. Gameplay is king and gameplay is so smooth and sweet in MGS5 so highly recommended game.
The complete/definitive package was on sale in certain places for ~$6USD - even if you ignore the multiplayer stuff, accept the unpleasant fact that it's got Draconian DRM shoehorned into it and realize that Konami is still profiting off the corpse of a series that they paraded out like a pinata in the form of Survive, then there's enough game there to justify getting it at that price.

If not, just pick up a used copy of Snake Eater, the last truly satisfying game in that series, and call it a day.