Posted June 07, 2018

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Registered: Sep 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 07, 2018

One minor bug spotted - Although it does seem to be working, I have noticed one game in my library you missed. Crookz The Big Heist still seems to be falsely named for the non-Galaxy offline installer (the (g) meaning "includes Galaxy"). It's possible you either forgot to remove the Galaxy installer from this game, or that you mistakenly gave the non-Galaxy "Offline Installer" files the same name as the Galaxy files (in which case it should be as simple as renaming it without the "g"). See attached picture as to how it appears in my library.
Post edited June 07, 2018 by AB2012

That PR Guy Team
Registered: Oct 2011
From Poland
Posted June 07, 2018

One minor bug spotted - Although it does seem to be working, I have noticed one game in my library you missed. Crookz The Big Heist still seems to be falsely named for the non-Galaxy offline installer (the (g) meaning "includes Galaxy"). It's possible you either forgot to remove the Galaxy installer from this game, or that you mistakenly gave the non-Galaxy "Offline Installer" files the same name as the Galaxy files (in which case it should be as simple as renaming it without the "g"). See attached picture as to how it appears in my library.

MMO addict Team
Registered: Apr 2009
From Poland
Posted June 07, 2018
high rated

One minor bug spotted - Although it does seem to be working, I have noticed one game in my library you missed. Crookz The Big Heist still seems to be falsely named for the non-Galaxy offline installer (the (g) meaning "includes Galaxy"). It's possible you either forgot to remove the Galaxy installer from this game, or that you mistakenly gave the non-Galaxy "Offline Installer" files the same name as the Galaxy files (in which case it should be as simple as renaming it without the "g"). See attached picture as to how it appears in my library.

Slightly Tarnished User
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted June 07, 2018
Seems like a pretty good solution. Thank you, GOG (and thanks Venom and Paczyk for explaining how it works).

Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted June 07, 2018
That's certainly an improvement. Thanks.
Post edited June 07, 2018 by DubConqueror

Registered: Sep 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted June 07, 2018
Fixed! It also looks like selecting the show / hide Offline Installer links in one game, seems intelligent enough to "remember" that between games, so the offline links are instantly visible. Well done. A definite positive upgrade to the site.

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted June 07, 2018
Long, long gone. Meet Fables 2.0!

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan
Posted June 07, 2018

One minor bug spotted - Although it does seem to be working, I have noticed one game in my library you missed. Crookz The Big Heist still seems to be falsely named for the non-Galaxy offline installer (the (g) meaning "includes Galaxy"). It's possible you either forgot to remove the Galaxy installer from this game, or that you mistakenly gave the non-Galaxy "Offline Installer" files the same name as the Galaxy files (in which case it should be as simple as renaming it without the "g"). See attached picture as to how it appears in my library.

We have reported the same bug tens of times at forum, and GOG staff never fix them.
Prison Architect
Post edited June 08, 2018 by kbnrylaec

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted June 07, 2018
Kudos, a good change
Edit: Blue Topic Titles for crying out loud! Or at least a blue dot
Edit: Blue Topic Titles for crying out loud! Or at least a blue dot
Post edited June 07, 2018 by Pheace

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted June 07, 2018

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted June 07, 2018
I'm terrified of GOG turning into gamersgate, now.
EDIT: On the flip side, the bundling is essentially gone. And the offline installers are on the same page. Overall, i think this can be considered a huge improvement overall, and overall restoring my faith. I'm sure it clears alot of space for gog, too.
EDIT: On the flip side, the bundling is essentially gone. And the offline installers are on the same page. Overall, i think this can be considered a huge improvement overall, and overall restoring my faith. I'm sure it clears alot of space for gog, too.
Post edited June 07, 2018 by kohlrak