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Ask and you shall be deceived…

INDIKA is OUT NOW on GOG with a -10% launch discount, as well as its OST, Artbook, and Deluxe Edition.

It’s a third-person, story-driven game set in a strange world where religious visions clash with harsh reality. It tells the story of a young nun who sets off on a journey of self-discovery with the most unusual, horn-headed companion by her side.

On the outside, Indika seems to be a typical nun attempting to adjust to a difficult and monotonous monastery life. Humble and innocent in her appearance, do not be deceived as this young girl has also made a highly unlikely acquaintance—as she speaks with the devil himself.

Discover and enjoy an indie game where everything goes – play INDIKA now!
high rated
MarkoH01: ROFL ... satanic? We are talking about a stupid videogame ... please come back into reality.
JMayer70: There you go DarkBattler, MarkoH01 deems it "stupid". Which I agree with. "Dogshit" I believe I deemed it.
And yes it IS "satanic"! It involves "the devil"! Did you read the store description? As such it attracts Beavis and Butthead style idiots (ie the "flies").
Reality checks all fine at this end matey. Advise you check yours!

PS/ If THIS overall thread is the level of discourse from "intellectual" GOG members, I wonder what the situation is with this game's forum,and all it's zit-squeezing teen contributors, over on Steam?
PPS/ The "high rated" indicator clearly shows who all the "GOG clique" members are too! I'm definately NOT one of them.
It is funny how you call everyone an idiot or "flies" who happens to like or to be interested in this game and then you have the chutzpah to complain about the level of discourse.
Post edited May 06, 2024 by brutaltruth99
Mr.Caine: GOG should remove retards like you instead.
VBProject: You certainly will be removed for harassing and attacks and hate speech against Christians.

I never mentioned you or anyone, just the game, yet you took it personal for some reason.
He won't you know. Trust me. If he called you "r-----" for ANY other reason he would have been banhammered immediately. But for targetting you for being "Christian", nothing, not even a "tut tut tut" will result.
JMayer70: There you go DarkBattler, MarkoH01 deems it "stupid". Which I agree with. "Dogshit" I believe I deemed it.
And yes it IS "satanic"! It involves "the devil"! Did you read the store description? As such it attracts Beavis and Butthead style idiots (ie the "flies").
Reality checks all fine at this end matey. Advise you check yours!

PS/ If THIS overall thread is the level of discourse from "intellectual" GOG members, I wonder what the situation is with this game's forum,and all it's zit-squeezing teen contributors, over on Steam?
PPS/ The "high rated" indicator clearly shows who all the "GOG clique" members are too! I'm definately NOT one of them.
brutaltruth99: It is funny how you call everyone an idiot or "flies" who happens to like or to be interested in this game and then you have the chutzpah to complain about the level of discourse.
"BrutalTruth"? Used to be a good death metal called that but they were a bit dumb with their lyrics! :D They were all "Hail Dawkins! F--- God!", had many an issue with people of that ilk also using the name over the years!!!!!!!

So, that's the only reason why you're complaining huh? I'm proletizing for what YOU hate. So therefore I'M the criminal!
My "chutzpah" is only for the people who seem to think they have carte blanche rights to abuse a certain group, and then scream foul when that group retorts...... hey, people like you!!!!!!

PS/ Flies was just a general term - and if you're THAT much of a sensitive little flower to be offended by THAT, you're not really suited for the rough tough world of anti-theism, or these forums! :D

PPS/ It's a disgrace GOG have even let this thread go the way it has.

PPPS/ brutaltruth99's vacuous nothing posts are now "high rated" as well?! Holy Toledo, this "GOG forum clique" is a seriously rancid one! Or it's just a damning indicator of how bad many people are round here. Sigh.
Post edited May 06, 2024 by JMayer70
high rated
Fine. Then there is only one option left.
high rated
I'm genuinely shocked some posts in this thread have been up for days, do we even have a moderation team?
Memecchi: I'm genuinely shocked some posts in this thread have been up for days, do we even have a moderation team?
One way to find out is to try the above link brutal kindly posted. Other than that, I think the answer is a resounding "no".
high rated
MarkoH01: ROFL ... satanic? We are talking about a stupid videogame ... please come back into reality.
Yep! An innocuous piece of entertainment that made the "mistake" of using religious themes, but I guess the fact that it was enough to piss some people off was somewhat predictable.

JMayer70: And yes it DOES actually have "satanic" content! It involves "the devil"!
No, it does not involve the devil but a character based on him. For example, did you know that neither Nikola Tesla nor H.P. Lovecraft were personally involved in the game "Tesla vs Lovecraft", and that both of them are in fact characters in the game? You can make all kinds of crazy things happen in a video game, but that doesn't change the fact that in the end, as Marko put it, it's just a stupid video game.

And here, "stupid" really means "harmless".
Post edited May 07, 2024 by DarkBattler
JMayer70: Suprisingly "high brow" review for a Steamster. Usually they just say "iz gam".
KeoniBoy you too seem a bit shall we say, "a lover", of anything "devil". It's not healthy dude! Believe me, he won't reward you for it. Contrary to what "Butthead" might say, he is NOT "huh huh huh..... cool". Maybe you should perhaps worship something like "Darwin" instead! You can still be the anti-Christian edgelord and the worst thing Darwin can do to you is tickle you in the night with his ghostly beard!

:D :D

Before you all start whinging, that's meant to be taken with "humour". Even though that is something "the devil" and his "lackeys" are not known for.

Mind you, I must ask myself why I'm even "defending God" here, he (or any of the others for that matter) don't really go all out to help us mere human microbes these days. Will probably have to wait for an "apocalypse" to be due for any of that! You know, just like politicans when it's election time!
We find Steam reviews much more numerous on any prog than GOG, to put it mildly. Most of them are basic "astroturf", and therefore to be taken with a large grain of NaCl, but some are quite comprehensive, insightful, and therefore very useful in making a decision to commit one's "dosh", on GOG, of course! As for our "beliefs", we are an agnostic on most things, until we have enough "evidence" to at least convince Horace Rumpole, or a Red Judge. What we "worship" is the DDG image we admiringly gaze at in the myriad mirrors adorning the walls of our shrine. "What's it all about, Alfie?!" ((;--))
high rated
There is a very interesting interview with studio co-founder Dmitry Setlov on RPS:

definitely worth a read including the comments.
Post edited May 07, 2024 by dyscode
high rated
DarkBattler: How is the game, damn it?
It's mostly about the story, meaning it's light on gameplay. Some walking, some puzzle with moving boxes
and pathfinding and some chasing sequences that can be quite trial and error. All technically solid but could be more optimized (I play this on Ubuntu Linux via Heroic Game Launcher).

And then there are the mini arcade games which are ... not good. Esp. the very first thing you have to do is to collect stars and all of them. It _nearly_ made me rage quit and refund.

Other mini game are not that bad but all of them with a not that well implemented control scheme.
A lot of people on Steam already ask the dev to make them skippable.

On the content IMHO:
it makes great points at topics like falling from believe, psychosis (Indika as referring to the medical term 'indication' I guess), not living up to other's expectations and the vile of people (esp. the religious and political zealots- after all, acccording to the devs, this is a parable about Putin and the Orthodox Church).

Heavy but at the same time it also tells this with an incredible, dry sense of humor and very psychedelic at times, including the 8 Bit soundtrack, which brings it all together.

I haven't played it to the end, yet but besides the mini games, I love it so far.

My rating would be 3.5/5 because of the mini games. Otherwise 5/5.
Post edited May 07, 2024 by dyscode
JMayer70: Suprisingly "high brow" review for a Steamster. Usually they just say "iz gam".
KeoniBoy you too seem a bit shall we say, "a lover", of anything "devil". It's not healthy dude! Believe me, he won't reward you for it. Contrary to what "Butthead" might say, he is NOT "huh huh huh..... cool". Maybe you should perhaps worship something like "Darwin" instead! You can still be the anti-Christian edgelord and the worst thing Darwin can do to you is tickle you in the night with his ghostly beard!

:D :D

Before you all start whinging, that's meant to be taken with "humour". Even though that is something "the devil" and his "lackeys" are not known for.

Mind you, I must ask myself why I'm even "defending God" here, he (or any of the others for that matter) don't really go all out to help us mere human microbes these days. Will probably have to wait for an "apocalypse" to be due for any of that! You know, just like politicans when it's election time!
KeoniBoy: We find Steam reviews much more numerous on any prog than GOG, to put it mildly. Most of them are basic "astroturf", and therefore to be taken with a large grain of NaCl, but some are quite comprehensive, insightful, and therefore very useful in making a decision to commit one's "dosh", on GOG, of course! As for our "beliefs", we are an agnostic on most things, until we have enough "evidence" to at least convince Horace Rumpole, or a Red Judge. What we "worship" is the DDG image we admiringly gaze at in the myriad mirrors adorning the walls of our shrine. "What's it all about, Alfie?!" ((;--))
"basic astroturf"? Eh?
"A dose of NaCl"? (Yes, I do know that means "salt" but why not put just that?)
"Horace Rumpole"? "Red Judge"?
"What we "worship" is the DDG image we admiringly gaze at in the myriad mirrors adorning the walls of our shrine. "What's it all about, Alfie?!" ((;--))"..... that's BEYOND surreal!

Did you use some chatbot AI to generate this post or is it just thanks to Google Translate?
Post edited May 07, 2024 by JMayer70
MarkoH01: ROFL ... satanic? We are talking about a stupid videogame ... please come back into reality.
DarkBattler: Yep! An innocuous piece of entertainment that made the "mistake" of using religious themes, but I guess the fact that it was enough to piss some people off was somewhat predictable.

JMayer70: And yes it DOES actually have "satanic" content! It involves "the devil"!
DarkBattler: No, it does not involve the devil but a character based on him. For example, did you know that neither Nikola Tesla nor H.P. Lovecraft were personally involved in the game "Tesla vs Lovecraft", and that both of them are in fact characters in the game? You can make all kinds of crazy things happen in a video game, but that doesn't change the fact that in the end, as Marko put it, it's just a stupid video game.

And here, "stupid" really means "harmless".
Thanks DarkBattler, though I will let MarkoH01 tell me what he meant exactly by the word "stupid" before accepting your second hand opinion on what he meant by it.

So "no devil" in it eh?
Let's read this cut and paste excerpt from the store description!
Play a TPP adventure game that combines an imaginative story with a dark sense of humor
Join a young nun Indika on her journey of self-discovery
Meet the devil himself as Indika’s unlikely travel companion
Explore the hidden depths of Indika’s soul while tackling unique puzzle elements
Travel through surreal landscapes of Russia seen in a distorted mirror
Uncover Indika's troubled past in the form of 2D pixel art mini-games

Hello? "Meet the devil himself"......... there it is IN WRITING in the GAME'S. OWN. STORE. DESCRIPTION!
Do. You. Understand?

I'm geting POed with these hair splitting, argumentative, "smoke and mirrors" politician / double speak bullshit replies.

The game may be harmless, but the prejudiced self-righteous attitudes of some posters in this nasty thread still stink! And THAT is what my real beef with this thread is, NOT "whether the game has the devil in it or not"!
Jesus, will Clownski or some other mod come and lock it PLEASE!

DarkBattler: How is the game, damn it?
dyscode: It's mostly about the story, meaning it's light on gameplay. Some walking, some puzzle with moving boxes
and pathfinding and some chasing sequences that can be quite trial and error. All technically solid but could be more optimized (I play this on Ubuntu Linux via Heroic Game Launcher).

And then there are the mini arcade games which are ... not good. Esp. the very first thing you have to do is to collect stars and all of them. It _nearly_ made me rage quit and refund.

Other mini game are not that bad but all of them with a not that well implemented control scheme.
A lot of people on Steam already ask the dev to make them skippable.

On the content IMHO:
it makes great points at topics like falling from believe, psychosis (Indika as referring to the medical term 'indication' I guess), not living up to other's expectations and the vile of people (esp. the religious and political zealots- after all, acccording to the devs, this is a parable about Putin and the Orthodox Church).

Heavy but at the same time it also tells this with an incredible, dry sense of humor and very psychedelic at times, including the 8 Bit soundtrack, which brings it all together.

I haven't played it to the end, yet but besides the mini games, I love it so far.

My rating would be 3.5/5 because of the mini games. Otherwise 5/5.
That is actually a very good review of the game - and a refreshing bit of sensibility. Thank you!
Post edited May 07, 2024 by JMayer70
KeoniBoy: We find Steam reviews much more numerous on any prog than GOG, to put it mildly. Most of them are basic "astroturf", and therefore to be taken with a large grain of NaCl, but some are quite comprehensive, insightful, and therefore very useful in making a decision to commit one's "dosh", on GOG, of course! As for our "beliefs", we are an agnostic on most things, until we have enough "evidence" to at least convince Horace Rumpole, or a Red Judge. What we "worship" is the DDG image we admiringly gaze at in the myriad mirrors adorning the walls of our shrine. "What's it all about, Alfie?!" ((;--))
JMayer70: "basic astroturf"? Eh?
"A dose of NaCl"? (Yes, I do know that means "salt" but why not put just that?)
"Horace Rumpole"? "Red Judge"?
"What we "worship" is the DDG image we admiringly gaze at in the myriad mirrors adorning the walls of our shrine. "What's it all about, Alfie?!" ((;--))"..... that's BEYOND surreal!

Did you use some chatbot AI to generate this post or is it just thanks to Google Translate?
Bollocks is still bollocks, whoever shovels it out, lad. QED.
high rated
JMayer70: Thanks DarkBattler, though I will let MarkoH01 tell me what he meant exactly by the word "stupid" before accepting your second hand opinion on what he meant by it.
So let me confirm that he hit the nail on the head ... I really meant "harmless", "meaningless", "nothing one should worry about" ... might not have been perfectly worded because English is not my native language. I did not want to say that it is literally "stupid" ... that I can't even judge and from what I've heard so far it's more likely that it's probably more intelligent in the sense that it is trying to make people think with its strange and surealistic artstyle... but again - I don't know enough about the game to be able to really judge how good or intelligent it might be. However it is in any case just a videogame and in my opinion one should never worry about any piece of art: be it a movie, a book, music or a video game.
Post edited May 07, 2024 by MarkoH01
high rated
JMayer70: So "no devil" in it eh?
Let's read this cut and paste excerpt from the store description!
Play a TPP adventure game that combines an imaginative story with a dark sense of humor
Join a young nun Indika on her journey of self-discovery
Meet the devil himself as Indika’s unlikely travel companion
Explore the hidden depths of Indika’s soul while tackling unique puzzle elements
Travel through surreal landscapes of Russia seen in a distorted mirror
Uncover Indika's troubled past in the form of 2D pixel art mini-games

Hello? "Meet the devil himself"......... there it is IN WRITING in the GAME'S. OWN. STORE. DESCRIPTION!
Do. You. Understand?
It also says "imaginative" which imo is much more important. I guess that is the reason why DarkBattler said that it does not have any (real) devil in it ... it's just one (of many) imaginary depictions of the devil and nothing more. It's a story told by a writer about something they inveted in their head.

JMayer70: The game may be harmless, but the prejudiced self-righteous attitudes of some posters in this nasty thread still stink! And THAT is what my real beef with this thread is, NOT "whether the game has the devil in it or not"!
Jesus, will Clownski or some other mod come and lock it PLEASE!
I wonder how closing a thread could be a solution to this. If you want a discussion to stop and have said everything you wanted to say you just have to leave it ... that's what I did before you asked me by name to confirm sth. another user interpreted from my post. Moderating certain insults or similar things of course is a different thing.
Post edited May 07, 2024 by MarkoH01
high rated
lord_mendes: Most people don't have any problems with homosexual people. As long as their relationship is only about THEMSELVES, and as long as they don't flaunt it. The situation is completely different when LGBT propaganda begins in the media, books, movies, games... Most people will never accept that. Most people are disgusted by LGBT parades. Why don't heterosexuals behave the same way? Why aren't there heterosexual parades? Why should the whole world look at a bunch of freaks demonstrating to everyone that they are "different"? Why do they think anyone is interested in their "sexual idiosyncrasies"? What is this, if not a demonstration of one's own perversions and complexes to the whole world? And they are trying to impose their perversions on the whole world – even children. Through LGBT propaganda in books, films, TV shows, games, etc. At the very least, such behavior deserves strong condemnation. Once again, most people will never accept this. Because the LGBT community behaves defiantly, outrageously, like freaks... This is what irritates society.
You do realize that what you wrote here is different from what you wrote here?

" You can be homosexual and live with it – that's your choice. Most people (including Christians) have no problem with such people. No one will insult you or condemn you for your mental disorder. ... Most people will never accept that. Because it's not normal."

There is no possible wrong interpretation and calling homosexuality a mental disorder is definitely something you could call hate-speech and imo rightfully so. Also newsflash "normal" is only what the majority is - so there's nothing wrong in not belonging to the majority.

Like I said before, I don't see any point in arguing with people who still think homosexuality is some illness and something that's "not normal".

Mr.Caine: GOG should remove retards like you instead.
VBProject: You certainly will be removed for harassing and attacks and hate speech against Christians.
The insult was wrong agreed ... but how was it aimed at christians specifically? It was probably aimed at you alone because he thought that you overreacted. Still insults are wrong and unwarranted imo.

JMayer70: He won't you know. Trust me. If he called you "r-----" for ANY other reason he would have been banhammered immediately. But for targetting you for being "Christian", nothing, not even a "tut tut tut" will result.
Like I said above: I doubt that he insulted him for being christian ... but rather because he thought that he overreacted and for wanting to have a game removed from a store just because he disliked it it therefore making it unavailable for everyboody who would like to play it.
Post edited May 07, 2024 by MarkoH01