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As I see more now-locked topics cropping up about r e f u n d s / l a c k o f r e p l i e s by s u p p o r t, I wonder about resource allocation too. That is, these topics are locked pretty quickly, yet it apparently takes a long time to get actual resolution and when it comes to other issues (No Man's Sky DRM/online activation...official responses on rejected games...etc) there is not satisfactory resolution. This doesn't seem to be a very effective approach by GOG. That said, DRM is still the concern for me; I couldn't care less if they had the store running smoothly if there weren't the DRM-free offline installers.
dtgreene: I wouldn't put PHP and Rust in the same category.

If anything, I would say that Python and node.js are the main replacements for PHP here. Python is a great general purpose scripting language for when performance is not critical, while node.js is good for JavaScript programmers who want to write server-side code without having to learn a new language (or for an employer who wants to employ such people).

Rust, on the other hand, is more like C but with modern features and significantly more strict. C will let you get away with a lot, including things that will crash or cause undefined behavior at runtime (note that "undefined behavior" can include the possibility of remote code execution!), while Rust will say no in many of these cases. Thing is, development in Rust is still slower than in a language like Python, so it's best suited to situations where you need high performance (or have limited resources) and the code absolutely needs to be correct. I would seriously consider Rust for situations like rockets, where a mistake can be extremely costly, or perhaps even medical devices, where a bug can cause loss of life.
This. I'll also add in the case of Node that it's also appropriate in a lot of cases where Python is not for performance reasons.

For starters, its somewhere between Python and garbage-collected compiled languages (ie, Java, Golang, a couple of others) in terms of overall performance, because it runs on a browser engine (which at this point have almost two decades of optimisation done by several big corporations to run Javascript code in the browser as quickly as humanly possible).

Also, while Python has an evolving asynchronous ecosystem, Node was asynchronous from the ground up, meaning it has a lot of mature tools that are very efficient for concurrent io operations (disk operations, network, etc), which tend to be the main bottleneck for a lot of use-cases.

Of course, its a two-edged sword. Coding something to be asynchronous takes more time and requires more developer maturity. When you don't need to run an insane number of concurrent io operations, Python is faster to work with (ie, developer time).

If you really like functional programming, Node has an ecosystem for that (ex: Ramda). Python doesn't really (it has the capacity for it, but nobody bothered making mature libraries that enables it, meaning you'd either have to rely on less mature libraries or build your own tooling for it).

And finally, Python has some well developed, highly optimised (usually written in C) ecosystem for ai & data science (Spark, Panda, Numpy and many more), which Node barely touches so if that's what you are working on, you are better off with Python (assuming you are not using Scala in the case of Spark or a more specialised language like Julia or R in the case of data science overall).

Overall, it pays to put your eggs in several baskets. In my case, I'm a very skilled Node & Python developer. I used to be great in C++, though I haven't used it in years now (use-cases for it tend to be very specific) so my knowledge in that language would be considered dated at this point. I'm currently ramping up in Golang (I want to know well at least one language that is faster to work with than C++, but which also has faster runtime characteristics than Python/Node and which can run by itself as a small binary without needing a runtime to be installed).
Post edited February 08, 2021 by Magnitus
Just to think about in context of this subject...

IMHO what some people might miss (and IMHO an important element to this discussion)...

GOG built a reputation on the niche of "Good Old Games." Old games were relatively easy (in the past) and inexpensive to license and market... and devs / publishers of old material were much more likely to embrace GOG DRM-free sales / distribution. But...

... old games are a niche market.

Although IMO an important niche, old games cannot drive high -- or consistent -- sales. Certainly there are exceptions, but overall, no company with ambition will become prosperous solely selling old games (unlike the local console game "collector market") . In fact, without government subsidy, GOG may not have been able to make old games -- their original mission -- "pay off" even in the short term. Without subsidy, old games probably were an overall loss. That leads to...

... as GOG's subsidy became more lean...

... the company needed to bring in games that would bring in higher -- and more consistent -- revenue. Thus came indies and bigger, "current" AAA titles. But these devs / publishers demanded higher license fees and many titles required development of additional GOG infrastructure (servers, etc). The investment needed in this "mission change" necessitated an "all in" mentality -- going for broke.

It seems GOG had hoped to build this investment and infrastructure via CDPR / GOG exclusives, but a few misfires have made this impossible ATM. Meanwhile, GOG is trying to get into retailing data via Galaxy, but that is having mixed results.

So, IMHO GOG is in a precarious position.

I hope they can weather the storm and I value what they provide. I would hate to see them disappear... because while I may sometimes question their commitment to DRM-free, I certainly see no other viable DRM-free marketplace in the near future. I want to see GOG correct course and be profitable while providing DRM-free content... but I think we must look realistically at the business and the economics.

Overall, not sure this is 100% what's been happening, but it's my opinion based on what I've seen. Food of tthought.
No censorship.
LordEbu: No censorship.
Period, or would you a proper verification system to separate the store like a gaudy beaded curtain?
Fire the entire C-suite, upper management and every member of the curation team. Basically fire every person involved in decision making.

The first would probably solve the second thing.

Bring back GOG Downloader.
Lionel212008: I wish gog would focus more on their offline installers (takes an eternity to download and aren't always updated vis-a-vis galalxy), go more privacy focused, get a blockchain based client with optional advertising, and have a more responsive customer service.

Get rid of Galaxy abomination, do not try to compete with Steam head to head - you will lose. Focus on your DRM free community and listen to them.

Customer service prior to CP2077 disaster was actually responsive - but not always agreeable :)