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Green_Hilltop: ... I suddenly realized I smell this horrendous smell! It was like a cross between sewage, old socks and old dumpster
I fear what you're smelling is the majority of your taste buds. They're dead and rotting ;-P
The worst is the smell of coffee WHEN YOU PEE IT...
Seriously, I hate that. That's why I only drink tea now.
Gotta have my coffee fix every single day.
"I hate the smell of coffee. It smells like a horrid swamp of sewer waste."

What kind of coffee are they brewing near you? Just the opposite .. Love the smell of beans and coffee brewing. Used to love brewing coffee in the old stove stop perculators. Grind your own beans and use the old fashioned style perculator .. Nothing like it. :)
Coffee smells and tastes the best, especially those rich, deep, Arabic blends! What's wrong with your taste's sensors, dear?
Green_Hilltop: ... I suddenly realized I smell this horrendous smell! It was like a cross between sewage, old socks and old dumpster
DeMignon: I fear what you're smelling is the majority of your taste buds. They're dead and rotting ;-P
Hah, how come everything else smells so much wonderful usually, then? The fresh air, the plants, the smell of my shampoo and soap, the smell of hamburgers! Oh yeah! Unless you think it's just the coffee that makes them go away and then revive once its smell is gone, hah! ;)

Admit it, coffee smells horrible to some people. Joooin our side!
Post edited December 16, 2015 by Green_Hilltop
I have the same reaction to bacon frying.. that smell. And popcorn being popped. both taste minging too. heresy I know, right? I have been shunned from society for this.

Maybe its because its just a strong smell. But when I cook the above (cuz apparently bacon is needed for cell division in my husbands mind ) several windows are open and the oven fan is on full blast
How does it feel to only like Milk Tea?
mintee: I have the same reaction to bacon frying.. that smell. And popcorn being popped. both taste minging too. heresy I know, right? I have been shunned from society for this.

Maybe its because its just a strong smell. But when I cook the above (cuz apparently bacon is needed for cell division in my husbands mind ) several windows are open and the oven fan is on full blast
Ah, personally I love both, however I did smell something frying lately and it wasn't very pleasant, but I'm not sure what it was - maybe it was bacon? When I do it, it smells delicious every time! However it's perfectly alright, don't worry! Everyone has their pet peeves. You can always tell him to do it himself, if you're both working! ;) There's no reason why you should suffer the smell if he likes it.

Anyway, I hate the smell of rice cooking in the Asian rice cooker we have, it always smells like old socks or really, really weird popcorn! And you know what's the kicker? My old socks sometimes smelled like normal popcorn when I used them a lot (like ran or exercised), haha! It was hilarious!
this thread
Lifthrasil: "Yuck. This coffee tastes like dirt!"
"No wonder. It was ground this morning!"
im embarrassed to say that made me laugh, enuf to startle the cat .;.... heh

tinyE: ^COMMIE!!!

and btw, this is the best thread ever........

coffee tastes minging, but I cant live without it, even after going decaffeinated which makes it taste like a paler shade of musty minging.
Ever seen a Commie drink a cup of coffee!?
How about some coffee cookies? My mom bakes them from time to time, and they're wickedly delicious! Doesn't quite beat ginger cookies and milk though, but it comes close :P
Christ, that Eric Burdon. Cheers for that <3 At work this month we've been enduring the XMas Medly over the compulsory radio. That on repeat, combined with the mercifully inoffensive (but short) playlists of HeartFM & Magic, facilitate an illusion of relief when Absolute Radio's no-repeat-guarantee kicks in. An illusion that fades after hearing the same playlist even then.

So yeah, I can fully understand the strength of reaction some have to coffee. One of my colleagues is allergic to the stuff. And to chocolate, too.

Agreed, a great many instants are very reasonable, and although some are mediocre, very few are so damned awful as to make one retch. Nescafe does that for me, the only one that's popular in my Company.

Of course it doesn't help that the kitchen area is by the gentlemen's convenience. Hence I bring to work not only my own instant, but my own spoon, too.