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hyperagathon: UnEpic and La-Mulana finally crossed off the wishlist. Took 'em damn long to port to Linux, but here we go.
UnEpic for Linux is available on GoG for a while.
Mr.Caine: Should I get Unepic if I like metroidvania's but don't give a flying fuck about D&D based RPG?
I'd say yes. I really enjoyed Unepic and it was making fun of D&D and other fantasy games all the time.
I have never bought humble bundle so I have two questions.

If you pay $10 then does that unlock all the 7 games listed there?

It says more games coming soon, so does that mean If you buy it for $10 then you get more games later on?
Does anyone know if Shadow Warriors "extras" via Humble can be pulled out easily and added to the GOG version?
I already have the GOG version installed and would like the idea of also having the two extra weapons listed in HB's description.
sasuke12: I have never bought humble bundle so I have two questions.

If you pay $10 then does that unlock all the 7 games listed there?

It says more games coming soon, so does that mean If you buy it for $10 then you get more games later on?
Yes and yes.
I'm really glad that the top tier game is just a cheap shooter this time- makes it a lot easier to decide whether or not to go all in or just beat the average.
Klumpen0815: UnEpic for Linux is available on GoG for a while.
I realize that, it's just that "for a while" is a miniscule amount of time compared to how long it languished in my "y no port" section. It was released in 2011 for Windows, and though there was talk of a port in mid 2013, it didn't materialize until late 2014 (at least on Steam, not sure if GOG got it simultaneously).
sasuke12: I have never bought humble bundle so I have two questions.

If you pay $10 then does that unlock all the 7 games listed there?

It says more games coming soon, so does that mean If you buy it for $10 then you get more games later on?
Grargar: Yes and yes.
Thanks. :)
I really want to get TL2 here so I don't know if I should buy it on Humble
I already own Unepic and La-Mulana here, and Torchlight II on Steam. I decided not to use Steam anymore, so a DRM-free Torchlight II would be nice but I think I can wait for GOG. None of the other games interest me.

I actually bought the PC & Android Bundle just last night (sans Shadowrun Returns), none of the games I owned already. I actually think that bundle is much better than this one (so far).
undeadcow: I continue to be confused how games like Torchlight II or Ys will show up DRM-free on Humble Bundle before they show up on GOG. Seemingly selling these at full price on GOG first would be more economically rewarding than tossing them into bundles first.

I also only bought this bundle for DRM free Torchlight II.
snowkatt: maybe throwing them in bundles is akin to letting up a test balloon
to see if there isn an interest

its just an idea who knows what goes on in the minds of publishers and developers ?
I can't help but feel like it's because Humble Bundle has a lot more credibility and cachet among executives and mainstream consumers as opposed to GOG. As evidenced by some of the posts lately here, a lot of people still think that GOG is a niche site for old games.
snowkatt: maybe throwing them in bundles is akin to letting up a test balloon
to see if there isn an interest

its just an idea who knows what goes on in the minds of publishers and developers ?
rampancy: I can't help but feel like it's because Humble Bundle has a lot more credibility and cachet among executives and mainstream consumers as opposed to GOG. As evidenced by some of the posts lately here, a lot of people still think that GOG is a niche site for old games.
honestly i think thats most likley
humble is quite high profile and they do good business in a short amount of time
Nice to see an interesting HIB after a long long time... Tempted to buy it for Torchlight 2, but i'll pass; after all, HB turned me off so much, with all those steam-key bundling activities.. I'll wait for the GOG release. ;-)
I've really enjoyed the first Torchlight, and I am tempted by it finally being delivered DRM-free, but I would much rather buy it here. If the pot is sweetened in the right way then maybe, but I still feel like holding out for a GOG version. Hopefully there will be one before long, and hopefully it won't cost more than the few bucks it would cost you to get it in the bundle.

That's always weird. "hey we are selling a game that has been out for years that was bundled months ago for nothing. It cost 15$"
It's quite nice bundle I guess, finally drm free one.
Is it even remotely possible to get only Trochlight 2 DRM-Free through humble gift? I never noticed if that kind of feature even exist.
Post edited April 01, 2015 by HenitoKisou