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So have you ever heard of this game title?

Really great game. My favorite part was sniping drivers in vehicles or pressure blasting them and taking their vehicles to have to that present map and future maps ^_^

I play it all the time though it is kind of useless without the patch for 'Pause & Play'.
Looks like a cool game! Is it like an RTS? Here is the wishlist!
IronArcturus: Looks like a cool game! Is it like an RTS? Here is the wishlist!
Pretty much RTS and with a lot of plot twist. The game can play several different ways depending on who you do and don't shoot at. The graphics are a little rough but I've never been a graphics whore myself.
IronArcturus: Looks like a cool game! Is it like an RTS? Here is the wishlist!
You can keep all the shit you steal and find in a level instead of "inventing it" ala starcraft each level. So every person you meet, you can ask them to join you. Vehicles can be taken or hijacked and used through the entire rest of the game...assuming that tank doesn't run you over, if you kill everyone inside it? Its yours!! How cool is that! =)

Landscape changes with damage, like craters. Everything is destructible, walls fall. Trees burn, buildings collapse etc. Plus you can get equipment and even planes for airstrikes.

oh and your characyers can level different ways.
Post edited March 01, 2015 by Shmacky-McNuts
Still waiting for a Gog release .

Did someone contact with Simon & Schuster Interactive ?