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high rated
For me just blocking it ("glide_tracker" container) caused FP to become very responsitive, including the website navigation and all the offers below. I assume the issue is caused by it dynamically swapping the images. Is it possible to add a slider to stop the constant switching or add a static version of the frontpage? I am on FX 84 www and have decent CPU/GPU with enabled compositing. The issue doesn't seem to happen on Fennec running inside Samsung S9 (Lineage 17.1/Android 10), but maybe its because the mobile hw stack is far more 2D-render oriented, can't say if its using performance cores on FP though, and desktop keeps GPU in idle mode instead. Eitherway a less flashy FP would be appreciated.
high rated
I know for me, that whenever I have the main GOG page loaded, it hogs so much RAM that other pages are slow to load and if I swap tabs they keep needing to repaint themselves.

Welcome to modern bloat that grows by the year, with sites that don't do the due diligence they should when it comes to optimizing images and JavaScript etc.
yep this thing likes to use a lot of cpu power
Orkhepaj: yep this thing likes to use a lot of cpu power
On Firefox it can use more CPU time than some games.
Timboli: Welcome to modern bloat that grows by the year, with sites that don't do the due diligence they should when it comes to optimizing images and JavaScript etc.
With increased compute power, optimization don't matter, I guess.
Post edited January 26, 2021 by Dark_art_
Dark_art_: With increased compute power, optimization don't matter, I guess.
It always matters because there will always be those who suffer because of the lack of it, but for the majority they can get away with it. AV doesn't help either, as they take advantage of that extra power to do bigger number crunching to keep us safe. Modern PCs would run at blistering speeds without all the overheads and bloat. As they say, two steps forward, one step back.
Timboli: Modern PCs would run at blistering speeds without all the overheads and bloat.
yep they would ,but that would require throwing out most of the old codes and systems
Don't really notice any impact on PC usage. The page is ad-free which is nice, so many pages these days
are infested with google ads. However looking at taskmanager shows a definite resource impact.

So with 7 firefox tabs open my PC eventually settles around 0-4% CPU, sometimes windows thinks....
When I open a tab CPU spikes to 20-25%, and that ain't MSE scanning for malware
(although that too has a huge impact), it still uses 20-25% after a minute of watching it.
That's mostly the ever rotating game ad on top of the page.

Once you scroll down CPU usage settles around 10%.
Lets just say I won't let a tab sit open while gaming, other than that i don't see any usage impact though. and other websites load and scroll just fine, and that's on a 12 year old Phenom II 3 gig quad 12 gig RAM.
Maybe this is causing CP 2077 performance issues ;)
high rated
I just wish they'd put the news in a column visible from the top again, and with a way to scroll/navigate way back in time. That's really the only reason to visit the frontpage for me (unless flash sales are on) and it's completely useless since the redesign.
BTW Steam uses near 20% too, it's a little less than gog (smaller banner), and it drops off cause
it doesn't switch as fast as gog does, but other than that it is similar on resource usage.
Another vote for taming the GOG front page - it has been a resource hog (CPU, memory) for some years and serves as a poor advert for the rest of the site.
high rated
toxicTom: I just wish they'd put the news in a column visible from the top again, and with a way to scroll/navigate way back in time. That's really the only reason to visit the frontpage for me (unless flash sales are on) and it's completely useless since the redesign.
I haven't used the frontpage since the redesign other than here and there, e.g., to claim a giveaway. It is that convoluted and useless to me. My bookmark is actually for the forum page. You would think that a business wants to make its frontpage the most desirable to go to, but this company does a lot of weird things. And while we're at it, the gamepages used to be so much faster before the redesign. It was appealing to go to them. You could view the screenshots right away without any delays. Not anymore.
rjbuffchix: ]
I haven't used the frontpage since the redesign other than here and there, e.g., to claim a giveaway. It is that convoluted and useless to me. My bookmark is actually for the forum page.
Gosh, it is as if they've been looking for someone to fix this problem for over a year now.

But on a different note, I do think they'd do well to pare back to Web 1.0 and NOTHING ELSE if they can't manage to hire a competent webdev who isn't afflicted by a curse of marketing.

There's some serious retro appeal in a website made out of nothing but raw code and frames. Like this.
Post edited January 27, 2021 by Darvond
Putting together a javascript intensive website to lower the load on your own backend servers is an old trick, but GOG pushes it beyond all reason IMHO. Sure, you won't notice it on a top-tier rig, but it's a damn website not a AAA game. Plus, there's the telemetry angle...
Post edited January 27, 2021 by WinterSnowfall
I never had this issue all, I get 0% usage on cpu and 227mb on memory having browser and extensions on using this site on main page.

Are you guys running dual cores or quads and how much memory you guys using to complement the cpu's?
Post edited January 27, 2021 by DreamedArtist