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221bBS: 1. General sale items:
Not too impressed, I didn't buy anything here.
firstpastthepost: Yeah, the general sale is pretty weak. There's, what, 200 games discounted. Most of them are the games that get discounted on a regular basis, and they are usually discounted more than they are for this sale.

Not that I think I'm entitled to a sale, it's just not that great.
I should mention that I have over 1K games in my library. So it's hard for me to find deals I like in general.

I voted for SW2, never heard of Firewatch until now. Games been mentioned a few time in this tread and others. Think I'll pick it up since it's 75% off.
Post edited October 05, 2018 by 221bBS
Hy GOG - was really excited about this 10 year celebration and getting a free new game to enjoy - until I tried to download SW2 only to find it is Windows only !!

I'm a Mac gamer and was really looking forward to that gane - instead us Mac gamers are left out in the cold :(

Can us Macos gamers get a game that works on Mac OS please ?
Probably a stupid question but when do the 10 anniversary sales end?
Shenjiro: Probably a stupid question but when do the 10 anniversary sales end?
The news page, which thankfully still has a sane design with normal links to games instead of the animated unlabelled horror, states
The GOG.COM 10th Anniversary and all offers will be around until October 7th, 10pm UTC.
MulderYuffie: I mean no biggie but why exactly is there not a huge sale going on? I expected a lot more to be going on was going to buy a game or two even.
Emob78: Yeah, it's a bit of a letdown. At the start it said, 'the 10th anniversary begins now.' And now it says 'the anniversary sale IS HERE.' Since we haven't had any new sales or bundles since Monday, I'm assuming that's it for the week.

Stellaris was a great addition, but I get the feeling that we were all expecting/hoping for another big week-long sale, and instead we got Stellaris, a bungled site redesign and a couple of sale bundles.
Personally, i felt saying GOG 10th Anniversary Sale being a letdown is a bit of of an understatement. Like OldOldGamer mentioned as well, i was actually hoping 2 buy like 10 games that were heavily discounted 2 celebrate along with GOG but instead of that happening, i ended up buying a big fat 0 games this time round cos i either already had the games or the discounted games that i would like 2 buy just weren't enticing enough.

As some others mentioned also, most of the games that were on sale were pretty much the same old games that were discounted in previous sales & their discounts wasn't fantastic 2 begin with so this 10th Anniversary Sale is really quite a major disappointment. Well 4 me @ least anyway but i'm quite sure many other wld felt that the sale was underwhelming like me.

Yes, they did giveaway SW2 but that is little 2 scant consolation 2 wat i considered as a missed & wasted opportunity 4 me & i believe many other GOGers 2 further increase the games library with games they would really 1 2 play.

I sincerely do hope GOG learns fr this sale as well as fr some of the feedback given here regarding the expiring games that were (which IMO shd never be the case also) & hopefully makes up 4 all of these 'mistakes' in future sales.