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low rated
They are censoring thread arbitrarily without giving you a reason, you can't express against their opinions, even if this opinions aren't against the Forum's Code of Conduct, never insult anybody, harassment anybody, my thread wasn't political or discriminatory (for the contrary, I am against a discrimination).
KetobaK: They are censoring thread arbitrarily without giving you a reason, you can't express against their opinions, even if this opinions aren't against the Forum's Code of Conduct, never insult anybody, harassment anybody, my thread wasn't political or discriminatory (for the contrary, I am against a discrimination).
It's a bit(!) dramatic. Please give examples and let's discuss about it quietly
I make a post about the discrimination of GOG towards Russian Users, I check the Code of Conduct before posting, and check my thread doesn't break any rule, yet, Susi (SmollestLight) deliberately close this thread, despite I don't break any rule, totally arbitrary.
GOG also locked my thread that I just said people should backup their GOG games.
I'm unfortunately forced to close this thread as well. As you now we don't discuss the moderation publicly. If there are some suggestions and questions please send them through direct message.
Russian man bad.

We are the borg. Resistance is futile.