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I recently updated to 2.0 beta to try it out and on my 4k tv the game icons look ok but there is so much solid color space. Why bland colors like brown and grey? Why not show the screens of the game in the background when you click to see details of a game? It's just bland single color. Make this pop gog, you want to draw people to this over other launchers. Maybe allow us to upload our own screenshots from a game as a background? Or make a contest each month for best gog screenshot to be featured as selective backgrounds every month. I like it so far but imo it needs more customizability. Just my thoughts. Cheers
Add it as a new community wishlist item:
If it's something people want it'll get votes and they'll look at it

edit: there's something possibly similar already if you want to add your vote:
Post edited February 22, 2020 by zenstar