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wolfsite: I feel it has to be sales goals/revenue that is causing delays. It would make sense as when Days Gone and Uncharted finally released here they had exclusive banners on the front page in more than one spot which few games have ever gotten before so that does imply that GOG needs to have these games to sell to get more in the future.
ReynardFox: I'm starting to wonder if in order to get their deals with Sony, GOG BS'd them with overinflated sales projections that they couldn't live up to, and now Sony is holding future releases to ransom until they actually hit them.

I will be honestly shocked if we see a single Sony release again on here unless God of War does astronomically well if it ever even drops.
That would do way more harm than good honestly. We had a huge time span between when Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone/Uncharted was released so that does come off that some form of sales goal needs to be reached on GOG before future consideration by Sony.

If this is true if you want more Sony games you have to buy more Sony games.
ReynardFox: I'm starting to wonder if in order to get their deals with Sony, GOG BS'd them with overinflated sales projections that they couldn't live up to, and now Sony is holding future releases to ransom until they actually hit them.

I will be honestly shocked if we see a single Sony release again on here unless God of War does astronomically well if it ever even drops.
I think we are getting way too far in here.... Personally I was really surprised that Sony did bring new games here after HZD. Why - because there was a huge period of time with nothing and then the CB2077 fiasco happened on Playstation - that was a huge hit to their parthnership for sure. And yet we still get new games. And now they will not release GoW as soon as we want. We know nothing about why and suddenly you will be "shocked if we see a single Sony release again on here " because of that? (Also don't forget CDPR do release and still continue to release on Sonys platform)
Post edited February 27, 2024 by Hirako__
wolfsite: If this is true if you want more Sony games you have to buy more Sony games.
Luckily enough I was interested in all of the current releases to have bought them all as they released, but holding any game to ransom on the back of sales of completely separate franchise games that one might not be interested in is pretty skeezy, but this is something I would not put past Sony.

Hirako__: We know nothing about why and suddenly you will be "shocked if we see a single Sony release again on here " because of that?
I know I'm just speculating, I'd love to be entirely wrong here but I just do not trust Sony as a company, and the giant gap between HZD and anything else is just what I'm expecting a repeat of if God of War doesn't sell a truckload.
Post edited February 27, 2024 by ReynardFox
I have no idea why seemingly most GOG customers are clamoring to get God of War released on GOG.

Even if it does release, then you are still paying for:

a) a spyware-filled game and
b) a very old game and
c) an inferior remake of the real/original/good God of War games which definitely are not coming to GOG and
d) you will still be left in the lurch waiting for another 5, 6 years, or maybe forever, until the missing sequel to this game appears on GOG, even though that sequel is itself also now an old game, and it will be very old by the time if & when it ever finally comes to GOG
e) ditto all of that for any future sequels too, which will also be heavily delayed for many years before they ever come to GOG, if they ever do, which they may well not.

So, even if they release God of War on GOG, it's not like that's actually going to solve anything and make the fans happy. All of those major problems will still be present, and still be wrecking the fun that fans of this game otherwise could have had if these problems did not exist, but won't be having, since they do.
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I have no idea why seemingly most GOG customers are clamoring to get God of War released on GOG.

Even if it does release, then you are still paying for:

a) a spyware-filled game and
b) a very old game and
c) an inferior remake of the real/original/good God of War games which definitely are not coming to GOG and
d) you will still be left in the lurch waiting for another 5, 6 years, or maybe forever, until the missing sequel to this game appears on GOG, even though that sequel is itself also now an old game, and it will be very old by the time if & when it ever finally comes to GOG
e) ditto all of that for any future sequels too, which will also be heavily delayed for many years before they ever come to GOG, if they ever do, which they may well not.

So, even if they release God of War on GOG, it's not like that's actually going to solve anything and make the fans happy. All of those major problems will still be present, and still be wrecking the fun that fans of this game otherwise could have had if these problems did not exist, but won't be having, since they do.
A) Business deals are rarely perfect, but that's what mods are for.
B) Oh no, it's literally the premise of this entire store, oh whatever will we do?
C) Do you have some delusion of Norse God of Wars being remakes of the Greek games? They're sequels numbskull, Kratos makes reference to his big fat Greek adventures on several occasions.
D) Your perception of age is disgustingly child-like. We're anticipating a 6-year-old game with a 2-year-old sequel (utterly infantile by our standards) and you make them sound like the 19 and 17-year-old games which should also be here.
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: an inferior remake of the real/original/good God of War games
Certified Ancient-Red-Dragon moment
There is always some truth in it: I heard the PS4 version got a better audio... no clue how it comes but it seems true.

Finally... really... Sony and GoG should "get over it" and stop being incapable or stubborn. This old God of War title is just another Sony game... nothing else... and according to my taste the very best Sony game we already got: Horizon Zero Dawn.
Post edited February 27, 2024 by Xeshra
high rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: b) a very old game and
Seriously? Do you happen to know what store front you happen to frequent?
high rated
So games from 2018 are now "very old"? Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Breja: So games from 2018 are now "very old"? Sure. Fine. Whatever.
No new game stays new forever and "old" is a relative term.
Breja: So games from 2018 are now "very old"? Sure. Fine. Whatever.
SargonAelther: No new game stays new forever and "old" is a relative term.
Obviously. Still, calling a six year old game "very old" seem utterly ridiculous to me, and you're not going to convince me otherwise. Not that it's in any way relevant anyway. Even if the game was downright ancient - so what?
Post edited February 27, 2024 by Breja
Ancient-Red-Dragon: b) a very old game
Sir, this is a GOG.

I for one only need this release as GoW Ragnarok and Valhalla have the stench of Sweet Baby Inc all over them. It's also not a remake, it's a sequel, and while I do prefer the original camera/gameplay, to call this one a bad game or something not worth playing is disingenuous.

This one game release will make me pretty happy, and for all the classic games, I have RPCS3.
Breja: So games from 2018 are now "very old"? Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Yeah, games don't age as quickly as they used to.

In the past second third party editions of a games were sold very cheap after 2-3 years. Now the sales price is a lot more stable and is kept high if a game keeps selling.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: b) a very old game
They released the first Diablo here and a lot of people were very happy with that. What's important to the loyal return customers of GOG is that the games are new to the platform, not new to the entire gaming market.
Braggadar: What's important to the loyal return customers of GOG is that the games are new to the platform, not new to the entire gaming market.
Nope. Not to derail the thread, but what's important for me is getting games at a reasonable price (not a huge markup from Steam etc.) and DRM free installers.

If GOG doesn't have a game I want for a long time I will buy it on Steam. Many people will avidly avoid Steam but I am sure there are others like me who buy on both platforms. Especially from countries with weaker currencies.