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CrowTRobo: I guess you can tell how I feel about them lol :) To be honest, I don't really know if the Cowboys hate extends outside the areas of Philadelphia, NYC and DC. I would be interested in hearing from anyone outside these areas.
No idea, I'm a neophyte in this sport and don't really follow media coverage of it. Not much of that in Canada, anyway. What I've picked up of the Cowboys has been through various posts and blogs, and it's been universally derisive. On the other hand, given your explanation and being a ManU fan, I can now feel some sympathy for their original, old-school fans :P

Also, good picks there XD
Post edited December 31, 2014 by Spinorial
CrowTRobo: You have so many people who are Cowboys fans but don't live anywhere near Texas and probably never have been there either. They became fans of the Cowboys back when they were winning a bunch of Super Bowls. There is also a bias towards the Cowboys in the national media. They beat the Seahawks and the national media goes insane. 24/7 Cowboys. After one game they suddenly become the greatest team ever. I expect that from local media, but national media should be more objective.

Cyberevil: If I read it correctly they gave the Giants 2 spots up and costed themselves 3 spots.
CrowTRobo: Ugh, that is even worse than I thought. Thanks for making me even more annoyed at them. :)

Take your time with deciding, no rush!
Actually, I find the Patriots FAR FAR more annoying, I'm completely convinced that EVERY sports writer for ESPN is based in Boston because all you EVER hear from ESPN is Patriots...blah blah, great team ... (oh except during Baseball season... then it's Red Sox for them 24/7, I don't pay enough attention to know if they are equally infatuated with the Bruins and Celtics)

Well... It would be almost ANYONE great team playing in that division. Miami, NYJ, and Buffalo. 3 bottom 8 teams just about every year, complete dysfunction from coaching to GMs to owners.(other than the Owners, how many have kept a job on those teams any decent length of time?) Basically, New England starts every year 6-0 and every other team in that division starts 0-2 That's an 8 game lead with a tie-breaker bonus... who could lose? (well MAYBE the Jets, Dolphins, or Bills could blow that, but that just goes back to my original point about the division sucking)
Add in they are proven to have cheated in Championship games, had a rule made up on the spot for them that got them into their first Superbowl of the "little girl" era (that would be the "tuck" rule... no longer ever practiced of course)
Which brings us to the biased officiating too... you can beat Vick half to death even in the pocket, but you don't dare touch the little girl.
It's really frustrating, we need way more Bernard Pollards out there.

/end rant.

Thanks for the extra time, my damned "Wishlist" seems to only have pricey titles on it, so I might need to dig into the catalog a bit further (which I probably should have done earlier, since it kept me from the secret santa thing too) :(
Thanks for hosting, CrowTRobo! I don't envy an Eagles fan. That loss in Washington was brutal. So has the chatter in Philly moved on now to crazy talk like how they're gonna trade up and get Mariota? :P

Congrats, Cyberevil! But sorry, I hate the Cowboys more ;) I can see the media bias towards the Pats, but I feel like the Cowboys still have more random people around the country rooting for them for no apparent reason.

I can't say I'm too excited about the playoffs this year, especially since a repeat of last year's Super Bowl actually seems pretty likely. Of course, who can't wait to see the 7-8-1 Panthers host a playoff game? :P They'll probably win though.
pablodusk: Thanks for hosting, CrowTRobo! I don't envy an Eagles fan. That loss in Washington was brutal. So has the chatter in Philly moved on now to crazy talk like how they're gonna trade up and get Mariota? :P
Yes :) Most people know it can't/won't happen tho.

I hate the Patriots too, their Super Bowl wins under Belichick were fraudlent and should be revoked. Its not surprising they haven't won one since their cheating was exposed. But I've grown up hating the Cowboys, so its stronger.
CrowTRobo: I hate the Patriots too, their Super Bowl wins under Belichick were fraudlent and should be revoked. Its not surprising they haven't won one since their cheating was exposed. But I've grown up hating the Cowboys, so its stronger.
Oooh, I'm all ears when it comes to smut O.O
Sad to see the Cardinals go out of the playoffs to such a shitty team as the Panthers, who really shouldn't even BE there. goes to show, you just can't compete with losing 2 QBs and a starting RB even WITH a great defense (which was also short handed all year)
Well I'd be willing to bet the ride stops NEXT week for them. GB or Seattle? Bye, panthers.
Post edited January 04, 2015 by Cyberevil
Man... then the Steelers get pounded by the Ravens. Joe Flacco has got to be one of the most low key "boring" QBs in the whole league, but that guy sure is hell come playoffs.
I didn't expect the Ravens to make much noise this year, looks like the Steelers better get another RB, you can't expect your lead RB to never get hurt in this league.
Cyberevil: Sad to see the Cardinals go out of the playoffs to such a shitty team as the Panthers, who really shouldn't even BE there. goes to show, you just can't compete with losing 2 QBs and a starting RB even WITH a great defense (which was also short handed all year)
Yeah, injury luck plays a huge part in how well a team does. If you lose your QB, you are pretty much screwed. Or any major contributor, like the Steelers' RB. I wish backups were almost on the same level as the starters. Injury wouldn't play such a big part then. Maybe get rid of half the teams in the league? :)
Cyberevil: Sad to see the Cardinals go out of the playoffs to such a shitty team as the Panthers, who really shouldn't even BE there. goes to show, you just can't compete with losing 2 QBs and a starting RB even WITH a great defense (which was also short handed all year)
CrowTRobo: Yeah, injury luck plays a huge part in how well a team does. If you lose your QB, you are pretty much screwed.
Tell that to the 72 Dolphins, the 90 Giants, and the 99 Rams. :P
CrowTRobo: Yeah, injury luck plays a huge part in how well a team does. If you lose your QB, you are pretty much screwed.
tinyE: Tell that to the 72 Dolphins, the 90 Giants, and the 99 Rams. :P
Cardinals lost their top TWO QBs not just one... AND their starting RB PLUS were without Washington all year (who is a beast on field, but also a fucktard off field)
72 dolphins played in a run based era... 90 Giants were a throwback to that era... 99 Rams? Didn't they have Warner? Warner was awesome... Had he stayed one more year with the Cardinals, they may have had a Super bowl already.

And maybe I'm crazy, but I'm going to credit the Steelers lack of running game as much to the Baltmore Defense as the loss of Bell... It hurt for sure, but people haven't exactly been running on the Ravens anyway... and that team just rises up during the playoffs in a way few others ever have.
tinyE: Tell that to the 72 Dolphins, the 90 Giants, and the 99 Rams. :P
Cyberevil: Cardinals lost their top TWO QBs not just one... AND their starting RB PLUS were without Washington all year (who is a beast on field, but also a fucktard off field)
72 dolphins played in a run based era... 90 Giants were a throwback to that era... 99 Rams? Didn't they have Warner? Warner was awesome... Had he stayed one more year with the Cardinals, they may have had a Super bowl already.

And maybe I'm crazy, but I'm going to credit the Steelers lack of running game as much to the Baltmore Defense as the loss of Bell... It hurt for sure, but people haven't exactly been running on the Ravens anyway... and that team just rises up during the playoffs in a way few others ever have.
I was obviously being a smartass. And yes the Cardinals had Warner the year they went to the Super Bowl.

Change of topic: am I the only one who thinks after 0-4 the last four years that the Bengals make a coaching change?
Cyberevil: Cardinals lost their top TWO QBs not just one... AND their starting RB PLUS were without Washington all year (who is a beast on field, but also a fucktard off field)
72 dolphins played in a run based era... 90 Giants were a throwback to that era... 99 Rams? Didn't they have Warner? Warner was awesome... Had he stayed one more year with the Cardinals, they may have had a Super bowl already.

And maybe I'm crazy, but I'm going to credit the Steelers lack of running game as much to the Baltmore Defense as the loss of Bell... It hurt for sure, but people haven't exactly been running on the Ravens anyway... and that team just rises up during the playoffs in a way few others ever have.
tinyE: I was obviously being a smartass. And yes the Cardinals had Warner the year they went to the Super Bowl.

Change of topic: am I the only one who thinks after 0-4 the last four years that the Bengals make a coaching change?
man, they just can't win a playoff game! They are the anti-Ravens

Not having Green was obviously brutal, and they were even short their TE... Lewis wins a lot of regular season games... but it's possible. I think he'd land another job instantly though.