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I find it amusing that companies let dumbasses like that mod completely ruin their credibility. I probably wouldn't know anything at all about Gearbox, but now all I know about them are Fuck Gearbox.
Marioface5: Do you have some sources for that, or links? All I found was this locked thread, which was only locked because of posters repeatedly violating forum rules:
Not off hand, but as others have said, a forum mod considered DRM-Free talk akin to instant piracy.
high rated
Here's hoping they can make another Duke game as good as their last one.

I wonder if GB can even bring it close to DN Forever. It's like the only good game, by them so far, has been Borderlands.
I would love another Duke Nukem
After what they did with ACM I would never buy their crap regardless of where it's sold.
BillyMaysFan59: Gearbox locked GOG request threads? What the hell?
Yeah, abandon all hope ye who enter the Gearbox forums. The gog thread eventually devolved into "Releasing on gog means moar piracy, deeeeeerrrrrrp!", which some mod took as an excuse to lock the thread under the pretense of ALL piracy discussion not being allowed on the forum. It was absurd.
Hmmm... I can't decide if i feel uninterested or Meh in learning this. Gearbox for all they are have put out really mediocre games; Considering apparently they polished and finished up Duke Nukem Forever, i don't see how they could make the franchise any worse, they could only hope to make back some money from this investment over the next 5 years... Or maybe Borderlands will take a break and instead they'll work on a better DKF which it should have been but won't be pushed around to 10 dev teams...

Or they could always third party source it and release a turd... Which is more likely...
Shadowflight: After what they did with ACM I would never buy their crap regardless of where it's sold.
I am surprised people were expceting that game to be even remotely good? I knew it was gonna be trash since I first heard of its existance because movie based games these days suck. And even when they are not they are at best decent and at worst average.

No one is going to put Alien Isolation on a pedestal next to the most popular Indie Horror games right now :P
Post edited August 31, 2015 by Elmofongo
Shadowflight: After what they did with ACM I would never buy their crap regardless of where it's sold.
Elmofongo: I am surprised people were expceting that game to be even remotely good? I knew it was gonna be trash since I first heard of its existance because movie based games these days suck. And even when they are not they are at best decent and at worst average.

No one is going to put Alien Isolation on a pedestal next to the most popular Indie Horror games right now :P
Its not because of whether the game was good or bad, it's what GB did, farming the game out to incompetants, showed false game footage, prompting Alien and Borderland fans to believe that GB made the game and wrongly expect a certain degree of quality control and instead, GB screwed them and Sega out of alot of money. and GB get off scot-free from the lawsuit,. I wouldnt touch anything by them with a bargepole.

Edit. I havent played Alien Isolation so I cant comment on that.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by Shadowflight
hell why doesn't gearbox just get bankrupt
apehater: hell why doesn't gearbox just get bankrupt
Because Borderlands kicks ass. I wouldn't buy anything else Gearbox made, because clearly they only care about and put effort into that one franchise, but I do love Borderlands.
Shadowflight: After what they did with ACM I would never buy their crap regardless of where it's sold.
Elmofongo: I am surprised people were expceting that game to be even remotely good? I knew it was gonna be trash since I first heard of its existance because movie based games these days suck. And even when they are not they are at best decent and at worst average.

No one is going to put Alien Isolation on a pedestal next to the most popular Indie Horror games right now :P
I just might :-)

Personally, I thought that Isolation was a damn good game, and the atmosphere was suitably tense in the right places.

Way better than Colonial Marines, which didn't really have much tension at all.
This is bad news. Fuck Gearbox.
Post edited September 01, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Eh, we finally got Bethesda, and Gearbox isn't a Japanese company here, so I'm not too worried (plus I already have all the Duke games here ;). While I wouldn't expect Gear's games here any time soon, I think GOG now has enough sway to keep the current Duke games aboard (though maybe they're delisted for a few weeks). We'll see.
apehater: hell why doesn't gearbox just get bankrupt
BlackMageJ: Because Borderlands kicks ass. I wouldn't buy anything else Gearbox made, because clearly they only care about and put effort into that one franchise, but I do love Borderlands.
So I guess the Brothers in Arms series never happened. =P