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The-Business: New company: Airship Syndicate for Battle Chasers: Nightwar (full launch Mid-2017)?
Another very interesting looking game. Glad to see it will be coming here.
The-Business: New company: Airship Syndicate for Battle Chasers: Nightwar (full launch Mid-2017)?
Now that's stunning, this is going to be an instabuy for me!

That animated sequence at the end reminds me of Berserk.
Post edited September 30, 2016 by NuffCatnip
Nicole28: Hey, does anyone know if "The Warlock of Firetop Mountain" will ever be coming to GOG? (I've only read the last 3 pages of the thread and there was no mention of it.)
There is a thread discussing this one around somewhere. GOG rejected it.
ReynardFox: GOG rejected it.
Fairfox: GOGie must burn.
The-Business: New company: Airship Syndicate for Battle Chasers: Nightwar (full launch Mid-2017)?
I backed this game on Kickstarter. They had said, at the time, that it was coming to GOG, so I'm glad to see that starting to take shape.

For the uninformed, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is based on a mini-series of comic books from the late 90's called "Battle Chasers" that was created by artist-turned-gamedev Joe Madureira. While the series has a publication run spanning over 4 years, only nine issues were ever released (plus a prelude, issue # 0). As if the massive delays of each issue weren't bad enough, the series was left unfinished as the creator decided to move into game development. In his gaming career, he is most notable for being the lead artist and creative director of the Darksiders games.

Last year, he opened his new studio, Airship Syndicate, with former members of Vigil Games. Their first major project turned out to be Battle Chasers: Nightwar. However, to make things even sweeter for long-time fans of the series, Joe is also using this as an opportunity to create the final three issues of the original comic book! Between Joe's fans in both the world of comics and the world of gaming, it is no surprise that the Kickstarter campaign was a huge success. They smashed through their original $500K goal and ended up raising $856K through the campaign and more than $150K through post-campaign pre-orders on their website (which are still available).

It has also been announced that the game will be published by THQ/Nordic with an estimated release window of mid-2017 for PC, Mac, Xbox One and PS4. The Xbox One and PS4 versions will be available as both digital and physical copies. Digital pre-orders are being offered for $30. No word on what the full price will be.

TL;DR - I am excite.
C'mon GOG, give me Dead Space 2 before Halloween!
Awkiba: C'mon GOG, give me Dead Space 2 before Halloween!
Yeah! We definitely need the rest of the series!
Dead Space 3 will not be here any time soon, if ever. It is not even on steam yet. EA are using it as an exclusive for their Origin platform.
HeDanny: Dead Space 3 will not be here any time soon, if ever. It is not even on steam yet. EA are using it as an exclusive for their Origin platform.
Well, we've got one Origin exclusive already: The Saboteur.
Frozen: Well, we've got one Origin exclusive already: The Saboteur.
Saboteur was released before Origin was even a thing, so not really.
Grargar: snip
No more Chill Cat?
*Already preparing for October?*
Post edited October 02, 2016 by NuffCatnip
NuffCatnip: No more Chill Cat?
*Already preparing for October?*
Now that the avatars are working again (knocks on wood), I'll return to my usual avatar change/month.
NuffCatnip: No more Chill Cat?
*Already preparing for October?*
Grargar: Now that the avatars are working again (knocks on wood), I'll return to my usual avatar change/month.
Ah, okay.
The avatars working again is good news! Wanted to change mine a couple times the last couple months, now I'm finally able to do so.