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Congrats to the winners:

For Divinity:Original Sin: LinustheBold
For Wasteland 2: wolfsrain
For Witcher 3:Wild Hunt: Nirth
For The Complete Bullfrog bundle: blotunga

Happy New Year to the winners and everyone else here on the GOG forums!


End of year clearout! Everything must go!

Looking through my gift code list, I found a few that need redeeming, and what better way to start off the New Year than with a shiny new game (or game bundle) to fire up on New Year's Day? So the draw will occur sometime on January 1st (depends on when I get to my machine).

Up for grabs are 3 games and 1 bundle:

Divinity:Original Sin
Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Bullfrog Complete Bundle (All 11 Bullfrog games available on GOG)


***Please read these CAREFULLY. If they're not followed, you will be disqualified.***

1) Positive rep: I know rep is 'useless', but in almost all cases, there's a reason for negative rep, so only +rep members please.
2) Active GOG members only. If you don't contribute to the forums and only raid giveaway threads, don't bother. If you're an active member, please feel free to join in.
3) Please enter only for yourself. I want the game to go to the entrant and please redeem within 3 days of contest end. If not redeemed in that time, I reserve the right to grant the game to an alternate winner.
*Note* The exception here is the Bullfrog bundle. If you own some of the games in the bundle, you can gift the duplicate codes to someone else.
4) Enter for only one of the prizes, please - and please make sure you follow the extra requirements for the game you want (see below)!
5) will decide the winner if there are multiple entries for a specific prize.
6) Please start your post with "I'm in for" and post the game title in BOLD. This makes it easier for me to see. If you don't do this, your entry will not count!

Extra Requirements:

Divinity:Original Sin: Tell me why you want this game and give me a short synopsis of your favorite fantasy novel or movie.
Wasteland 2: Tell me why you want this game and post a pic of a desert scene - and tell me what you find appealing about that particular scene.
The Witcher 3: Tell me why you want this game, and post a pic of your rig* (gotta make sure you can run it! :P) If you're planning on building a new rig before the game is released, post the specs of what you plan on building.
Bullfrog games: Tell me why you want this bundle and tell me which of the games you'd likely play first. Post a pic of an amphibian and tell me something cool about the critter you chose.

Okay that it, folks. Lots of rules, but the prizes are rather substantial, IMO, so good luck to all entrants! Remember, I'll do the drawing sometime on New Year's Day, so get your entries in. :)

EDIT Please note the Bullfrog bundle is a single key that gives you all 11 Bullfrog games.

*EDIT 2 Apparently the attachment of pics is still broken in the forums, so please link to an outside source for pics. In the case of pics of your rig, if you have some on photobucket or something like that, then feel free to link it. Otherwise, no worries. Due to the forum glitch it won't be a requirement.
Post edited January 02, 2015 by Coelocanth
I'm in for Wasteland 2.

I love Fallout and I will love this game.

Desert scene well I will post 2, From Fallout:

This scene in Fallout 1. just............. "Cries"

And from Uncharted 3:

Uncharted 3 imo has the best looking Desert in all of gaming. It looked Real. All the more reason why I think Uncharted 3 is the best in the series, better than 2.
Post edited December 30, 2014 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: I am most DEFINATELY in. And I want all the games but of course I must only take one so I list my prority to least:

Proirty game: Wasteland 2.

If someone else wins than Divinity: Original Sin

So one with Bullfron then the Witcher 3 pre order.

Regarding the Bullfrog Bundle I already own Populous 1, the 2 duingeon keepers, and Syndicate 1. I would like from the bundle Theme Park/Hospital and The 2 Magic Carptets.
Please re-read the rules. And of note: the Bullfrog Bundle is just that: A bundle. One key for all 11 games. I'll edit the OP to reflect this.
I'm in for Divinity:Original Sin

I imagine there will be a lot of people in for it as well, but as it's still too expensive for me to afford yet I will have a go. Thank you for your generosity in giving away expensive games. +1

As for why I want it, I love RPGs and have heard loads of really great things about this one.

And favourite fantasy novel or movie.. well that's a tough one. There are so many books I love it's hard to choose an absolute favourite. But I think I would go with Raymond E. Feist's the Magician.

Some small spoilers for those who haven't read it before:

The story follows two young boys in a border town as their world gets invaded by ruthless warriors from another planet. During the opening days of the war the boys get separated, Tomas inherits and ancient magical artefact and spends the war with the alliance of Dwarven and Elven warriors, while his step brother Pug gets captured by the invaders and enslaved on their home planet. Over the course of the next dozen years they grow up to become prominent and powerful figures in the war and eventually are instrumental in saving the planet and sealing the rift which the invaders used to come to their world. Throughout the book their are many other sub plots, political revolutions on both sides of the rift, love stories between the various major characters. While the rest of the series goes downhill a little (especially after the first 9 or 10 books) the first is an absolute fantasy epic that everyone should read.
Elmofongo: I am most DEFINATELY in. And I want all the games but of course I must only take one so I list my prority to least:

Proirty game: Wasteland 2.

If someone else wins than Divinity: Original Sin

So one with Bullfron then the Witcher 3 pre order.

Regarding the Bullfrog Bundle I already own Populous 1, the 2 duingeon keepers, and Syndicate 1. I would like from the bundle Theme Park/Hospital and The 2 Magic Carptets.
Coelocanth: Please re-read the rules. And of note: the Bullfrog Bundle is just that: A bundle. One key for all 11 games. I'll edit the OP to reflect this.
I edit the post, does it comply with the rules?
Elmofongo: I edit the post, does it comply with the rules?
Not in (I own all the games), but +1 for the greatly generous giveaway.
Elmofongo: I edit the post, does it comply with the rules?
Coelocanth: No.
Edited my post again.

I am really sorry about this.
Not in for Wasteland 2, since I still don't know if I'd like it (already own Original Sin, can't run Witcher 3 and not interested in Bullfrog titles). I just wanted to share two of my favorite desert pics (well... rock desert wildlife, to be a bit more precise) I took some years ago. A and an [url=]eagle. What I like about the scenery? What's not to like about those pics? ;)

Good luck to all the participants!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'm tempted to try for Original Sin but I have more than enough to play so I will sit this out.
Elmofongo: Edited my post again.

I am really sorry about this.
Much better. Although you didn't say what you like about the desert scene(s). Just edit that in and you're golden. :)
real.geizterfahr: Not in for Wasteland 2, since I still don't know if I'd like it (already own Original Sin, can't run Witcher 3 and not interested in Bullfrog titles). I just wanted to share two of my favorite desert pics (well... rock desert wildlife, to be a bit more precise) I took some years ago. A and an [url=]eagle. What I like about the scenery? What's not to like about those pics? ;)

Good luck to all the participants!
Nice shots! :)
Post edited December 30, 2014 by Coelocanth
I'm in for the Bullfrog Complete Bundle if I may.
I bet that not many know that this is not a snake.
I already have Theme Hospital and Dungeon Keeper from it, so I'd definitely regift those. First I think I would play Populous: The Beginning, which actually is the third in the series, but I have fond memories of it. It was one of those few games which I played both in single player aswell as multiplayer. Dungeon Keeper 2 would follow and then the Syndicate games...
Thanks for your generosity and a happy New Year!
Post edited December 30, 2014 by blotunga
Holy Moses! What a giveaway!

I am in for Divinity: Original Sin

I have too many favorite novels to pick one, so I'll go with what I'm reading right now:

For Christmas, my wife got me a set of Philip José Farmer's Riverword series. I had read the first one a couple of years ago and loved it. I will finish the second and start on the third at lunch today.

Imagine a far-off, massive planet, engineered for a universally comfortable climate for humans. Winding around this world is a river, bordered on either side with impassible mountains. 20,000,000 miles of river. And along its edge, all at once, every sentient human (or pre-human) who ever lived wakes up. All ~36 billion of us, naked and confused, resurrected from death. Food is provided three times a day like magic from giant "grailstones" spaced exactly one mile apart along the river's edge. There is no disease, no insects, people are sterile and never age. There is no adverse weather and plenty of natural supplies to construct houses. If you die in this world, you are simply resurrected again the next morning somewhere else along the river.

What would you do for all eternity under such conditions?

Basically, screw and fight, and that's about it. It's never-ending war and debauchery... but the series follows a few select historical individuals who are determined to find out what this experiment is all about, and who's in charge. Pretty crazy setting, but very fun so far.

[EDIT] Ah, apologies forgot to mention why I want this game... I've been itching for a newer, A+ RPG for some time now. Might and Magic VII is fun and all... but I'd like to give a truly modern RPG a spin. I'm playing Blackguards right now, and it is fun (and hard), but not really an RPG per se. Thanks!
Post edited December 30, 2014 by yogsloth
real.geizterfahr: Not in for Wasteland 2, since I still don't know if I'd like it (already own Original Sin, can't run Witcher 3 and not interested in Bullfrog titles). I just wanted to share two of my favorite desert pics (well... rock desert wildlife, to be a bit more precise) I took some years ago. A and an [url=]eagle. What I like about the scenery? What's not to like about those pics? ;)

Good luck to all the participants!
I'm about 20 hours in Wasteland 2 and I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface. It's more like Fallout Tactics than Fallout, but it keeps you hooked and so far I'm loving it.
I'm in for Divinity:Original Sin.

That's a very generous giveaway, definitely worth double-plussing if that were possible.

The reason why I'd like to play this game is easily explained: I love RPGs and I love tactical combat since back in the days of Bard's Tale (the old ones) and the Gold Box games.

While both are also present in Wasteland 2 I prefer fantasy over post-apocalyptic and Original Sin also pulls tactics off very originally which is hardly seen in any other game. For example, from what I've seen you can shoot a lightning bolt into water to affect everyone that's standing inside the water.

My favorite fantasy novel... That's difficult to say. Since I like reading I have read a lot of fantasy novels and it's difficult to pick one favorite out of them all. If I had to pick though it's probably The Lord of the Rings. Giving a synopsis on that is pretty meaningless since almost everybody has either read the book or at least seen the movies. So let me tell you what I like about these books instead.

What I like most about The Lord of the Rings is that the most unlikely person, a Hobbit who has never stepped out of his little backwater village, has to step up to become a hero while everybody else, from mighty wizards to whole armies, are nothing but a distraction so that he can complete his task. The dangerous journey that slowly makes him the hero that he needs to be is very exciting to read about (or watch).

On top of that he nearly failed in his mission of destroying the ring because the ring influenced him enough to refuse destroying it were it not for his closest friend and Gollum, who wanted the ring for himself. And in the end he couldn't return to a peaceful life but left the continent together with the elves. There are two important messages hidden in there. The first one is that power corrupts. You are unwilling to let it go once you hold it. The second is that facing the darkness (even if you fight valiantly against it) will have an effect on you. Even if you win you will not go through the experience unchanged. If you know anyone who has ever been in a war I'm sure you know what I am talking about.

Packing such universal truths up in a gripping fantasy story makes it clear why The Lord of the Rings is still amongst the most widely praised fantasy novels even though it was written between 1937 and 1949, basically during World War 2.