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low rated
I have some questions about forum regulations after reading the general rules post and the Code of Conduct on your website.

You state that it you will not tolerate discrimination, ethnic slurs, etc. This is laudible. However, how does that parse with your exlcusion of Russians and Bellarussians from your service based purely on their nationality for the apparent atrocities commited by that nation's government? Why not give the same treatment to China, which engages in genocide and has occupied Tibet, and threatens constantly to invade Taiwan? Or the United States which has carried out military invasions of Syria, Iraq, Lybia, Yemen, etc. (Note, I do not support sanctioning against these States by GOG, but if one will not tolerate discrimination, than the same principles applied to Russia and Belarus should be applied equally to all States, no?)

You state that you will not tolerate posting of pornagraphic content, etc. Yet you openly advertise pornographic games on your main page. Note that I'm not expressly opposed to the sale of such games (though I'd rather not buy them personally), yet if you don't tolerate such things, would not the open advertisement of such games be contrary to your own rules?

Finally, you have stated that you will not allow for purely political discussions unrelated to games. Yet you have posted a thread proudly announcing a purely political decisions to restrict certain nationalities from banning games which, while certainly relevant to your business, is still a purely political decision. To the point that your Code of Conduct does not allow people to even discuss it, with the main thread closed after nearly 100 comments (mostly critical of the decision from what I had read so far) and many other threads. Yet it seems to me that discussing your business choices, even if they are political, should be welcome feedback and a primary function of a companies forums, no? Or do you not care about what your consumer thinks and feels?

You hare free to conduct your business as you will of course, indeed, the Code of Conduct expressly states that you can moderate what you want, how you want at your own sole discretion and I'm not in any way contesting this, but I want to understand the rules and regulations of this forum better, so that if I choose to participate in any discussions, I can conduct myself properly.

Thank you for your clarifications, and I hope you'll leave this thread open so that any others with such rules questions can have the opportunity to answer them (as the stickied "Forum Regulations" post is locked so that people cannot ask them there directly, which is reasonable to prevent confusion).
low rated
Gog engages in politics and propaganda everyday.
They only have a problem with politics they don't agree with.