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oh okay, nice!, maybe then, i can finally play the game through to the end.

They say you should at least finish one Bethesda game in your life ....
This kind of stuff has been hit or miss in the past. I hope it will still compatible with old mods but I guess we'll have to see.
Anyone remembers Asylum, that so-called B-movie company that made cheap knock-offs/rip-offs of famous movies, usually by changing a word here or there so that it wasn't called infringement? Think they also spawned several other companies in their wake... These movies where pretty much the definition of *brain-dead* (fun cult movie by the way, NOT made by The Asylum) story and terrible acting.

Bethesda has become their own parody, especially after Starfailed and continued middle-finger to the modding community. While fun, FO4 has a weak story and is a weak rpg. I actually was more excited to play Fallout London than finishing the main story in FO4, just like I enjoy Enderal more than the main campaign in Skyrim.

Though, I do plan on finishing both games, sometime.

However, as always, we'll see how it goes...
Happy with Skyrim patch last Dec. My game was on hold since I switched to a widescreen monitor. Hope they can do the same thing for FO4 so that I can continue my game.
sanscript: Anyone remembers Asylum, that so-called B-movie company that made cheap knock-offs/rip-offs of famous movies, usually by changing a word here or there so that it wasn't called infringement? Think they also spawned several other companies in their wake... These movies where pretty much the definition of *brain-dead* (fun cult movie by the way, NOT made by The Asylum) story and terrible acting.

Bethesda has become their own parody, especially after Starfailed and continued middle-finger to the modding community. While fun, FO4 has a weak story and is a weak rpg. I actually was more excited to play Fallout London than finishing the main story in FO4, just like I enjoy Enderal more than the main campaign in Skyrim.

Though, I do plan on finishing both games, sometime.

However, as always, we'll see how it goes...
Bethesda makes dungeon crawlers, not RPG-s. And speaking of dungeon crawlers, Souls games have more RPG elements than Bethesda games:(
As usual per any major update - back-up your old-gen game-versions installed, mods, and whatnot before next-gen update comes.