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Splatsch: is there a game you want actually on sale ?
opticq: Besides Doorkickers, no. Just trying to get crits :P I like giving out games it's fun!
Speaking of gifting, opticq popped a very generous present in my inbox whilst I was saying goodnight to my girlfriend - thank you very much!!
LiefLayer: Ok I HAVE Dreamfall!!!!
Great! This calls for a celebratory tweet:
The best part of my job is editing out actors’ stomach-gurgling noises from dialogue lines. Really, the BEST. Man…stomachs.

In case you haven't seen it, a search for his name in this thread will reveal most of the stuff he posted 3 days ago. :)
LiefLayer: Ok I HAVE Dreamfall!!!!

season pass mean I will get all chapter for free right?
Pardinuz: 60 minutes left! Back our good old Looking Glass buddies' project!
I'm impressed. It made much more strech goals than I thought it would after the slow start of the campaign.
the_voivod: Morning!

Since they're still in the rotation, I'm tempted by the two Shadowrun games (which everybody was clamouring for but I had bigger (Nox) priorities). Then again they're in the 'Fresh' section, which means they'll take a gazillion years to surface. I honestly don't think I have the time nor patience.

I see Nox hasn't come back 'round yet. Interesting.
Don't start with Nox... :)
real.geizterfahr: It's awesome, but very, very hard. You have a couple of ships and you can choose their weapon loadout, but... there's basically just one "good" loadout to beat the game. And there's a lot of micromanagement waiting for you too. You'll have to give every ship the exact order when to use which weapon to fire at which ship or even subsystem of the ship (there are weapons against shields, weapons against hulls and weapons against subsystems).

It's a great game if you're into tactics.
Love myself some tactics, but there basically being one 'good' loadout sounds a bit offputting...
Then again, it's less than 2 euros.
LiefLayer: Ok I HAVE Dreamfall!!!!

season pass mean I will get all chapter for free right?
It means you'll get all of them when they are published.
LiefLayer: season pass mean I will get all chapter for free right?
Yes, and the second chapter is released on Monday!
LiefLayer: Ok I HAVE Dreamfall!!!!

season pass mean I will get all chapter for free right?
MarkoH01: Yes!
that's a great!
also I got 1,50€ for another game!
Tarnicus: If I hadn't surpassed my budget, which was going to far less than I have already spent, that is one title I would grab lol. I've still yet to complete the first one or even look at the second but the first game showed me enough to know that it is something that I would love. By the time I get round to it, it should be in the bargain bin :)
opticq: I had a dream that you happened to fall upon a code in your inbox :)
*grins* I am only just catching up with the thread again, and thank you so much!! I had to go and tell my girlfriend and got delayed returning (again!)
xep624: I'm glad that they got $850 k... However I have noticed that it's better not to put out stretch goals on day 1 - I find that being over confident. I was really appreciating Obsidian way - you reach your main goal and then you can think of your stretch goal one by one - it show you are a humble and not greedy developer.
Yup, you can tell they expected to have reached at least 1 million from the start. Once they saw that wasn't going to happen they restructured all the stretch goals and made them easier to achieve. It's hard to criticize them for that anyway. They're inexperienced with kickstarter and everyone expected it to fare better.
mm3n: Damn, I am kind of eager to grab Pharaoh + Cleopatra before it ends, but I know I've overspent already..... The game has been that much on sale before, can you guys talk me out of getting it now and wait for a future sale?
arxon: grab it, it's totally worth it if you like city builders and ancient Egypt.
Even just reading this post makes me want to fire it up and play again. Go for it.
the_voivod: I see Nox hasn't come back 'round yet. Interesting.

You know you want it. Even if you already have it.
HypersomniacLive: Good morning Master Tracker!
Tracker of many, Master of none. ;)

How are you this morning?
the_voivod: Morning!

Since they're still in the rotation, I'm tempted by the two Shadowrun games (which everybody was clamouring for but I had bigger (Nox) priorities). Then again they're in the 'Fresh' section, which means they'll take a gazillion years to surface. I honestly don't think I have the time nor patience.

I see Nox hasn't come back 'round yet. Interesting.
I have they same goal here - snatch two Dragonfall games. But it's midnight here and I rally have to go to sleep as I work again on Saturday and Sunday I'll do double shift... And because I have very small amount of points in Luck section of my personal S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point system, it means that when I wake up tomorrow morning those two games will be gone.... However one has to have hoe as sometimes good things happen :)