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the lord of the rings: return of the king

this gem

battle for middle earth series

star wars revenge of the sith was unbalanced (regular enemies VERY easy, bosses controller killing hard) but a fun and decent game
Post edited July 28, 2015 by dragonbeast
It was a great platformer, what did annoy me though was that the music was so loud.
Strijkbout: The Blade Runner adventure game was ok from what I remember although not it the same league as the movie.
Oh, yeah. i had forgotten that. This game is totally brilliant, and the most faithful hommage (and work of love) a movie could hope for in the videogame industry.
I remember enjoying Aladdin on the Super NES.

(Note that the Sega Genesis Aladdin game is apparently a completely different game. I haven't played it or watched videos of it, so I don't know how good it is.)
Strijkbout: It was a great platformer, what did annoy me though was that the music was so loud.
Yeah, the music in the game was definitely very loud but I kept the volume down and sometimes even played without sound.

Also while we're at it I would like to mention that "The Lion King" was also very good, back then Disney really cared about selecting good devs for their licensed games based on the animated movies. :)

EDIT: The linked video is quite interesting if any of you are curious about the development history of both Aladdin and The Lion King. As it is from the Double Fine Devs Play series which is quite informative covering some really good games if you haven't seen it before.
Post edited July 29, 2015 by stg83
enigmaxg2: Starwars, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman and 007 games haven't disappointed me.

The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer is also worth checking out, isn't a masterpiece but is above the average of animated movie licensed games.

Enter The Matrix and Matrix The Path of Neo are also worth playing (the second is a bit better tbh).

Sadly, for the last 3 (The Incredibles and Matrix ones) you must buy them boxed, there aren't digital versions of them (the eternal problem of licensed games :/)
I really liked Enter The Matrix, but it was the buggiest game I've ever played, I actually had to use a cheat to skip one of the levels in the airport because one of the cutscenes would crash the game.

Scarface: The World Is Yours is a solid GTA-clone, a mix of the 3D era GTA's and Saints Row 2. It could've stood on its own without the Scarface license in my opinion.

I'll have to agree with Breja, Constantine is a pretty good game, solid action horror. I played it before I ever saw the movie, to me the game stands on its own two feet.

Batman and Robin. Yes, it's based on the Batman movie everybody hates, but it's actually a really REALLY good game. It's an open world game where it's up to you to find clues and find out what is happening around Gotham City. You can fail missions if you don't find them in time as the world is living and breathing, nobody is waiting around for eternity waiting for you to show up, and failing missions does not bring up a "restart mission" menu, you have to live with the failure. It even has three playable characters (Batman, Robin, Batgirl), each has their own vehicle and fighting style. The one downside to this game is the clunky tank-like controls.

To kinda sidestep and include TV based games
Batman: Arkham Origins: Cold Cold Heart was a nice take on the legendary Batman: The Animated Series episode Heart of Ice.
Anyone ever play ALIENS for the Apple// ? It hasn't aged so well but when that came out it was fantastic, and followed the movie scene for scene. I remember being so impressed with the opening when they actually added the lines "Hudson Sir, he's Hicks."
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Nes.

- Aladdin, The Lion King, Batman, Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park Rampage Edition on Megadrive/Genesis.

- Goldeneye on N64.

- Dune 2000 and Emperor : Battle for Dune, Blade Runner, The Thing, LOTR : The Return of the King and The Battle for Middle-Earth serie on PC.

And all those I don't remember right now...
Post edited July 29, 2015 by MaxFulvus
tinyE: Anyone ever play ALIENS for the Apple// ? It hasn't aged so well but when that came out it was fantastic, and followed the movie scene for scene. I remember being so impressed with the opening when they actually added the lines "Hudson Sir, he's Hicks."
I've played the C64 version of that. I never managed to get past the dropship stage, though.

Curiously, there was another, completely different Aliens game for various home computers (such as the C64) released under the exact same title. It was essentially a rather intriguing, if simplistic, first person dungeon crawler with action and survival horror elements.